I Contracted Myself

【200】Spatial Dislocation


Wuming snapped his fingers with his divine left hand, and the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle, which was about to explode, immediately maintained the state of being about to explode.

"Time goes back!"

He thought, and the space where the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle was located was stuck for a while, and then a physical chaos similar to a bug appeared.

It was a bit like a mosaic, but it was actually a strange state formed by the superposition of a large number of atoms.

In just a moment, Wuming felt that he had consumed a lot of mental power.

"Is it not possible?"

Wuming frowned, and then rubbed his swollen temples.

"Xiaoxi, give me a glass of Mandragora flower juice." Wuming simply sat on the chair and said while observing the Great Sun Defining Divine Needle.

After a while, a glass of purple juice appeared in front of him. He took the juice, thanked him, and drank it slowly with a straw.

This juice can relieve the problem of mental overuse, and will slowly speed up the recovery of mental power in the next few hours. It is one of the few Class A supplements without side effects in the rescue team.

"I thought I was omnipotent in the dream world, but fortunately the Great Sun Boundary Needle let me know where my limit is." Wuming thought to himself.

It may be because the Great Sun Boundary Needle contains a lot of stellar energy. If he wants to reverse time, it is equivalent to interfering with these energies at the same time, so the price he needs to pay is extremely high.

Of course, freezing time actually consumes energy, but it is different from reversing time. The consumption required for freezing is very, very small, so small that it can be ignored.

Wuming didn't think clearly about the difference. He thought about it, and finally used the method of the God of Sinking to cover the Great Sun Boundary Needle with space and time crystals again.

After putting the crystal in the warehouse, he returned to his usual favorite seat.

"I'm so tired, Xiaoxi, I'll take a nap and record the situation around me."

Wuming yawned, and then the chair turned into a bed. He lay down, closed his eyes and fell asleep in a second.



Dark clouds rolled in the sky, and lightning fell from the clouds, splitting the endless night.

Not far from where the lightning struck, a huge crack appeared in the middle of a city that was quite old. The crack was so deep that it was bottomless, and there were countless bloodstains on the edge.

At this time

, countless people were queuing in the heavy rain, and under the command of the logistics team, they entered a gate full of light.

"Chen Xiyi, how long will it take?" Lin Renmei stood under the eaves, looking at the panicked and overwhelmed people, and asked the woman next to her.

Chen Xiyi was the team leader of the logistics team. This time, she was in charge of the evacuation, and Lin Renmei was only responsible for escorting.

"There are too many people, and because of the ground crack, there are still many injured people buried in the ruins. I estimate that it will take two days." Chen Xiyi replied.

She looked in the direction of the ground crack with concern, and continued: "The biggest trouble now is the space debris under the ground crack. We don't know how deep it is inserted and how big the impact is."

This piece of space debris did not fall from above the city, but was inserted from the other end of the planet, and finally affected the city under the chain reaction.

It can be said that if you can't fly, falling into the crack is equivalent to being sentenced to death. No matter how strong you are, it will be useless, because there are space debris below, and the two most important characteristics of space debris are hardness and sharpness.

"I have a bad premonition. Ask other teams to see if they can support first." Lin Renmei looked up at the sky with lightning and thunder, and said anxiously.

In fact, she is fully capable of flying into the air and punching the dark clouds, but now this space gives her a very unstable feeling.

It's like glass that is about to break but has not yet broken. It may explode with a little external force.

Therefore, she didn't even dare to attack the dark clouds in the sky.

"I'll ask."

Chen Xiyi nodded immediately, and then asked in the contact group of the logistics team.

She has a good relationship with other team leaders of the logistics team. If other team leaders have time, they will definitely be willing to help, but she found that everyone was busy after asking.


Suddenly, a loud noise came from a distance.

Lin Renmei and Chen Xiyi immediately looked up in the direction where the sound came from.

A huge crack appeared in the distant sky, the clouds disappeared, the mountains disappeared, and it looked like the world was bitten by a dog.

"Not good, the world is going to collapse!" Lin Renmei said immediately.

Chen Xiyi's face also changed, and she quickly posted a message in the group's contact group. At the same time, she looked at Lin Renmei and asked:

"Sister Renmei, go and see the situation. If there is really no way, then give up some people!"

Not every rescue can save everyone. When it is really necessary to give up, the elderly and middle-aged people will be abandoned, and pregnant women and children will be the objects of rescue.

Sometimes reality is so cruel. If you don't make a choice, everyone will die.

"Well, I'll go and see!"

Lin Renmei knew the seriousness of the matter. After nodding, she immediately flew to the city wall. Only then did she realize that something was wrong.

There were cracks in many places ahead. These cracks were like a line that continued to spread, almost surrounding everything.

"Not good!"

Lin Renmei's pupils shrank instantly. She knew very well what this meant.

But as soon as she turned around, she saw the space door leading to the rescue team headquarters suddenly shattered with a click. Several people who had just entered the space door had half of their bodies exploded on the spot, and blood mist splashed everywhere. The people who were still waiting in line screamed, and many children were frightened and cried loudly.

"The situation is not good. The space is dislocated. In a while, the space we are in is likely to fall into the void." Lin Renmei quickly flew back to Chen Xiyi and said seriously.

Chen Xiyi quickly contacted a technician in the team and asked, "Bai He, is there any way to contact the headquarters? We need to re-determine the coordinates to open the door to the headquarters."

"Team leader, I'm trying." Bai He replied.

Lin Renmei flew into the air and waved lightly. The dark clouds were swept away immediately. She looked at the surrounding environment and finally locked her eyes on a mountain range in the distance.

There was still a node over there that had not been broken, and this space was stuck on the previous space fragment. With that piece of space fragment supporting it, it did not fall into the void immediately.

From that mountain range, they might be able to escape from the space they are in now, and then buy more time to contact the headquarters to confirm the coordinates.

The problem is that there are too many people who have not left yet, and relocation is a big problem.

She landed on the ground and told Chen Xiyi what she had observed. After hearing this, Chen Xiyi fell into deep thought and could not make up her mind for a while.

If they were to relocate, there would be too many uncertainties.

But staying here would be like waiting for death. If Baihe failed to contact the headquarters to confirm the coordinates, they could not afford the price.

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