I Contracted Myself

【202】The meaning of dreams

Inside the bubble shell, Wuming sensed the mark he had left after Lin Renmei fell asleep.

Wuming got out of bed and thought, and an ordinary wooden door appeared in front of him. He opened the door, and on the other side of the door was a dark road. When he thought again, God's left hand had a lantern.

"I lie down late at night listening to the wind and rain, and the iron horse glacier falls into my dream."

Wuming glanced at the lantern in his hand, then smiled and said to himself.

The next moment he stepped into the other end of the door, an invisible white horse wearing iron armor appeared like a dream, just in time to carry him towards Lin Renmei's dream.

The road from his dream world to Lin Renmei's dream world is very long. After all, they are separated by many worlds, and each world has countless creatures, and these creatures are also dreaming.

He had to avoid these dreams in order to get to Lin Renmei as soon as possible.

Fortunately, the distance between the worlds in dreams is not as strict as reality. A single step by Baima may be a world away. After avoiding some dreams, he soon saw Lin Renmei's dream.

Behind him, his dreamland expanded rapidly, forming a world.

The next moment, the white horse neighed, jumped up high, and carried Wuming headlong into Lin Renmei's dream.

In the barren land, countless huge crosses were inserted into the ground, and all kinds of prisoners were nailed to the crosses.

In the distance, a huge skeletal beast with long white hair dragged its skeleton forward slowly and tiredly, and every step was earth-shattering.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and many carrion birds were soaring. From time to time, depressing cries were heard.

Wuming was riding a dreamy white horse, which was incompatible with this space. He looked at this desolate land in disbelief, unable to reconcile this dream with the beauty of Lin Renmei he was familiar with.

Sometimes, dreams are more likely to reflect a person's true inner state.

Wuming pursed his lips, then gently bumped his legs against the white horse, and said, "Let's keep going forward."

The dreamy white horse moves forward silently. It is very beautiful, covered with silver armor, and its long mane will automatically flutter even if there is no wind. At the same time, bubbles will appear every time it takes a step.

It bubbles along the way.

A dream created as a nameless thought

Creature, it has many characteristics of creatures, but more of them are fantasy-like attributes.

"You bitch, take my big cock, hahahaha!!!" Suddenly, a man who was nailed to the cross raised his head and let out wanton laughter.

But after laughing wildly, a rope appeared around his neck. Gradually, his neck was tightened by the rope, and his head was like a balloon.

Next, Wuming would hear all kinds of obscene laughter and all kinds of obscene language spoken by these crucified people from time to time.

If he hadn't known that this place was just a dream, Wuming would definitely have taught these people what it means to be civilized and polite, and what it means not to say bad words.

But this is just a dream...

A dreamland belonging to Lin Renmei...

Wuming sighed and continued walking forward.

Only by finding Lin Renmei's dream body can he lock the entire dream, and then affect the world where Lin Renmei lives through Lin Renmei's dream.

The problem is that Lin Renmei's dream is too big.

This is also one of the characteristics of strong mental power. The stronger the mental power, the larger the dream world. If you have superpowers such as dream manipulation, it can even be increased to dozens of times.

"People are beautiful, people are beautiful, people are beautiful..."

Wuming thought for a while and simply tried calling Lin Renmei's name loudly.

If Lin Renmei's dream body heard his call, it might come over on its own.

In dreams, there is no need to talk about logic, what is more important is thoughts or subconsciousness. In other dream worlds, Wuming can also exert abilities to influence, but in Lin Renmei's dreams, because of her advanced skill 'Ultimate Strength', he It is difficult to activate abilities to intervene.

"People are beautiful, people are beautiful, people are beautiful..."

Wuming called Lin Renmei's name, and suddenly there was an echo from the distance.

He was stunned for a moment, then rode his horse in the direction of the sound. A moment later, he saw an extremely terrifying man looking for Lin Renmei everywhere.

This man's body can almost be said to be pieced together from fragments. The dense plasma, bones, and intestines are all mixed together in a mess. There are two eyeballs hanging on the mottled muscle face. The eyeballs are dull and look around hollowly. .

"Renmei, my daughter, where are you?"

Perhaps because of the unknown appearance of this man, his lines turned out to be

A little more.

He shook his body and limped towards Wuming.

Wuming looked at the man, sighed at last, controlled the white horse and turned around to leave, but before he had gone far he heard faint sobbing.

He immediately looked towards the direction from which the sound came. It was a familiar dungeon, the same dungeon where he discovered Lin Renmei.

"It turns out to be here."

Wuming thought to himself, then dismounted and walked into the dungeon.

All the other cells in the dungeon were empty, and only Lin Renmei's own cell could be heard crying.

Wuming walked over and saw a little girl hugging her legs, burying her face between her legs and crying softly.

"No wonder people often say that a happy childhood can heal a lifetime, while an unfortunate childhood takes a lifetime to heal." Wuming thought to himself, then walked into the cell and sat next to Lin Renmei.

The next moment, he gently touched Lin Renmei. In the real world, with Lin Renmei as the center, the dream invaded the reality. Countless flowers appeared out of thin air on the ground, and a mirror-like sky covered the real sky. Everyone around was instantly swallowed by the dream.

Before Chen Xiyi and others could react, they found themselves standing in a sea of ​​flowers. Everyone looked at each other in surprise.

A door appeared in the sea of ​​flowers, and Chen Xiyi heard Wuming's voice: "Go out of this door to the rescue team headquarters, go."

"Then...Where is Sister Renmei?" Chen Xiyi looked at Lin Renmei who was sleeping in the sea of ​​flowers.

Wuming smiled and said, "She is tired too, let her rest here for a while."

"Oh, okay, thank you captain!" Chen Xiyi nodded, and then thanked.

Next, she quickly and skillfully directed the team to guide the people to line up and leave Wuming's dream world one after another.

In Lin Renmei's dream world, Wuming accompanied Lin Renmei. He actually knew that Lin Renmei was not that fragile. This was just a corner of her heart.

"It's all right now."

After communicating with Chen Xiyi, Wuming came back to his senses and touched Lin Renmei's head, smiling faintly.

When he touched her, the whole world suddenly changed dramatically.

A ray of light broke through the dungeon, and countless green plants immediately grew in the originally desolate world. The sky was swept away from the gloom, like a clear sky after rain, and a dreamy bubble rainbow appeared in the blue sky.

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