I Contracted Myself

【188】Change Fruit

In the bubble space, one person and one dog looked at each other in silence.

After a moment, Gouzi asked with tears in his eyes: "Then can I change back to my original appearance?"

"This...it's hard to say. If I knew, I wouldn't say it's full of uncertainty." Wuming scratched the back of his head and said somewhat innocently.

To be honest, he wanted to put aside the witchcraft and deal with Zuo Xiangming beforehand. After all, Zuo Xiangming was more cautious no matter which world he was in. He probably realized that he was not weak just after confronting him.

With Zuo Xiangming's character, he would definitely not choose a head-on confrontation when the time comes.

Continue to waste time here. Once Zuo Xiangming runs away, it will be difficult to find him again.

The problem is that there are too many uncertainties in Wu Ka's current situation. What if Wu Ka is left in the sea of ​​flowers, and when he comes back after beating Zuo Xiangming, there will be only one dead dog left in the sea of ​​flowers?

When one person and one dog were silent again, Wu Ka's body suddenly twisted, and the next moment Wuming thought he was going to change back, he turned into a gorilla.

One person and one orangutan looked at each other in silence again.

After a while, Wuming touched his chin and said seriously: "It seems there is a big problem with this fruit."

"Isn't this nonsense?" Wu Ka said on the verge of tears.

Become a dog, become a gorilla, who knows what else you will turn into next?

What if I turn into an ant and get trampled to death?

"Calm down first, close your eyes and see if you can control this change. Since the matter has come to this, we must first try to take the initiative." Wuming said embarrassedly.

After hearing this, Wu Ka immediately closed his eyes and tried. He felt that there seemed to be many light spots of different colors in the darkness.

Are those light spots just different transformation abilities?

Wuka thought to himself, and immediately tried to collect those light spots. When he encountered several light spots, he immediately opened his eyes and looked down, and saw that the hands of the orangutan were still the hands of the orangutan.

"I obviously saw a lot of light spots, why...is it wrong?" He said to himself.

Wuming reminded: "Well... the place we are now is a sea of ​​colorful flowers. The light spots you see when you close your eyes may be the afterimages of those flowers left in your mind."

Normal people know that if you look up at the sun, and then close your eyes, the light spots after looking directly at the sun will remain.

The light spots Wu Ka saw when he closed his eyes were not switches at all, they were just normal physiological phenomena.



Wu Ka lowered his head and felt a little disappointed.

But then he felt new changes in his body. After a while, he turned into a pig.

"It seems like... I can't even guess what will happen next." Wuming opened his mouth and finally sighed.

Wuka lay down resignedly, looked sideways at the table for a while, and said, "I want to eat sweets."

If I had known he would just eat candies, why would he eat the fruit on the table?

Wuming peeled off the wrapper of a candy, then fed the candy to Wu Ka, and comforted him: "Don't worry, we will go back to the rescue team for a detailed inspection. Trust me, you will be fine."

"Well, thank you. I'm sorry that I ate your food randomly." Wu Ka nodded and then said dullly.

Wuming touched Wu Ka's pig head and said with a smile: "Actually, I was also at fault. I shouldn't have put things around carelessly."

After saying that, he quietly glanced at the table. There were many messy things on the table, and there were even several shells, although those shells were only toy-level shells.

"By the way, since you have turned into a pig now, if I cut off your pig ears and fry them as a snack, will you be able to grow the ears again next time?" Wuming's mind was wide open and he suddenly asked curiously .

Wu Ka was so frightened that he quickly stood up and backed away, and said in horror: "But what if it doesn't grow back?"

"Don't be afraid, the rescue team has the best doctors. Even if your bird is broken, the doctor can make it grow back for you!" Wuming said with a smile, staring at Wuka's pig ears with curiosity.

But at this moment, Wu Ka's body deformed again, and finally turned into a colorful parrot.

"Ah, what a pity." Wuming looked at it and sighed.

The wizard said dissatisfied: "It's not a pity at all!"

"Okay, judging from the current situation, you will only transform into different animals intermittently. You wait here for me for a while, I will deal with Zuo Xiangming and then come back!" Wuming's expression became serious at this time, and he looked at Wuka said.

He just made a joke, just to let Wu Ka relax and not be so stressed.

Of course, Qi Wu Ka is just trying to divert attention.

"Are you really going to come back again?" Wu Ka asked worriedly.

Wuming nodded: "Yes, I promise!"

"Well, then I'll wait for you to come back!

"Wuka nodded.

But just when Wuming was about to let Wuka go out, Wuka's body changed shape again, and Wuming waited helplessly.

The next moment, Wu Ka turned into a black fish.

He bounced on the ground and said at the same time: "Help, I can't breathe."

Wuming quickly took out a bucket, filled it with water and put Wu Ka into the water. Sure enough, Wu Ka quickly adapted to the water. He floated to the surface and said helplessly: "What should we do now?"

"It's hard to handle." Wuming said.

In this situation, if the wizard is left in the Land of the Ten Good Deeds, he may really die if he becomes an immobile creature.

Of course, he can also find someone to watch over Wu Ka.

The problem is that Wu Ka's transformation is completely random, which is actually very dangerous. Who can watch him here?

The only person he can trust is Lin Renmei, but the problem is that Lin Renmei is as busy as he is and has no time at all.

Moreover, if Lin Renmei has time, it would be better to ask Lin Renmei to punch Zuo Xiangming to death than to let Lin Renmei watch Wu Ka here.

"Can we go together? I will definitely not eat randomly this time!" Wu Ka said at this time.

He actually had this idea in his mind. He wanted to see with his own eyes the murderer who destroyed Gancheng and killed Wu Ma being executed.

Wuming looked at Wu Ka suspiciously and asked, "Can you control what you become?"

"I really can't." Wu Ka quickly shook his body and said.

Wuming was silent for a moment, and Wu Ka's words were still credible.

But he guessed that Wu Ka's desire to watch his fight with Zuo Xiangming should have been an idea he had long ago.

"Forget it, since you want to go, let's go."

Wuming originally wanted to refuse, but Wu Ka's transformation was extremely uncertain, and he understood Wu Ka's hatred. If he could channel it in time, it would actually be a good thing.

But doing so would be a bit dangerous.

There is something wrong with Zuo Xiangming. His strength is too abnormal. Wuming cannot guarantee Wu Ka's safety.

During the process of returning to Gancheng, Wuming asked: "Zuo Xiangming's broken hand... Forget it, you definitely don't know if I ask you."

There is no doubt that all of Zuo Xiangming's problems originated from the newly attached hand. This hand made Zuo Xiangming not hesitate to cut off his own hand and install it. It must be not simple.

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