I Contracted Myself

【193】 The Fallen God

In an instant, the earth bloomed like petals, and layers of bone hands kept pouring out from the ground.


The Great Sun Delimiting Divine Needle collided with the bone hand. The internal structure of the Great Sun Delimiting Divine Needle was destroyed. The energy belonging to the star shot out from the cracks in the space debris. The whole world turned into white, and countless bone hands melted in the white light. .

Just when Wuming thought that the overall situation had been decided, and that the entire planet would be wiped out together with the Great Sun's Delimiting Needle, suddenly in the vast white space, a pair of indifferent eyes without any emotion suddenly opened.

These eyes are very big, and the eyeballs are like bright moons, with the world reflected in them.

God's way!

When Wuming saw these eyes, the closest words immediately came to mind. At the same time, he realized that the danger Lin Renmei was talking about was probably these eyes.

Suddenly, these eyes stared at Wuming, and countless strange colors suddenly appeared in the pupils.

Dragons, bubbles, babies...

Wuming also saw these scenes through these eyes.

Finally, a black sun appeared in the eyes. The eyes suddenly shook violently, and then an obvious crack appeared in one of the eyes.

It hurts!

Wuming was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly felt a creepy feeling.

Suddenly, an extremely sharp sound came from the ground, and the entire planet shook violently. Countless bones and corpses surged out from the ground, and then they all raised their hands.

A faint colored energy erupted from the ground, covering the entire world, and finally spread upwards, blending with the eyes, and finally formed a translucent snake.

This big snake seemed to be entrenched on the planet, its eyes staring coldly at Wuming.

In fact, just when its eyes opened, the Great Sun Delimiting Divine Needle was annihilated. Now it appears in the form of a big snake, suppressing the surrounding space. Wuming feels like the dragon's shell has accidentally fallen into pine resin. The insects inside were completely unable to move.

"The one who perishes?"

"No, it should be said...the God of Perdition!"

The nameless body was inside the bubble shell and was not greatly affected.

He has dealt with many sinking people. Most of the sinking people will give up their bodies and eventually exist in the form of energy. Their thoughts are also strange, some are very evil, and some are very evil.

Very crazy, but there are also some beings that can be controlled as long as the conditions are met.

But even if all the fallen people he had seen before were put together, they were no match for the fallen snake in front of him.

Wuming had no doubt that this big snake had the power to destroy the dragon's shell.

If the God of Perdition who only had one pair of eyes just now represents the nature of heaven, then the God of Perdition who is completely angry now is the real God of Perdition.

The next blow will definitely be a heaven-destroying and earth-destroying attack!

Can't beat it, absolutely can't beat it!

Wuming immediately decided to fight, but at this moment, a black crack suddenly appeared next to the big snake. The big snake's eyes suddenly opened, and an energy storm appeared out of thin air next to the crack.

"Ouch, ouch, it's a bit hot."

A man's slightly frivolous voice came from the storm.

Then he inserted one hand into the energy storm and lightly swiped it, instantly dispelling the energy storm.

"The Dark Lord!"

Wuming narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw the man coming out of the crack.

Although he knew that one day he would have to fight to the death with the King of Darkness, it was obviously not at this time.

He silently stepped back, just as the Sunken God's attention had been transferred to the Lord of Darkness, the pressure on him was greatly reduced, and he could easily evacuate even with the dragon shell.

Neither the God of Sinking nor the King of Darkness looked at the Dragon Shell. They stared at each other. The next moment, the King of Darkness broke the silence first and said with a smile: "It seems that the damn fat guy's luck is really bad. He unexpectedly ended up in a place like this." "

He looked down at the ground, then stretched out his hand. The space was instantly distorted, and Zuo Xiangming fell into his hand.

"King, king... king!!!"

When Zuo Xiangming saw the King of Darkness, he was confused at first and then shouted tremblingly.

But the next second, a golden light suddenly burst out from his right hand, and his whole body turned to jade in an instant, and then exploded, and a large amount of green plague mist dispersed.

The King of Darkness smiled in the fog: "No creativity, no surprises at all."


As soon as the King of Darkness finished speaking, a thick black beam shot out from the ground. The King of Darkness did not dodge and was hit from the front. His whole body was blown away on the spot, his clothes were reduced to ashes, and his skin was also destroyed, followed by his muscles. ,skeleton

, internal organs...

This blow was so sudden that Wuming, watching from a distance, didn't notice when the blow came, as if it should be there.

"What kind of attack is this?"

Wuming took a breath of cold air. Fortunately, the King of Darkness came over, otherwise he would have been hit by the move of the God of Perdition. He would probably be able to see King Yama now.

Of course, if there is King Yama.

"you wanna die!!!"

Suddenly, the roar of the Dark King came from the beam.

Then Wuming felt the space distorted, and in an instant the whole world seemed to be pulled into Abi Hell, and a black sun slowly rose.

Black fog enveloped the world, and a black arm stretched out from the fog, instantly blasting the Sunken God's planet.

However, the God of Sinking was not to be outdone, and his eyes burst out with bright light, just like the sun and the moon appeared in this world at the same time. Under the light, the black mist was suddenly severely damaged, and billowing black smoke came out of the arm.

To be honest, Wuming's biggest feeling at this moment was that he couldn't understand it, but he was very shocked.

Especially when the planet was blown up by a punch, the scene was too violent and grand.

If he hadn't been retreating, the aftermath of the planet's explosion would have been enough to seriously injure him, and even destroy the dragon's shell.

At this time, the God of Destruction completely exploded, and all the broken planets grew eyes, and then countless white bones and corpses drilled out from the ground. This time, they did not cling to the ground, but all broke away from the earth and attached to the body of the God of Destruction.

In a blink of an eye, the translucent energy body of the God of Destruction seemed to have grown bones, and the energy tightly wrapped the bones.

"So that's it."

The voice of the Dark King came from the black fog, and then a black giant with a golden vertical eye between his eyebrows suddenly sat up from the black fog.

He picked up a flower with both hands and smiled: "What a good idea, it's a pity that my mind is too fragile. I didn't become the only god, but instead cultivated the only deformed child."

The God of Destruction did not react at all. In fact, it is indeed the way of heaven and it is indeed a god. But because it is so grand, it has only instincts but no self.

If you lose authority, take it back.

If you encounter an enemy, kill him.

Everything is just a part of the process, it is the way of nature.

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