I Contracted Myself

【198】Dream Planet

Later, Wuming tried to analyze the silver sphere, but the analysis quickly ended in failure.

The main reason is that this silver sphere is completely natural, and the power of thought cannot penetrate it at all, and can only stay on its surface, and the base runes on its surface will block all detection and analysis, and the result is failure.

"Is it the back-up plan of the God of Perdition?"

Wuming had some doubts in his heart, but if the King of Darkness took action, could the God of Perdition really survive?

Next, he patiently continued to study the silver sphere, but several hours passed by, and there was still no change in the silver sphere, and he gained nothing.

"The time hasn't come yet? Well, forget it."

The nameless God of Control pinched his fingers with his left hand and finally said helplessly.

The left hand of God controls cause and effect, so it can really tell fortunes. Although it is not 100% accurate, the accuracy is still very high in the dream world.

Wuming placed the silver sphere in the warehouse of the dream world and prepared to sleep.

The Dragon Shell continued to move towards the target, encountering countless meteorites along the way. It was like a light bird, avoiding these meteorites by slightly changing the angle of its body.

To its left, the huge and silent planet rotates slowly, and its atmosphere can be seen changing unpredictably, as if a big storm is about to form.

Farther away, stars glowed like incandescent lights in the dark night.

The space where light and darkness fade is both quiet and lively.

Wuming lay on the bed, slowly closing his eyes while looking at the scene in outer space, and his breathing became even and long.

In fact, inside the bubble shell, Wuming didn't need to sleep at all, but he didn't object to sleeping, especially during a long journey, sleeping would make him feel better.

In space, day and night have no meaning.

When Wuming was sleeping, stars appeared around him. These stars kept appearing and disappearing.

Even some planets will give birth to life. They are born, evolved, and died at an extremely fast speed. Later, some races even developed brilliant civilizations. As a result, when they developed rockets and prepared to observe the outside world, the entire planet suddenly looked like a bubble. They disappeared as well, and their history was fixed at the moment when the rocket rose into the sky.

In eight hours, thousands of civilizations were born on the planet around Wuming, and finally these civilizations disappeared like bubbles along with the planet.

“Is this also God’s authority?”

Wuming suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the surrounding planets, and said to himself.

He sat up from the bed

When he came, the surrounding stars immediately scattered around. He reached out and pinched a planet, and found that things were not simple.

These planets are very, very real, and the natural environment inside them is not the same anywhere.

"It's definitely not because of me!"

Wuming pushed the planet away, looked at the other planet, squinted his eyes and said.

If this was something derived from his dream, he must have had an impression, but many of these planets were things he had never seen before.

Having never seen it before, it is naturally impossible to dream about it.

Wuming thought for a while and asked, "Xiao Xi, how many planets appeared in total just now?"

"Master, a total of 8,565,240 planets appeared while you were sleeping, of which 6,231 were alive." Xiao Xi replied.

Wuming asked again: "Did you notice any abnormalities?"

"No." Xiao Xi replied.

As soon as Wuming thought, the silver sphere immediately appeared on his palm. He looked at the silver sphere and felt a little suspicious that it was its fault.

After all, this has never happened before, and all changes only happened after the silver sphere.

"is it you?"

"Come out, God of Perdition, I know you are inside!"



"Open sesame?"

Wuming faced the silver sphere and muttered to himself for a while.

However, there was still no movement on the silver sphere. Wuming stared at it for more than ten minutes. With a final wave of his hand, the silver sphere returned to the warehouse to collect dust.

"Xiao Xi, pay close attention to it. If there is any abnormality, report it to me immediately." Wuming continued.

After Xiaoxi recorded the task, Wuming got up and brushed his teeth, then sat on the sofa, and breakfast items appeared out of thin air on the coffee table in front of him.

"How far is it from the target?" Wuming asked while eating breakfast.

Xiao Xi replied: "There are still 149.6 million kilometers away from the Pipa bone fragment, and it will take about two weeks to arrive."

"Well, continue to monitor the surroundings. If you find a planet with life, remember to notify me." Wuming nodded.

Ten minutes later, he finished his breakfast and began to do some stretching exercises. Although he was still young and could not do too strenuous exercise, he could not stop exercising at all.

Moderate exercise is very good for his development, and he even wants to grow up in an instant.

In fact, he can really grow up in an instant, but this kind of body that uses superpowers to grow up...

There are often hidden dangers in the human body. If you are not allowed to encounter certain super powers, the hidden dangers will be detonated.

Wuming has seen too many superpowers, so he won't be stupid enough to destroy his own future. He would rather grow up slowly than try to force something to grow.

The day goes by in the blink of an eye.

Wuming still insisted on sleeping. This time after he fell asleep, countless stars appeared again.

Moreover, this time the stars appeared and formed an exaggerated galaxy. Each star was completely different, each had its own strangeness, and each had its own magnificence.

When Wuming turned around in his sleep, the entire galaxy suddenly turned upside down, and countless stars in the oscillation underwent earth-shaking changes. Everything was in line with the laws of nature, as if they were all true facts.

When Wuming woke up, he opened his eyes and saw creatures on the two planets fighting each other. Powerful spherical bombs were dropped on each other's planets.

When he regained consciousness, these planets burst suddenly and disappeared like bubbles.

"Master, a total of them appeared this time..." Xiaoxi learned to answer quickly without waiting for Wuming to ask.

Wuming interrupted: "Are the weapons that just appeared on the two planets really feasible in reality?"

"Okay, the recording has been completed." Xiao Xi replied.

Wuming's eyes lit up and he said: "In other words, after I fall asleep, these planets will appear, and then they will develop civilizations and develop technologies unique to their civilizations?"

"Yes, Master." Xiao Xi agreed.

Wuming said excitedly: "Let me see what kind of technology there is."

Then Xiaoxi listed the recorded technologies, and Wuming read them one by one.

Black mud bombs, biotechnology, are made from the feces of black mud beasts. There are ninety-eight processes...

Concentrated light ball chain: Made of unknown metal X, it is light and strong and can easily cut apart the planet. The manufacturing method is...

Tomato-type high-speed missile: Made from genetic modification of native plants, the seeds can shatter the hardest metal when exploded...

As Wuming watched, his excitement turned into disappointment.

These weapons all require something that the rescue team does not have in order to make them. He knows how to make them, but it is difficult for an ingenious woman to make something without rice.

"Sure enough, I thought too much."

Wuming finally closed the screen and said angrily.

However, he still kept expectations in his heart. After all, every time he dreams, a new planet will appear, and there is no guarantee that manufacturing technology will appear in the future.

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