I Contracted Myself

【196】A rich legacy

Dark universe.

A giant red dragon flies through space and finally picks up a bone.

Then it turned around and headed in another direction.

In the inner space of the shell, the nameless little body is sitting cross-legged in the air with three heads and six arms. Except for the main body, which is real, the remaining two heads and four arms are illusory existences, just like the moon in the mirror.

Of these four arms, the top two arms are the most unique. The ten fingers are all golden, and they are sometimes empty and sometimes real, exuding a sacred aura, while the palms to the arms are still illusory.

"I see."

After a while, Wuming slowly opened his eyes, with a clear understanding.

All tangible things are nature, and all intangible things are concepts.

God's right hand can control all things, strengthen all things, and finally give all things a more powerful concept to drive them to fight for themselves.

Of course, after the battle is over, there will inevitably be a fight between the rabbit and the dog.

The first step is to clear its attributes and add the last link to restore it!

The thumb represents space, the index finger represents time, the middle finger represents fate, the ring finger represents cause and effect, and the little finger represents life and death.

God's left hand holds the rules.

Possess the power to control time, space, fate, cause and effect, life and death,

It took Wuming a year to finally find all ten fingers of the Sunken God. He did not dare to use these ten fingers in reality, so he had to use them in his dreams.

As a result, his dream completely transformed into a world, a world that is both real and illusory.

What is even more magical is that his true form and the dream body in the dream have become one, which is equally real and illusory. The internal space of all shells is connected to the dream, and the space is infinite in an instant.

Now, not only does the shell's combat effectiveness increase greatly, he can also pull enemies into the inner space of the shell, allowing them to experience the dangers of the world.

Moreover, the internal space is combined with dreams, and the Dream City itself is inextricably related to the dreams of countless people. There are too many things that he can operate.

It has to be said that Wuming's strength directly increased several times after the death of the Sunken God.

Now, even if he is a domainer, or even a being above a domainr, he can easily face it, because there is basically no difference between the opponent's domain and his dream world.

The big deal is, let’s all try to see whose world is stronger.


Wuming fell on the sofa, holding his cheek with one hand, holding a drink with one hand, fanning himself with one hand, and peeling oranges and grapes with other hands...

The next moment, Guang Xun appeared in front of him, showing his current attributes.

[Identification successful]

[Name: Nameless]

[Race: Human]

[Force: Rescue Team·Leader]


【Lifespan: 169】

[Level: Junior Awakener]

【Level: 9】


[Shell of Ten Thousand Methods: Consumes mental power to turn the target into a shell. 】


[The God of Dreams: Controls a dream world, and the transformation between reality and reality depends entirely on one's heart. 】


[Contract of the old self: The contract signed with the past self. After reincarnation, all abilities will be subject to the orders of the new self. 】


[Dragon Shell] [Death Shell] [Bubble Shell] [Peanut Shell] [Virus Shell] [Stone Shell]

Very strong!

But compared with the Lord of Darkness, it's still nothing.

However, Wuming is actually quite satisfied with his progress now. After all, he is still young and his body is not fully developed yet. When his body starts to develop, all aspects will be greatly improved.

Moreover, he was not planning to advance to an intermediate awakened person before reaching adulthood, so he was actually very happy to have a new way to become stronger.

The main reason is that he is too small now, the capacity of his body is only that big, and his potential cannot be increased. If he is forced to increase it, the result will be that his body will explode. He hoped to accumulate more potential before advancing, and to develop the most advanced advanced skills as much as possible, so he had to be patient and wait.

"Xiao Xi, how many pieces are there left to collect?"

Wuming closed the door and lay lazily on the sofa, eating grapes and asked.

After a moment, a neutral voice sounded: "There are still four fragments in the record. According to calculations, it will take half a year to complete the collection."

This is 'Xiao Xi', a universal butler created by Wuming's thoughts combined with super powers such as information control, communication with all things, etc.

in dreams

Hitting him is equivalent to being a god. This kind of operation is very simple for him.

"Four yuan? Half a year?" Wuming frowned, a little dissatisfied.

Xiao Xi explained: "Because these four bone fragments are the farthest apart, they were ranked last when collecting them. The positions of each fragment are very different, so it takes a lot of time."

"Bring up the images of those four fragments and let me take a look." Wuming said.

In a moment, a beam of light appeared in front of him, recording the death of the Sunken God, and then pieces of it were marked.

The last four fragments are located seven inches from the Sunken God. This is also the place where the Sunken God's explosion has the greatest power. And those four fragments are the fragments that bear the most force among the unmelted fragments, so their initial speed is very It was so astonishing that it disappeared into the vast universe in an instant.

Wuming looked carefully and saw that the four fragments were a broken rib, a pipa bone, a skull, and a triangular bone fragment whose location could not be determined.

“It doesn’t feel like it’s very valuable.”

Wuming muttered to himself after reading it, but he felt a little unwilling to give up.

It's probably like 'it's all here'. He has been in this world for a year. If possible, he still hopes to end it well and at least find all the recorded bones.

He thought for a moment and simply contacted Chen Weihua. After Chen Weihua got through, he asked, "Sister Weihua, how are things going this year?"

"What else can I do? It's busy, but everyone is used to it." In the picture, Chen Weihua said while eating lunch.

Then Chen Weihua said unexpectedly: "Wait a minute, Wuming, you seem to have a few extra hands, am I dazzled?"

"No, it's just decoration." Wuming waved his hands with illusory arms and said with a smile.

Chen Weihua rolled her eyes, knowing that Wuming was joking, and then smiled and said: "It seems that your leave this year has not been in vain, it would be great if you can become stronger!"

In fact, although Wuming performed the mission very efficiently, Chen Weihua still hoped that Wuming could improve his strength as much as possible. After all, the great destruction had begun. She knew very well how dangerous the Infinite Organization was, and the rescue team would fight against the Infinite Organization sooner or later.

As the leader of the rescue team, Wuming, once they lose the battle with the Lord of Darkness, it will be meaningless no matter how many people they save now, because they will still die by then.

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