I Contracted Myself

【203】The best sword in the world


Wuming came to his senses and turned around to see Lin Renmei wearing her wedding dress.

He looked around and realized that he was no longer in the dungeon, but in a wedding room, and Lin Renmei was sitting next to him.

“I can’t accept this change.”

Wuming couldn’t help but complain, and the next moment he stood up and ran.

But he was faster than Lin Renmei, and when he ran to the door, Lin Renmei appeared in front of the door almost like lightning.

She was still wearing a red headscarf, lowered her head and asked: “Why are you running, don’t you want to marry me?”

“Yes, I do, but I’m still a child now!” Wuming answered seriously at first, but couldn’t help complaining at the end.

It’s too beastly to attack a child.

After that, he bypassed Lin Renmei and ran out directly. Outside the door was the headquarters of the rescue team, and countless people Lin Renmei knew were eating and drinking.

When he came out, all these people had smiles on their faces and began to bless them.

It can be seen that Lin Renmei has a good relationship with the rescue team.

But Wuming just wanted to run away now.

He could still use his superpowers in other dreams, but Lin Renmei's dream was too hard. If he used his superpowers, it would probably hurt Lin Renmei.

Of course, the greater probability was that he could not use the power of the God of Dreams at all.

He ran a distance and found that Lin Renmei did not chase him. He was relieved but also a little confused. He thought Lin Renmei would chase him relentlessly.

But this was a good thing.

The next moment, a white horse appeared next to him out of thin air. He rode on the white horse and controlled it to leap violently, and disappeared in the dream in a blink of an eye.


Dream flower sea.

Wuming came out of Lin Renmei's dream and controlled the flower sea to slowly shrink in the direction of the bubble shell.

He did not intend to see Chen Xiyi and the people, so the moment he came out, the space actually appeared in many layers. He was now in the first layer, and Chen Xiyi and the others were in the second layer.

It seemed to be the same environment, but it was actually two sides of the dream.

"Fortunately, Renmei didn't chase me."

Wuming felt a little panicked when he thought of what happened in Lin Renmei's dream just now.

He sat cross-legged in the sea of ​​flowers for a long time before talking to himself

"So Renmei wants to marry me. Marriage... It feels so far away."

First, his body is too young.

Second, the Great Destruction did not happen in an instant, it was a very long time.

The Great Destruction has not ended, and they simply cannot have time to get married.

Finally, Wuming patted his cheek and cheered up and said, "Okay, let's put aside the love affair and summarize the experience first."

This time he entered Lin Renmei's dream, he still gained a lot.

The stronger the spiritual power of the object, the higher the dream level. He just found a lot of special props in Lin Renmei's dream. If he brings these props out, he can completely use the power of the God of Dreams to strengthen them, and finally give them concepts to make them artifacts.

However, because he didn't know whether taking things out of Lin Renmei's dream would cause harm to Lin Renmei, he didn't do it in the end.

If they really want to bring something out, they should first experiment with animals, then do another experiment with death row prisoners, and finally make arrangements based on the results.

Another thing is that when entering the dream of a person with strong mental power, his ability will actually be suppressed to a certain extent, but the feeling of suppression is not great.

Lin Renmei is a relatively special person. He can still feel his ability in Lin Renmei's dream. In the dreams of other creatures, he probably does whatever he wants.

Probably only creatures with much higher mental power than him can suppress him.

Next, he returned to the bubble shell and waited for Chen Xiyi's transfer to be completed while surfing the Internet.

During this process, he took Lin Renmei to the inside of the bubble shell and let her sleep on the bed.

At this time, he sat on the bubble chair and controlled the webpage with his mind to open a post. At present, the post he is most interested in is the post about rescue in various worlds posted by the rescue team.

Each world has different conditions, especially the world hit by space debris, where you can often see scenes that were completely invisible before.

Some members of the rescue team who like to record will record these scenes and then post them online for everyone to enjoy.

Of course, some confidential content will be stored in secret files, and ordinary people have no right to view it. The problem is that this is not difficult for Wuming, after all, he is the most powerful dog in the rescue team.

At this time, he clicked on the video in the post, and the picture immediately expanded in full screen.

"Huhu, dogs, no black or bragging, this will be the most shocking picture you have ever seen in your life, and the next moment is to witness the miracle!" A big bearded man walked breathlessly on a mountain higher than Mount Everest, and then slowly turned the camera to the sky.

In the sky, the sun seemed to be sliced, and a huge piece of space debris was inserted on the sun. There were several suns in this fragment, which also looked like slices. You can see the core of the sun moving.

This scene is indeed extremely shocking. If there were barrages, it would probably be full of 666.

"Wuming, why am I here?"

While Wuming was watching the video, Lin Renmei woke up.

She sat up and was a little confused at first, but soon realized the current situation. She propped up her cheek and looked at Wuming who was surfing the Internet, and subconsciously said: "Wuming, I just dreamed that I married you."

Fortunately, Wuming didn't drink water at this moment, otherwise he would have sprayed it.

He looked at Lin Renmei speechlessly and asked, "Then what?"

"Then you said you were still a child, and I remembered the law of the rescue team at that time. How many years will you be sentenced to if you attack a child?" Lin Renmei replied.

Wuming reminded: "Three years at the beginning, the maximum is death penalty."

"Yes, that's it, so I was stunned at the time. In a blink of an eye, you actually ran away from marriage." Lin Renmei clapped her hands and immediately said excitedly.

Wuming rolled his eyes, fucking ran away from marriage.

Next, the two chatted with each other, Wuming was distracted and continued to surf the Internet while chatting with Lin Renmei. Lin Renmei simply lay on the bed, reading the post that Wuming had just read, while talking about the changes in various worlds during the Great Destruction.

"The Great Destruction is really terrible. I can't imagine how desperate the people in those worlds we didn't have time to rescue will be." Lin Renmei sighed.

Wuming was also watching a rather tragic video. He nodded and said, "Well, so we must work harder to save those who need to be saved."

He closed the video and casually clicked on the next one.

In an instant, the sky seemed to split open. In the video, a sword was suspended in space, and space debris fell to the ground along the tip of the sword.

"This is definitely the most amazing fragment I have ever seen. It completely matches the shape of this sword. If someone can lift it, I think it must be the best sword in the world!" The person who filmed it said excitedly.

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