I Contracted Myself

【206】Fantasy Traits

Although entering the dreamland of powerful alienated beasts will wake up the opponent.

But Wuming can first enter the dreamland of the weak alienated beast, and then capture the powerful alienated beast through the dreamland of the weak alienated beast.

Of course, this is just an idea at the moment, and Wuming is not sure whether it can be realized, but this idea is worth a try.

Wuming has always been a man of action. He immediately found a squirrel's dream, and then he didn't enter the dream himself, but slowly injected his own power into it to strengthen the dream first.

Compared to before, he has indeed grown a lot during this period, becoming more and more like the God of Dreams.

It is indeed difficult for the power of the God of Dreams to interfere with the real world. The problem is that Wuming himself also possesses a large number of strange superpowers, and these superpowers are real.

Therefore, his superpowers soon began to extend to the outside world through the squirrel's dream.

Several thousand meters away from the squirrel, a mountain-carrying ox-horned leopard beast was slowly advancing. It carried a bone shell similar to a mountain on its back. Its body had long fur, and there were many flowers-like things on the fur. Leopard's markings.

Its head looks a bit like a dinosaur, with two thick sharp horns on its forehead that resemble buffalo horns.

There are also records of this kind of alienated beast in Pearl City, and some researchers even fought over this alienated beast, and the reason for their fight was to argue about what animal the Tuoshan horned leopard beast came from.

At that time, one party said that the Tuoshan Ox-horned Leopard Beast was an alien beast that mutated from a cow, while the other party firmly believed that the Tuoshan Ox-horned Leopard Beast was a mutated beast from a leopard. In the end, none of them accepted the other, and the more they argued, the more excited they became, and eventually they started fighting. Got one.

This was the first time Wuming met the Tuoshan horned leopard beast. He was actually a little curious, so he simply gave the Tuoshan horned leopard beast an appraisal.


Wuming looked at the attributes of the Tuoshan Ox-horned Leopard Beast, and was speechless in the end.

Because the race of the Tuoshan horned leopard beast is actually a Tuoshan beast, not some alienated cow or alienated leopard.

"Xiao Xi, analyze the Tuoshan Horned Leopard Beast and see if we can determine what kind of animal the ancestor of the Tuoshan Horned Leopard Beast is." Wuming said.

Xiao Xi responded, and then began to scan the advancing mountain ox-horned leopard beast.

After a moment, Xiao Xi replied: "Returning to the master, the cells of Tuoshan Ox-horned Leopard Beast are very mixed.

It’s messy. The analysis results include gene fragments from cows, leopards, camels, tigers, dinosaurs, etc. It’s impossible to determine what animal it mutated from. "

"No wonder those researchers got into a fight over the Tuoshan horned leopard beast. It's such a strange creature." Wuming complained after hearing this.

Then he was too lazy to continue thinking about this unanswered question, and instead directly attacked the Tuoshan horned leopard beast.

It has to be said that the Tuoshan horned leopard beast is still very vigilant. As soon as the invisible power of mind surrounded it, it immediately exploded its hair and roared. Because it could not find the enemy, it simply launched an attack on everything around it.

Its attack method is very simple. It shoots a large amount of water directly from its back. This water is stored in the mountain on its back and can be controlled to be sprayed out when needed.

Unfortunately, one of its attacks only cut open the surrounding woods, and then its head was hit hard by an invisible hammer. It immediately staggered and almost fell to the ground.

This further aroused its ferocity. It vomited blood and manipulated the water flow to form mountains and bombarded the surroundings. The ground seemed to have been attacked by cannonballs and instantly became pitted.

Wuming saw that it was still unconscious, so he hit it hard with his telekinesis and recorded it.

This time, the Tuoshan horned leopard beast couldn't bear it anymore. After all, Wuming's mental power was very strong. When he concentrated a little, the power almost penetrated his body. When he aimed at the head, he could easily hit the opponent's head and cause a concussion.

The ox-horned leopard beast on Mount Tuoshan struggled unwillingly and was hit on the head again before falling to the ground.

Its huge body was very heavy, and the sound of the fall was like thunder striking stones. Before Wuming could react, the squirrel was awakened by the sound, and the dream suddenly disappeared.

The nameless operation was disconnected, which made me feel helpless for a moment.

Fortunately, he had marked the little squirrel and soon found the unconscious Tuoshan horned leopard beast.

Originally, he wanted to pull the Tuoshan Ox-horned Leopard Beast into his dream world, and then slowly craft the Tuoshan Ox-horned Leopard Beast, but now because the little squirrel was awakened, he had to do it on the spot.

He instantly entered the dreamland of the Tuoshan Ox-horned Leopard Beast.

The Tuoshan Horned Leopard Beast was very ordinary. When Wuming came in, he discovered that this was the territory of the Tuoshan Horned Leopard Beast itself. The location he was in happened to be where he knocked out the Tuoshan Horned Leopard Beast.

At this time, the Tuoshan ox-horned leopard beast was grazing with its head down.

It is an omnivorous alien beast that can eat both meat and grass. Even if it is hungry, dirt and stones are also its food.

Wuming didn't care about the horned leopard beast carrying the mountain, but flew into the air quickly, and then looked towards the river in the distance.

He could feel that there was something attracting him over there, and he flew over according to the feeling, and lowered his eyes on the river bank to look at the gurgling water.

Something is underwater.

Wuming walked into the water, walked forward step by step, and finally became walking under the water.

Vaguely, he saw a huge bone, which was the bone of the Tuoshan Horned Leopard Beast. It might be the parents of the Tuoshan Horned Leopard Beast, or it might be an enemy in the past.

He walked over and slowly looked at the eyebrows of the Tuoshan horned leopard beast bones. There was a green gem there.

"What the hell is this?"

Wuming was a little confused and tried to take it off.

He tried to take it off with his own hands, but he couldn't take it out at all. However, when he tried to take it off with the right hand of God, the gem was taken off at once.

The moment the gem was taken off, the dream was directly shattered.

Wuming appeared at the edge of his dream world in an instant. He looked at the dark space in front of him, and it took a long time before he looked at the gem in his hand.

Because he took off the gem, the Tuoshan Niujiao Leopard Beast was dead.

When the dream collapsed, he felt the death of Tuoshan Niujiao Leopard Beast, which means that he can kill people in dreams, and some things in dreams cannot be touched.

"No wonder those top alien beasts woke up instantly, maybe because I am too deadly to them." Wuming said to himself.

Then he began to identify the gem in his hand.

[Dream Treasure: Tuoshan Niujiao Leopard Beast Mother Square Stone]

[Fantasy Trait: Light of Shelter]

There is very little information, but Wuming soon saw some pictures.

A huge Tuoshan ox-horned leopard beast was walking in the mountain stream with a small Tuoshan ox-horned leopard beast, and suddenly a group of gluttonous wild apes surrounded them.

When the small Tuoshan ox-horned leopard beast hid under its mother's feet, a green light burst out from the big Tuoshan ox-horned leopard beast's eyebrows, and all the gluttonous wild apes collided with the green light, all wailing and rolling, with blood on their scalps.

This scene was probably the source of the little Tuoshan ox-horned leopard beast's sense of security.

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