I Contracted Myself

【195】Time freezes

Next, instead of getting bigger, the Dark King returned to his original size.

He instantly appeared in front of the God of Sinking, gently touched the eyes of the God of Sinking, and said calmly: "Black World!"

At the fingertips, the incomparable black suddenly bloomed, and then disappeared.

The God of Sinking was suddenly shaken, and countless energies on his body exploded, just like dense cracks appearing in glass.

This explosion was like a chain reaction, spreading throughout the body at an extremely fast speed.

Finally, with an indescribable scream, the God of Perdition was completely torn into pieces, with bones splattering everywhere.

After dealing with the Sunken God, the Dark King looked bored in the direction of Wuming.

But when he saw that Wuming was like a rag-picker constantly collecting the exploded bones of the Sunken God, he suddenly lost interest.

Although he sensed that the Dragon Shell seemed to have its power, his interest was slowly extinguished by the boring God of Perdition as soon as he played with it. Now he seems to have entered the state of a sage and has no interest in looking for another person. Two fun.

"That's it for the time being. Anyway, we'll see each other again sooner or later."

A thought flashed through the King of Darkness' mind. He couldn't tell whether the thought was his own, so he turned around and left, instantly disappearing into the cracks of darkness.

"Hey, where is the person?"

While Wuming was picking up the bones flying out from the God of Perdition, he was distractedly paying attention to the King of Darkness.

His original plan was to return to the Land of the Ten Good Deeds as soon as the King of Darkness showed signs of taking action, but who knew that the King of Darkness actually ran away.

But if he runs well, the legacy of the Sunken God will be his.

It's a pity that the power of the Sunken God's explosion was too terrible. The huge energy exploded the bones, and countless bones dissolved in the high temperature. Now all the bones flying out are relatively marginal ones.

Most of these bones have nothing magical about them, only some of them with golden color seem to be special.

What Wuming has to do now is to collect as many golden bones as possible and study them slowly later.

However, while collecting bones, he also contacted Lin Renmei and asked Lin Renmei to go do it by herself. It would probably take a long time for him to collect bones here. After all, there are too many bones, and they are all scattered in different directions. Many bones fly tens of millions of kilometers at once, and will continue to fly forward as long as they encounter no obstacles.

"Good weight,

But that's to be expected. "

Wuming sat inside the bubble shell, holding two golden bones, and said to himself.

The work of collecting bones does not require him to do it himself. Information control is enough to complete it, and it will definitely be done better than him, because information control can lock the coordinates according to the direction in which all the bones fly out, and not a single bone will be missed.

Nameless now just has to wait.

Of course, he would not do nothing stupidly, but would prepare to study these golden bones.

The two bones he was holding now, he couldn't tell what kind of animal bones they were. One of them was similar to a rib, with only a little gold on the tip, and the other might be a fragment of a calf bone, with the whole piece covered in gold. It's gold.

"So that's it, it's another new biological alloy."

Wuming did a little analysis and found that this golden bone that resembled gold was actually a biological alloy.

It is probably composed of calcium, but it also contains a lot more strange energy and some special biological cells than calcium. Under the complex combination, it finally forms a golden bone.

Next, he began testing the hardness of the gold bones.

He has collected a lot of biological alloys in the past, some are extremely sharp and some are extremely strong.

However, after these biological alloys collided with the gold bones, they were all defeated without exception. The sharpest biological alloys are not as sharp as this kind of gold bones, and the hardest biological alloys are not as hard as the gold bones.

At present, this is definitely the strongest biological alloy discovered by Wuming.

After the test, Wuming directly activated his ability to swallow all the golden bones. The next moment, there was an extra layer of gold on the surface of the dragon's shell.

Originally, the dragon's shell was red, but now it has a little more gold. Not only does it not become ugly, it becomes more handsome and mighty.

"Hey, there's a finger over there!"

After Wuming finished studying the golden bones, he held his cheek with one hand and stared at the screen, searching for the golden bones.

If a large number of gold bones are swallowed, not only will the dragon's shell become stronger, but the ability of the gold eater will also evolve. One day, the gold eater can even be peeled off alone and become a new shell.

But before the golden bones were found, he found a finger first.

Fingers made of flesh and blood!

Wuming had just observed that the body of the Sunken God was almost entirely composed of bones, and there were only a few pieces of flesh and blood. At that time, he guessed in his mind that those pieces of flesh and blood should be

It should have come from the same corpse as the severed finger he got.

Later, he listened to the analysis of the Lord of Darkness and naturally knew whose body this body belonged to.

The dragon shell quickly captured the severed finger floating in space and sent it into the bubble shell in an instant. Wuming used his telekinesis to grab the severed finger and threw it directly into the dream city without any intention of touching it.

Although he knew that the God of Sinking must have been killed by the King of Darkness, who knew if there was a backdoor for the God of Sinking to be resurrected. Safety first, it would be better to test it in Dream City.

In the dream city.

Wuming picked up the newly sent fingers, and one of the fingers on his back immediately disconnected, and he easily reattached the fingers.

This finger is the index finger of the left hand, not the finger of the right hand.

After the installation, Wuming felt that the world was flowing.


Wuming immediately denied his thoughts. It was not the world that was flowing, but time that was flowing.

In fact, there was no concept of time in Dream City, because this was just a dream, and now there was time in Dream City.

Not good!

The next second, Wuming thought that he had put a lot of food that was not durable in Dream City.

In a moment, time froze again.

Wuming blinked and could still feel the changes in Dream City.

He bent down, picked up a bone and threw it into the air. The bone was immediately frozen in the air, with no sign of falling.

Obviously, time still exists, but he froze time, so it looks like the original Dream City, but in fact it is still not the original Dream City.

"The power of time..."

Wuming put more things in the air, feeling a little regretful.

He only dared to use this power in Dream City. If he really had to install these dangerous fingers in the real world, he really didn't dare to install them.

What if the God of Destruction comes back to life after the installation?

On the other side, the Dark King, who returned to the Infinite Pearl City, whistled and walked into the bedroom. Suddenly, he touched his cheek and felt that he had forgotten something very important.

“Wait, what did I forget?”

The Dark King stood still, tapping his temples with his fingers.

After a while, he clapped his hands and said, “By the way, I want to find someone whose name I don’t know…”

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