I Contracted Myself

【199】Time Amber

Three days passed in a flash.

Wuming basically ate when he was awake, studied the new powers he had gained after eating, chatted online when he was tired, and finally went to sleep at night.

However, he made new discoveries about the planet born in the dream.

After all, the inner space of the bubble shell is also part of the dream. Strictly speaking, it is his divine domain. It is difficult to hide everything that happens here from him. No secrets can be hidden from him here if he is willing to study.

These planets are not created out of thin air, but are some kind of records, or remnants of the past.

The reason why he was able to discover this was because every time he slept, Xiao Xi would record the changes of all the planets. One of the planets had appeared the day before, and all the changes were exactly the same.

After learning the truth, he lost interest in these planets.

But at this moment, an accident happened.

In fact, even if you set goals and strictly implement the plan, there will still be some weird accidents that interfere with the execution of the plan.

On the way to the location of the Pipa bone fragments, Wuming sensed the aura of the Great Sun's Demarcation Needle.

At first, he blasted the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle to the ground with the intention of destroying the entire planet. Who knew that the God of Perdition suddenly took action and solved the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle in a way that he could not understand.

Where has the Great Sun Determining Needle gone?

Wuming has actually thought about this question carefully.

He did not believe that the God of Sinking had the ability to instantly annihilate the power of countless stars, so he suspected that the Great Sun Demarcation Needle might have been transferred to other places by space capabilities.

It's just that the vast universe is too vast, so he has not considered recycling the Great Sun Boundary Needle.

Who knew we would meet him now.

Wuming thought for a moment, and after confirming that the location of the Great Sun Demarcation Needle was closer than the position of the Pipa bone fragment, he decisively said: "Xiao Xi, record the current coordinates, and go and recover the Great Sun Delimitation Divine Needle first."

If the Lashao universe is still in good condition, he does not lack a great sun-defining needle. As long as he finds a similar parallel universe, he can obtain a large number of great sun-defining needles.

The problem is that many parallel universes were destroyed during the Great Collapse.

Nowadays, one less needle is used to determine the boundaries of the Great Sun, so it must be used sparingly.

Xiao Xi recorded the spatial coordinates of the current Dragon Shell, and the next moment she controlled the Dragon Shell to move towards the location of the Great Sun Demarcation Needle.

In the vast sea of ​​​​stars, the red dragon violently reversed its direction, knocked away countless meteorites, and flew towards the huge star ahead.

"This planet looks like Saturn, but it's much bigger than Saturn."

Wuming looked at the huge star in front of him and said to himself.

Only in the sea of ​​​​stars can people constantly feel their own insignificance. Along the way, Wuming has seen many huge stars, some are very far away, and some are even more far away.

These stars rotate silently in space. They look very beautiful from a distance, but when you get closer, you will find that they contain the power to destroy the world.

Although this power seems insignificant under the great destruction, it is already a domineering power in front of most living creatures.

Normally, what people often refer to as nature is nothing more than this.

At this time, the dragon's shell broke into the atmosphere of the huge planet, and the wild sand rolled in. There was lightning and thunder in the storm, and the terrifying wind sound was like the roar of a monster.

But all this has little to do with the Dragon Shell. The Dragon Shell flies steadily in the air and moves towards its destination.

Some huge rocks were blown around by the wind, some collided with each other and turned into powder, and some collided with faster rocks, only to turn into powder themselves.

Wuming looked at the scenery outside and couldn't help but pick up the tea cup and take a sip of tea.

"I loved rainy days when I was a child, because my father didn't have to work on rainy days and could play with me at home. Later, I gradually developed a... How should I say, love for all bad weather conditions? I can't say love, because later I started working Once the weather is particularly bad, I will most likely go on a mission," Wuming said casually to Xiao Xi while holding the tea cup.

He knew that Xiao Xi wouldn't answer. He actually didn't like to talk about the past life. Even Lin Renmei and the others didn't know about it. He was just feeling emotional now.

At this time, a bolt of thunder fell on the dragon's shell, and the electric current rushed around the golden edge of the dragon's shell, and was finally absorbed by the dragon's shell.

The Dragon Shell was traveling against the wind, so it was destined to hit many things, and the sound of collisions almost never stopped.

Normally, such a noisy environment should make people uncomfortable

, but Wuming felt very comfortable. As soon as he had an idea, he changed the sofa into an eggshell-shaped cloud chair. He sat in the chair and enjoyed a short and happy travel time.

Five hours later, the wind died down, the sandstorm disappeared, and the thunder disappeared.

Ahead, a huge golden crystal was inserted into the ground. It blocked the wind, detoured the sandstorm because of it, and cracked the sky because of it.

In the center of the crystal, the Great Sun Determining Needle is full of cracks, and countless lights shoot out from the cracks.

This light was also fixed in the crystal without attenuation.

Wuming's eyes widened and he lost his words for a moment, stammering: "This...this...this...this..."

"Awesome." Xiao Xi added thoughtfully on Wuming's behalf.

Wuming nodded and said: "Yes, this is too awesome!!!"

He jumped down from his chair in excitement, pressed his whole body against the screen, and said, "Xiao Xi, please analyze how this is done."

"Yes, Master." Xiao Xi responded immediately.

The next moment, the eyes of the Dragon Shell emitted scanning light. After scanning, Xiao Xi analyzed: "This crystal is composed of unknown abilities, and the internal time is completely still. Therefore, the Great Sun Demarcation Needle is about to explode but failed to explode. Xiaoxi advises the owner to stay away from it. Once the unknown vigilance loses its effect, the Great Sun Boundary Needle will explode immediately, which is very dangerous. "

"Afraid or not, it's up to me!"

Wuming said with a smile, and activated his ability the next moment. The dark dream realm immediately erupted from the dragon's shell and quickly spread to the crystal.

After entering his divine kingdom, he is not afraid even if it explodes.

In an instant, the crystal was pulled into the dream world.

As soon as the crystal disappeared, a sandstorm rushed over, and the dragon's shell was immediately covered by the sandstorm.

Wuming asked Xiao Xi to control the dragon shell to continue moving towards the original destination, and then turned his attention to the crystal. His God's right hand and God's left hand activated their abilities at the same time. After strengthening his various superpowers, the God's Tap the crystal gently with your right hand.

"I see."

A flash of enlightenment flashed through Wuming's heart. The ring finger of God's right hand gently touched it, and the crystal melted instantly.

The next second, the great sun's bounding needle emitted bright light.

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