I Contracted Myself

【201】Dream Channel

Go or stay?

Chen Xiyi subconsciously pinched the bead bracelet in her hand and turned it one by one.

"Let me go over and take a look." Lin Renmei said immediately when she saw that Chen Xiyi could not make up her mind for a while.

She understood Chen Xiyi's hesitation very well. After all, so many people's lives depended on Chen Xiyi's decision. Once the decision was made wrong, the price would be too high.

Therefore, she was going to help Chen Xiyi investigate the situation again. Now that was all she could do.

Sometimes she really envies Wuming, because apart from her strong combat power, she has too many shortcomings in other aspects. Although Wuming is not as destructive as her, she has a lot of superpowers, which can be applied to almost any situation. Corresponding superpower.

"By the way, if you ask Wuming, you will know what is the most suitable choice now."

Lin Renmei suddenly thought that she could try to contact Wuming now. Anyway, Wuming had been posting in the comments these days, saying that she was so bored.

She knew that Wuming’s online name was ‘God of Rescue’, and she had been silently paying attention to Wuming’s boasting online.

Just as she said, she opened the rescue team's special contact software, and then tried to contact Wuming.

After a while, we were indeed contacted.

But the next moment, a charming girl appeared on the screen.

"Where is Wuming? Who are you?"

Lin Renmei immediately frowned when she saw the girl and asked in a bad tone.

After all, she is also Wuming's official girlfriend. When contacting Wuming, a woman comes out. Do you really think she won't be jealous?

Su Jingyao, she can tolerate it, that's because Su Jingyao is Wuming's childhood sweetheart, Chen Weihua likes Wuming, she can tolerate it, that's because she knows that Chen Weihua and Wuming are impossible.

Now that a sexy bitch showed up out of nowhere, she couldn't bear it anymore.

"Hello, I am Xiao Xi, the master's all-purpose little housekeeper. The master is sleeping now. Please contact me later." Xiao Xi replied seriously and in a neither male nor female voice.

Lin Renmei's mind suddenly showed up with the bragging content of the unknown post, including the fact that she had created a super-intelligent integrated housekeeper.

The serious expression on her face disappeared in an instant, and she returned to her usual state, and asked: "I am Lin Renmei, your master's girlfriend, can you help me wake him up?"


Xiao Xi looked at Lin Renmei expressionlessly, without answering or anything else.


What does it mean?

Lin Renmei frowned slightly, not understanding the meaning of Xiao Xi's behavior.

After about a while, her face became a little ugly.

Just when she thought Xiao Xi was going to stall for time until Wuming woke up, Xiao Xi suddenly said: "Confirmed, hello mistress, I will wake up the master now."


Lin Renmei was a little confused. Where could Xiao Xi confirm it?

But then, the scene shifted to the dream world. Lin Renmei saw Wuming sleeping softly on the bed. The two illusory right arms in the three heads and six arms penetrated the bed, looking like a model in a 3D game. . Moreover, Wuming is surrounded by the Milky Way. Although his body is small, he feels like a creation giant under the support of the Milky Way.

Lin Renmei must admit that the current Wuming is very cute and has an extremely unique temperament.

Especially the body with three heads and six arms, not only does it not look scary, but it gives people a sacred feeling. The most eye-catching thing is those golden fingers, which are constantly emitting a faint golden light. The golden light finally shines on Wuming's head. It forms an existence similar to a halo.

It's a pity that Lin Renmei can't appear next to Wuming. If she could, she would definitely rub Wuming's fleshy face.

After a while, Wuming woke up with sleepy eyes. Lin Renmei almost melted in her heart when she saw Wuming looking confused, like a milk cat that had just woken up.

Although the adult Wuming is handsome, the childhood Wuming is also very cute.

This is probably because beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Wuming wiped his eyes and asked after seeing Lin Renmei, "Renmei, what's wrong?"

"I'll keep it short, and then you give me suggestions." Lin Renmei took a deep breath, suppressed many thoughts in her heart, and then told Wuming all the problems facing her world.

After hearing this, Wuming asked Lin Renmei to take a picture of the only node that still had contact with the world.

After Wuming read the node, Wuming frowned and said, "The situation over there is a bit complicated. I don't recommend evacuating through the node. This kind of node looks normal from a distance. If you really get close, you will find that the space inside must have been distorted. "

After all, two huge space fragments are connected by just a few nodes. The force endured by those nodes must be very large, and the internal space is absolutely impossible to be stable.

Once you enter it, the space will collapse

If so, even the gods can’t save the people who died inside.

Wuming told Lin Renmei his understanding. After hearing this, Lin Renmei said with some melancholy: "Then now we can only wait for rescue from the headquarters?"

"Isn't it me?" Wuming couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

Lin Renmei frowned and said, "Do you have any idea?"

"If it was a few weeks ago, I really wouldn't have been able to do anything, but now... I can!" Wuming raised the right hand of God and smiled with one finger.

Lin Renmei then remembered and asked, "By the way, what's going on with your hands?"

"The new ability I just got can be of help." Wuming replied.

Then he asked Lin Renmei to go back to the city first and contact him again when she got there.

After a while, Lin Renmei returned to the city.

She contacted Wuming again, and Wuming smiled after answering: "I'm ready here, now you take a nap."

"Take a nap? Here?" Lin Renmei was stunned and asked.

Chen Xiyi was also peeking, and heard Wuming's words, and felt strange and a little confused.

"Yes, after you fall asleep, I will find your dream world, and then bring everyone to my dream world through your dream, and then send them to the headquarters." Wuming nodded.

Lin Renmei and Chen Xiyi both widened their eyes at once, and Lin Renmei said in disbelief: "Wuming, is this really possible? This is... too incredible."

She is also a well-informed awakener. She has dealt with awakeners from both the rescue team headquarters and countless parallel worlds.

But this unimaginable ability still shocked her.

She can lock other people's dreams across countless worlds and pull people through dreams. In addition to incredible, she can no longer think of other words.

"It's a bit difficult to lock onto others, but it's relatively easy to lock onto your dreams. Don't worry, I won't do anything I'm not sure of." Wuming said with a smile.

He had found Lin Renmei's dream outside the Dream City before.

The main reason was that he and Lin Renmei were in the same bed at that time, so Lin Renmei's dream was very close to the Dream City.

Although he didn't enter Lin Renmei's dream at that time, he made a mark. As long as Lin Renmei fell asleep, he could sense where Lin Renmei's dream was.

After getting a positive answer, Lin Renmei immediately sat cross-legged on the ground and closed her eyes to meditate, and fell asleep successfully a second later.

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