I Contracted Myself

【189】Five super powers

Wuming knew very well that the severed hand was supposed to be hidden in the secret room, so it could be seen that not many people knew its information.

Wu Ming was just a child. From the way he dressed, he knew that Wuka himself must have had a relatively bad life, and he was incompatible with the city lord's mansion. Even if Wuming asked, it would be in vain.

"Do you have parents?" Wuming thought for a while and asked.

Wu Ka shook his head and said: "Dead."

"Well, do you need help burying them?" Wuming was not surprised and asked.

Wu Ka shook his head and said: "They are already dead."

"Oh, I understand, orphan, so am I." Wuming nodded.

Wu Ka glanced at Wuming and asked curiously: "Why are you so powerful? Can I become as powerful as you?"

"It's hard to say. It requires a lot of effort. For example, you can control yourself and become whatever you want." Wuming replied.

After hearing this, Wu Ka immediately closed his eyes and tried to think of a way to control his transformation.

While they were chatting, Bubble Shell returned to Gancheng, and sure enough, Zuo Xiangming had escaped.

However, Wuming had just been lingering with Wuka, but he was actually counting the time in his heart. He believed that Zuo Xiangming had not escaped from the scanning range of his telekinesis.

In an instant, mental power swept around, and Zuo Xiangming, who was riding a cow hundreds of kilometers away, was immediately targeted.

The moment Zuo Xiangming was locked by telepathy, he also felt that he was locked. He turned back and glanced in the direction of Gancheng, frowned and said: "Damn it, the ghost is still there."

He didn't want to fight Wuming anymore, mainly because Wuming's dodge ability was too cheating.

As long as Wuming uses the same method to avoid his attacks, it will be too difficult for him to kill Wuming.

But if it doesn't work now, it doesn't mean it won't work in the future. When he masters the new power, as long as Wuming dares to appear in front of him, he will definitely punch Wuming to death.

"Let's go!"

Zuo Xiangming had a lot of ideas in his mind, but his approach was very realistic.

He inserted his palm into the back of the mount, and the next moment the mount's muscles began to swell. It was originally just an ordinary bison, but now it has become muscular, with the lines leaning towards the appearance of a muscular horse.

Of course, this change brings about a sudden increase in speed!

Zuo Xiangming sat on the back of the living bison corpse and continued to sense the power of this hand. This hand had a total of five abilities, each of which was very buggy.

Thumbs up

Power is to control all things, no matter what, he can control it with his thumb.

However, this requires experience. Although Zuo Xiangming can barely influence the surroundings with his thumb, there is still a long way to go before he can truly control it.

This is also the reason why he did not use his thumb ability in the previous battle with Wuming. Compared with Thumb's half-baked ability, it is not as convenient as his original ability.

Of course, this is only temporary. When he completely controls this power, his thumb will definitely be able to exert its original power.

After the thumb is the index finger, the finger that was bleeding before.

The ability of the index finger is super enhanced.

In fact, there is no need to drink blood for it to take effect, but after drinking blood, there will be no rejection reaction when the hand is connected, so Zuo Xiangming simply drank the bowl of blood.

The green fist mark that Zuo Xiangming made when fighting Wuming was actually strengthened by his index finger. He himself couldn't actually hit such a strong attack. He could barely punch out with one punch, and Wuming's side was probably only as good as a breeze blowing on his face.

As for the remaining middle finger, ring finger, and little finger, they have concept giving, clearing attributes, and the last link.

Concept granting allows you to randomly add a concept to something, such as strong luck, while clearing attributes is a magic oil ability like an eraser, which can erase the enemy's superpowers.

The last link is the most mysterious ability.

At present, Zuo Xiangming has not figured out the use of this ability.

Mastering all things, super strengthening, giving concepts, clearing attributes, the last link.

Zuo Xiangming believes that once he fully masters these five abilities, Wuming will have nothing to fear.

In addition, he discovered that the intensity of these five superpowers was not like ordinary superpowers at all. As a backup member of the Infinite Organization, he also knew many secrets.

He felt that the intensity of these five superpowers was even stronger than the superpowers of the Transcendent and the Realm.

As for going further, because he has never seen those strong men take action with his own eyes, he is not sure whether the super power of this hand can surpass those of those strong men.

In his opinion, the Awakened One is the existence at the bottom of the pyramid, then the Transcendent One, and then the Realm One... The higher up the pyramid, the higher the priority of superpowers.

This hand is equivalent to allowing him to jump from the top awakened person to the realm person, or even above the realm person.

Of course, all this

There is one premise, that is, he completely controls this hand.

However, he wanted to run away, but Wuming refused.

When the bison ran to the foot of a mountain wall, the entire mountain wall suddenly shook, and then turned into huge palms to grab the bison living corpse on the ground and Zuo Xiangming on the back of the bison living corpse.

Zuo Xiangming immediately raised his hand and punched out with the super-enhanced blessing.

His strength is not strong, but with super enhancement, this punch bombarded the air but caused an air shock, and the shock wave directly defeated the mountain wall.


Zuo Xiangming suddenly felt a needle-like gaze on his back, and his face immediately became extremely ugly.

He controlled the living buffalo corpse to stop, looked back at Wuming, who was flying quickly in the distance, and couldn't help but secretly hate in his heart: "There is a road to heaven but if you don't take it, if there is no door to hell and you come in, then I will give you a ride!"

Then he held down the living buffalo corpse next to him with one hand, and activated concept granting and super strengthening at the same time. However, because he was relatively unfamiliar, the concept granting was only randomly assigned to the strange concept of [Tough Body].

As for the use of a strong body, Zuo Xiangming didn't know.

As for the super enhancement, it may be because he drank the blood of his index finger, so the effect is very good.

The living bison corpse immediately changed, its body expanded crazily, and two huge eyes grew on the side of its head. After the complete transformation, it transformed into the appearance of a bull head and a human body.


Zuo Xiangming gave an order, and countless beams of light shot out from the two big eyes.

At the same time, the living bison roared, and red air seemed to flow out of its body. It appeared above the bubble shell in the blink of an eye, and its hooves slammed down hard.

Fortunately, the bubble shell is quite hard.

It was only slightly deformed by this blow and was not shattered.

Wuming quickly controlled the bubble shell and quickly retreated. At the same time, he glanced at Zuo Xiangming's hand and couldn't help but sigh: "It's really scary."

If it were a normal version of Zuo Xiangming, even if it was an atypical one, he would be sure to kill him very quickly.

But this Zuo Xiangming went too far, and that hand was extremely difficult to deal with.

It is simply unscientific for an ordinary bison to be strengthened to the point of breaking down space barriers. Even Lin Renmei couldn't do such an exaggerated thing.

However, after he identified the living bison carcass, he couldn't help but show surprise.

A strong body, what a good thing!

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