I Contracted Myself

【192】Space-based artillery

This is the authority of God!

Wuming felt the breeze blowing and thought to himself.

It was so scary in the dream, so what about the real world?

Although Wuming could still feel the limit of his thumb, it was already exaggerated enough, and now he seemed to have gained an exaggerated power in the dream world.

In the real world, ten minutes passed in a flash.

Wuming opened his eyes and Lin Renmei came towards him.

He smiled and pulled Lin Renmei into the bubble shell.

Lin Renmei sat down next to Wuming and said, "Let's go, quickly deal with the enemy, I still have several tasks to do!"


Wuming nodded, and then prepared to find trouble with Zuo Xiangming. If possible, he was ready to snatch all the broken hands.

But at this moment, Lin Renmei's expression changed slightly and said, "Wait!"

"Huh?" Wuming stopped and looked at Lin Renmei in confusion.

Lin Renmei looked at the gate to the parallel world and frowned, saying, "I have a feeling that that world is very dangerous to me. If I enter it... I will die!"

"Where does the threat come from?" Wuming asked.

Lin Renmei shook her head and said, "I don't know. It's just a hunch, but you know, my hunch is rarely wrong."

In fact, there has been no mistake.

Wuming thought for a while and said, "Then you stay in the Ten Good Places and wait for me. I'll take a look at the situation and find the source of the threat first."

"Yeah." Lin Renmei nodded in agreement.

The hidden danger and the exposed danger are definitely not the same in terms of danger.

The former is extremely deadly, while the latter can actually be dealt with as long as you are prepared.

Wuming sent Lin Renmei to the Ten Good Places and then returned to Wu Ka's world again.

But this world is already a little strange.

Wuming blinked and it took him a while to make sure that he had not walked into the wrong world.

At this time, the ground of the planet was covered by green mist, and large trees made of eyeballs grew out of the mist.

Densely packed creatures similar to bats were flying around, seemingly searching for something.

Soon, Wuming knew what they were searching for.

These flying creatures immediately made sharp cries when they met him, and then

the eyeballs and trees on the ground turned their eyes and locked their sights on him.


So they were looking for me!

Wuming understood at this moment.

Then, a loud and earth-shaking noise came from below.

The green mist on the ground was surging wildly, and a huge bone hand broke through the mist and grabbed Wuming in the air from bottom to top.

Although it was big, it was also very flexible and extremely fast.

Wuming barely avoided its first attack, and then there was a loud rumble around, and bone hands stretched out from the mist, and finally formed a siege.

"This is too exaggerated!"

Wuming released a large amount of dark mist to form a blade to cut down, and the blade collided with the bone hand, but it did not cut off the bone hand.

He roared and immediately flew up, who knew that a meteor above would suddenly hit him.

The meteor appeared very abruptly, without any signs at all.

The front of the bubble shell was hit by the meteor. After a loud bang, the huge meteor split into two halves, and a crack appeared on the bubble shell.

Wuming gritted his teeth and continued to control the bubble shell to fly upwards. Suddenly, he felt a chill on his back and felt that he was being watched.

He looked back suddenly, and the ground became more and more blurry, but under this blur, the whole planet seemed to have become a green eye.

This eye was looking at him!


Wuming was almost scared and fled back to the Ten Goodness Land. This was much more terrifying than the last time he encountered the giant snake on the Red Cloud Star.

"This... this... this... this... what the hell is this?"

Wuming shouted in his heart, but continued to fly upwards. Those bone hands chased for a distance and finally gave up.

But Wuming did not feel safe at all, but felt a greater sense of terror.

"I understand!"

"Zuo Xiangming may have been controlled."

"If I'm not mistaken, this eye should belong to the owner of the severed hand."

"Was it awakened by me? Because I put my finger into the Dream City?"

"Now it seems that if I give it back to it, it probably won't let me go."

"But... what should I do?"

The more terrified Wuming was, the calmer he became. In a flash, his brain was working at high speed, and countless information was integrated with the help of information control, and the truth suddenly surfaced.

Although this

truth was too exaggerated, the scene in front of him was so exaggerated that Wuming could accept the truth no matter how bizarre it was.

In fact, he considered returning the finger to this terrifying existence for a few tenths of a second, but he soon realized that this thing itself might not be a good thing.

This severed hand came from the secret room of Gancheng, and it must have been controlled by a big shot in Gancheng before.

But was it really controlled by the other party?

Maybe the other party just became a consumable of this hand.

Although Wuming was not quite sure of the other party's purpose, he could tell from the fact that he attacked after he found out that his finger was sent to Dream City that this guy definitely had bad intentions.

"Since the entire planet has become his eyes, I'm afraid most people are in danger. Let's first confirm if there are any survivors!"

Wuming thought about it, and immediately controlled the bubble shell to continue flying into the sky, while the dragon shell instantly covered the bubble shell.

Although the bubble shell is very useful, if it is a battle, the dragon shell is more convenient and more powerful.

In an instant, the dragon shell turned into a red dragon flying around the planet, and countless green light spots sprinkled on the ground. Through these green lights, Wuming can judge whether there are any survivors on this planet.

If there are still people alive, he will definitely choose to save them first.

If there are no survivors on this planet, then he will do a big job!

How fast is the dragon shell bursting at full power?

Faster than light!

Of course, it is not that the dragon shell is really super-light speed, but that the dragon shell can jump in space and flash back and forth at different nodes.

In just half an hour, Wuming determined the situation of this planet, and there were no living people!

Originally, there were two cities outside Gancheng on this planet, but the people in those two cities had been made into zombie puppets by Zuo Xiangming, and they were wandering around the world, probably looking for him.

"Since there are no more people who need to be rescued, then... blast him!"

Wuming was expressionless at first, but when he was halfway through, he couldn't suppress his anger and couldn't help but yell.

When searching for survivors in the Dragon Shell, he actually guessed in his heart that the people on this planet were in danger, but guessing and seeing are two different things.

Now he just wants the murderer behind everything to go to hell.

The moment he chanted, the Dragon Shell opened its mouth, and a large sun boundary needle shot out in flames and light, instantly hitting the ground.

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