I Contracted Myself

【187】Eating fruit by mistake and losing a hand

It is common sense that children have a more sensitive sense of taste than adults, and they can taste many flavors that adults cannot taste.

Many people may have wondered why they could accept some foods that they did not eat or hated when they were young. Some people even think that this is a kind of spiritual growth, but in fact it is because the tongue is not as sensitive as when they were young, and many unpleasant flavors can no longer be felt.

Wu Ka is young, and it is the first time for him to eat candy, and what he eats is super candy produced by the rescue team and blessed by the awakened superpowers.

With so many BUFFs, it is not surprising that Wu Ka's reaction at this moment is exaggerated.

Wuming glanced at Wu Ka, who was trapped in the deliciousness of candy, and his mouth curled up slightly. He actually did it on purpose.

When he sees Zuo Xiangming later, he will definitely have a battle with Zuo Xiangming. Zuo Xiangming is best at using zombies to attack the enemy. Wuming and Zuo Xiangming will inevitably fight and there will be corpses everywhere. He does not want Wu Ka to see too much of this scene.

After entering the City Lord's Mansion, Bubble Shell moved directly to the location of Zuo Xiangming.

On the ground, a thick layer of green fungal carpet was laid at some point, a light green mist flowed on the surface, and green mold grew on the surrounding walls, spotted.

"It seems to be another atypical Zuo Xiangming."

Wuming narrowed his eyes and then said to himself.

There are atypical Zuo Xiangming, and there are naturally typical Zuo Xiangming. This is purely Wuming's own thoughts.

The typical Zuo Xiangming is Zuo Xiangming in his original world, and his superpower is zombie toxin. The zombie toxin does not have the effect in front of him, so the Zuo Xiangming in it is definitely not a common "style".

Wuming did not kill many of these different Zuo Xiangmings, but through these signs in front of him, he can also find the corresponding Zuo Xiangming in his heart and match him with the Zuo Xiangming in this world.

The bubble shell moved forward slowly.

After entering the master bedroom, Wuming saw blood everywhere on the ground.

The door of the secret room was open, and Wuming immediately controlled the bubble shell to walk inside, and then saw a broken palm on the ground.

This hand is fat and covered with small bumps, which looks very disgusting.

However, when Wuming saw this hand, he first confirmed his guess in his heart, and then felt confused. Zuo Xiangming had a broken palm. What happened?

Could it be that

there are unknown dangers in the secret room?

He glanced at Wu Ka who was still immersed in the deliciousness of candy, then calmed down and controlled the bubble shell to move forward.

A moment later, he saw Zuo Xiangming sitting on the floor of the secret room, with a strange hand sewn on the broken hand.

"Huh, you're just in time!"

Zuo Xiangming saw Wuming in the bubble shell and immediately stood up and smiled.

He didn't care who Wuming was or what Wuming wanted to do. Now he just wanted to test the power he had just got.

Power is born with the factor of destruction and killing. Now he feels great.

Raise your hand and punch.


A large amount of green mist sprayed out as he punched, forming a huge green fist mark in the middle and hitting Wuming.

The Gate of Victory appeared in front of Wuming in an instant, and then collided with the green fist print.

The City Lord's Mansion was very strong, but it was no different from tofu under this level of collision.

With a shocking explosion, the City Lord's Mansion exploded, and then quickly turned into dust.

The violent shock wave swept around.

The entire valley was flattened by the terrifying force.

"It was blocked!"

At the center of the explosion, Zuo Xiangming looked at the golden gate with a look of surprise on his face.

He knew best how terrifying the power of this hand was. Even if this hand was not in perfect condition now, killing an awakener like him was no different from killing a chicken.

How strong is the person who can block this attack?

"But now the destiny is in my hands!"

Zuo Xiangming quickly became confident again, mainly because the ability of this hand was too abnormal.

He clenched his fist, and the next moment his eyes locked on his broken hand not far from the bubble shell, and he activated his ability with a thought.

In the past, he could only roughly control the zombies, but now with the blessing of this hand, his control authority has increased countless times. Many methods that he dared not think of in the past, he can now do with ease.

In an instant, the broken hand absorbed a lot of energy from the fungal carpet on the ground, and it turned into a strange creature in an instant. The tentacle transformed by the little finger directly stabbed the bubble shell from behind.

This attack was launched at the same time as Zuo Xiangming. When Zuo Xiangming attacked with his little finger, he also raised his hand and punched.

The purpose of his punch was to contain Wuming's

Shengguang Gate. There was only one gate. Wuming used it to defend against the attack in front, but he could not defend against the attack behind. If he used it to defend against the attack behind, he would have to face Zuo Xiangming's terrifying punch.

Wuming's choice was... avoid it!

In a blink of an eye, the Shengguang Gate and the bubble shell disappeared at the same time.

Zuo Xiangming's attack collided with the attack of the broken hand. Zuo Xiangming groaned, and under the huge reaction force, the whole person rolled back like a balloon.

The Land of Ten Virtues.

Wuming looked at Wuka and said, "The battle is going to be dangerous... Wait, where is the fruit on my table?"

"Purple?" Wuka was stunned and asked weakly.

Wuming quickly controlled the information and checked Wuka. It turned out that Wuka had no major problems except for some malnutrition.

He looked at the candy helplessly and asked, "Why do you eat that fruit and not these candies?"

"It's too precious." Wu Ka replied weakly.

After eating a piece of candy, he felt that it was the most delicious thing in the world, and naturally he was reluctant to continue eating it. Besides, Wuming and he had just met, so he felt unworthy of eating such precious candy from Wuming.

But he was really hungry, so he finally chose the inconspicuous fruit on the table. In his opinion, fruit must be cheaper than candy. After all, a fruit picker like him can occasionally pick some less valuable fruit to eat himself.

Now that Wuming was so nervous, he asked with some anxiety, "Is that fruit expensive?"

In fact, he wanted to say that the fruit was not delicious at all and had a strange taste.

"It's not a question of whether it's expensive or not, but there's a lot of uncertainty." Wuming said helplessly.

He sighed and continued: "Wait for me here first. I will deal with Zuo Xiangming and then come back to take you for a more comprehensive examination."

After saying that, he was about to send Wu Ka out of the bubble space, but then he found that Wu Ka had turned into a dog.


Wuming paused for a moment. Wu Ka was puzzled at first as to why Wuming looked at him strangely, but when he lowered his head and looked at himself, he realized that he had turned into a dog.

"Why did I turn into a dog?" Wuka asked in horror.

Wuming complained: "This is the uncertainty of fruit."

Fortunately, he was more cautious, so he didn't take any risks, otherwise he would be the one who turned into a dog now.

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