I Contracted Myself

【190】Stealing from the sky

[Concept: Tenacious Body]

[Effect 1: The closer to death, the higher the resistance to death. 】

[Effect 2: The attack has an 'unyielding' effect. The more serious the injury, the greater the damage to the target. 】


Is this what that hand is capable of?

Wuming avoided the attack of the living bison corpse again, guessing in his mind.

The normal Zuo Xiangming definitely does not have the ability to give "concepts" to living corpses. Although there is no guarantee that this Zuo Xiangming does not have it, Wuming has an intuition that this is the effect of that hand.

Because the bison living corpse itself is already dead, the effect of the tenacious body is almost 100% exerted on it.

This attack is not a pure physical attack, but more like targeted superpower damage.

It's like a snake that specializes in killing beasts, humans, birds, and nighthawks.

Because it is aimed at a certain situation or a certain race, when attacking a specific target, the power will be exaggerated, but the actual physical effect will not be too strong.

The living bison corpse can dent the bubble shell purely because the bubble shell is part of the nameless ability.

The "unyielding" effect in its concept is fully realized, and the shell of the bubble is deformed.

If it continues to attack, the bubble shell will really explode.

But Wuming will definitely not let it continue.

When the bison living corpse jumped from the ground for the third time and appeared in front of the bubble shell as if teleporting, two beams of light shot out from the bubble shell in an instant.

This scene was like a bison jumping up to receive Wuming's attack, hitting the beam of light just in time.

The defense of the living bison corpse did not become stronger. The beam swept through it and it split into two halves, from the head to the tailbone.

The next second, Wuming flashed behind Zuo Xiangming. The sharp mist pierced out from the bubble shell and slashed directly at Zuo Xiangming's right hand. However, Zuo Xiangming did not react slowly and immediately rolled forward while protecting his right hand. Green mist spurted out from his back.

call out!

The sword flashed instantly.

The nameless control bubble shell retreated through the mist sprayed by Zuo Xiangming.

A gust of wind blew by, and the fog quickly dispersed.

Wuming sat cross-legged in the bubble shell shaped like a Patrick's star and looked calmly at Zuo Xiangming in front of him, while Zuo Xiangming covered his right hand and stared at Wuming with an ugly expression.

The Wuming knife just now was too fast.

Zuo Xiangming didn't expect that Wuming would be so powerful that he could suddenly kill the living buffalo corpse instantly, and he didn't expect that Wuming would turn around and attack him so quickly after killing the living buffalo corpse.

After all, Zuo Xiangming is better at commanding living zombies to fight in the dark, and his own combat literacy is not high.

Therefore, he paid the price for his carelessness and negligence.

The thumb and index finger of the severed right hand are missing!

Zuo Xiangming bandaged the wound with clothes and gritted his teeth: "It seems that I underestimated you. You have been hiding your clumsiness..."

While he was speaking, Wuming suddenly launched an attack, and two laser beams were shot from the bubble shell.

Your mother!

Zuo Xiangming didn't expect Wuming to be so ungrateful in martial arts, so he quickly rolled around to avoid the attack.

When he wanted to re-determine Wuming's position, a large amount of soil rolled on the ground and turned into a huge palm to squeeze hard. Zuo Xiangming was in the center of this palm, and his shit was almost squeezed out under this grip. .

Fortunately, he has the same ability as other Zuo Xiangming. He cannot be killed until all the living corpses are dead.

Under the control of his mind, the nearest living corpses gathered around, but Wuming floated, the laser swept around, and all the living corpses exploded with flesh and blood on the spot.

But this still gave Zuo Xiangming a chance to breathe.

The head belonging to Situ Shibai on his shoulder immediately opened its mouth and roared, and he appeared hundreds of meters away from the Grasp of the Earth. Just as a roc avoided the laser, it fell from the sky, grabbed his shoulder with its sharp claws, and immediately flew into the sky.

I have to say that his escape was really smooth. It happened to be that Wuming turned his back to him. When Wuming turned around the next second, he was already riding the Dapeng with the wind, soaring to 90,000 yuan. inside.

Wuming was stunned for a moment, then retracted the laser, controlled the bubble shell, and quickly pursued it.

Inside the bubble shell, Wuming lowered his head to observe the two fingers.

In fact, these two fingers are connected together, not two separate fingers. They are connected together by the skin of the tiger's mouth. They look bloody and disgusting.

"What's this?"

Wu Ka jumped on the table and asked curiously.

At this time, he had turned into a grasshopper, with amazing jumping ability, but the angle of seeing the world was a bit bad. In its eyes, there were countless thumbs and index fingers on the broken hand, and they were very...


"have no idea."

Wuming replied.

If asked purely what it was, Wuming would say it was a finger.

But he knew that this was not what Wu Ka was asking. After all, normal people knew that this was a finger.

This hand was very similar to something floating too long in the void. His identification technique could not identify the fingers, but through Zuo Xiangming, he roughly guessed how to use these two fingers.

But if he really had to cut off two of his fingers and install these fingers of unknown origin, he would definitely not do it.

When he was about to put two fingers into Dream City and study them slowly when he had time later, suddenly the two fingers began to turn into jade, and finally turned into a figure-eight jade stone.

What's going on?

Wuming frowned, always feeling that this finger was more dangerous.

He didn't even intend to touch it this time, and simply used his telekinesis to throw his finger into the Dream City.

The worst result is to throw something outside the Dream City. The boundless darkness is believed to be able to digest this thing very well.

At the same time, in this world, a pair of eyes slowly opened.

He has no body, only a pair of eyes, and these eyes are like drawn on a piece of drawing paper.

"Who stole my authority?"

He instinctively looked in the direction where the authority disappeared, and then slowly closed his eyes.

In an instant, the planet accelerated.

In the sky, Zuo Xiangming was riding on Dapeng, cursing Wuming in his heart. Suddenly, he felt a pain in his right hand, and thought that the wound had broken and bled again.

He frowned and lifted the clothes that were temporarily bandaged for the wound, and suddenly found that granulation had grown on the broken part of his right hand, and at the same time, an eye had appeared in the palm of his hand without knowing when.

"Not good!"

Zuo Xiangming reacted very quickly and immediately wanted to cut off this hand.

But as soon as he raised his left hand, a large amount of golden blood spread from the broken hand to his whole body, and his face suddenly turned golden.

Dapeng suddenly stopped, as if frozen in the air, and one hand gently stroked its back, and then its body began to expand, and at the same time its feathers turned golden.

"Here it comes."

Zuo Xiangming said lightly.

Then he pressed Situ Shibai on his shoulder with his right hand, and Situ Shibai's face immediately bulged and slowly grew out, looking like he had grown an extra head.

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