I Contracted Myself

【191】Let There Be Light


Wuming caught up and when he saw Zuo Xiangming, he couldn't help shouting.

At this moment, Zuo Xiangming looked like a two-headed demon. His face was golden, while Situ Shibai's face was pale and gray-silver. When the gold and silver came together, Wuming immediately thought of it. It's the Golden Horned King and the Silver Horned King who have merged.

Zuo Xiangming glanced at Wuming, then suddenly stretched out his right hand and pointed at Wuming with his only finger.

Have you ever seen the Nine Stars Lianzhu?

Wuming had never seen it before, but when Zuo Xiangming raised his hand, he felt that he had seen it.

For an instant, there seemed to be countless stars connected in a string in the sky, and then he saw light, and the bright light turned into a line.

not good!

Wuming reacted and quickly backed away crazily, while the Door of Victory Light blocked the front.

A compressed planet appeared out of thin air and hit the Gate of Victory Light at an unimaginable speed. A huge crack immediately appeared in the Gate of Victory Light.

Then the second compressed planet appeared and hit the previous planet again, causing more cracks in the Gate of Victory Light.

Everything happened extremely fast, and the impact of the two planets didn't even take a second.

Wuming quickly took back the Gate of Victory Light and disappeared into thin air the next moment.

"Run away again."

Zuo Xiangming frowned and said when he saw this scene.

At this moment, Zuo Xiangming's state was actually very strange. He was still himself but there seemed to be some new changes. For example, the object of his allegiance was no longer himself, and his fear of death was not as strong as before.

He just wanted to kill Wu Ming because he hated Wu Ming.

A place of ten virtues.

Wuming looked at the Gate of Shengguang with heartache. He really didn't expect that the Gate of Shengguang would not be able to block Zuo Xiangming's attack.

"What happened to Zuo Xiangming just now? He suddenly became so much stronger." He was very confused. With Zuo Xiangming's strength, it was impossible to use such a powerful superpower.

Even he cannot compress a planet to hit people.

What was even more terrifying was that Zuo Xiangming compressed nine planets to hit him. The technical content was so high that neither Zuo Xiangming nor Situ Shibai could possibly do it.

After all, compressing the planet is only the first step. It is very difficult to ensure that the planet will not explode. The second step is even more difficult. These exaggerated compressed planets with large masses appear.

On their planet, black holes can normally be created.

But the two compressed planets appeared and almost smashed the Shengguang Gate. None of the effects that the huge gravity should have produced appeared.

And there's speed.

Those compressed planets are flying from space, which is definitely faster than the speed of light, but what is the result?

No shit.

How many superpowers are used here? Who has such huge energy to drive these superpowers?

It’s unscientific!

Wuming couldn't even figure out what was going on.

"It seems... we have to call for support!"

Wuming scratched his itchy scalp and finally sighed helplessly.

Lin Renmei is also very busy now. If it is not necessary, he actually does not want to trouble Lin Renmei.

But now is the right time to send Wu Ka to the medical research team of the rescue team to see if Wu Ka's situation can be saved.

During his fight with Zuo Xiangming, Wu Ka had changed dozens of times, from an ant to an elephant, and later even turned into a giant dragon.

If Wu Ka can stabilize the transformation effect, this ability actually has a lot of potential. The only problem is that this ability is not controllable at all.

A few minutes later, Wuming sent Wuka to the medical research team. After some comfort, he left the hospital under Wuka's reluctant eyes.

Then he contacted Lin Renmei and asked, "Renmei, are you busy?"

"Speak directly, don't ask if you are here, don't ask if you are busy." Lin Renmei said straightforwardly.

Wuming vaguely heard thunder and the roar of monsters coming from Lin Renmei's side, but soon all the sounds turned into the sound of broken bones.

"The enemy is Zuo Xiangming, who is a bit tricky." Wuming said quickly.

Lin Renmei replied: "I know, wait for me for ten minutes!"

After turning off the communication, Wuming closed his eyes, and the next moment he appeared in Dream City.

Things have piled up in Dream City. The useful ones are inside the castle, while the useless ones are piled outside the castle. Because he is too lazy to sort them out, Dream City now looks like a scrap recycling bin.

Wuming picked up the thumb and index finger of the severed hand and was a little confused. Is this thing really that powerful?

The most reasonable guess at present is that Zuo Xiangming obtained some mysterious power from the severed hand, so his strength increased dramatically. Although he became a two-headed

It's a lot uglier, but it has definitely become stronger.

Since the severed hand really contains some mysterious power, can you try it in Dream City?

The next moment, Wuming closed his eyes, and dense palms sprouted from his back, looking like the Thousand-Handed Guanyin.

Then he stretched one hand out in front of him, cut off his thumb and index finger, and then attached the broken thumb and index finger to his hand. Because everything was just a dream, there was no pain.


Wuming suddenly felt that Dream City seemed to have an extra force.

He immediately raised his hand to activate his ability, and the scope of Dream City rapidly expanded, with the area directly increasing a hundred times.

"This is the power of the index finger, that's what it is."

Wuming felt it, looked at the white jade-like index finger, and understood clearly in his heart.

The reason why Zuo Xiangming was able to confront him head-on before was obviously because of the power of this finger.

After he cut off Zuo Xiangming's finger, it was not so easy for Zuo Xiangming to break free from the Earth's Grip.

Then he looked at his thumb. Since the index finger had magical power, the thumb should also have extraordinary power. He tried to activate the ability, and then he showed surprise.

"Mastering everything, this is too cheating."

Wuming confirmed again and again, and finally couldn't help complaining.

At the same time, he was a little strange. If Zuo Xiangming used this ability, he would definitely not be able to beat Zuo Xiangming.

Is there any flaw in this ability?

He closed his eyes and tried to control everything in the Dream City according to his will. Then his will extended infinitely, and everything in the dream began to change.

It turned out that no matter how real the Dream City was, it was just a dream, but under the power of the thumb, the dream seemed to have a real attribute.

"I want light!"

Wuming thought about it and said.

In an instant, the light illuminated the entire dream, and even began to extend out of the dream.

At the same time, countless creatures in countless worlds who were sleeping and dreaming felt the dazzling light, and some animals were awakened instantly, and then looked around suspiciously.

"Let there be wind!"

Wuming looked at the sun he created and said with a smile.

Then the wind appeared, it began to flow, connecting one world after another, and countless strange dreams were born.

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