I Contracted Myself

【207】Exile the Prisoner

After Wuming read the picture, he suddenly realized.

He instantly created a staff out of thin air, and then set a gem on the staff. When he activated the gem, the green light immediately formed a shield.

This is the ‘light of protection’ mentioned in the appraisal.

The light of refuge comes from a sense of security. Simply put, the stronger the holder's sense of security, the stronger the power of the light of refuge.

The problem is that there is no way to quantify the sense of security. When faced with an attack, it is difficult to guarantee that the light of shelter will be able to block the attack. The less confident one is, the less sense of security will be, which may form a vicious cycle.

In fact, as far as Wuming knew, the female beast among the Tuoshan horned leopard beasts would indeed grow a gemstone during pregnancy, and this gemstone could indeed provide a certain degree of defense.

But this defensive ability is actually related to the level of the Tuoshan Horned Leopard Beast itself.

To put it simply, although this emerald is exactly the same as the emerald growing between the eyebrows of the female Tuoshan Horned Leopard Beast, it is actually just the embodiment of the sense of security of the Tuoshan Horned Leopard Beast.

The two superpowers are completely different.

Wuming teleported the staff to the warehouse, and then returned to the inner space of the bubble shell.

Now that he has understood the other side of the dream world, he does not plan to search too much for the top alienated beasts, nor does he plan to plunder their dream treasures.

After all, most of the top-level alienated beasts have relatively simple thinking, and it is difficult to breed any precious treasures.

Although the Tuoshan Ox-Horned Leopard Beast has good attributes, its effect is actually very limited. The unquantifiable sense of security makes this gem seem very useless.

Wuming is not afraid of attacks in the first place. There is no difference at all between having this gem and not having it.

And if it is an attack that Wuming is afraid of, then even if there is a gem, it will be afraid. After all, what if the light of protection emitted by the gem cannot stop it?

After all, this gem must have its own defense limit. Once it reaches the limit, no matter how high the sense of security is, it will still be broken if it should be broken.

The dream treasures of alienated beasts are probably all of the same type. The ones that are really worth grabbing are the human dream treasures.

The more complicated the human heart is, the more special the dream treasure will be, and the more special the dream treasure will be, the more interesting it will be, and the more likely it is to have unexpected effects.

"next time

Try finding some death row inmates. "

Wuming sat on the chair and made a plan in his mind.

During the following sailing time, he continued to practice God's Hand carefully most of the time. During his spare time, he surfed the Internet and visited other dreamlands.

Time passed in such a flash.

The Dragon Shell flew very fast, and finally arrived at the location of the last fragment after nearly eight and a half months.

After recovering the fragments, Wuming contacted Chen Weihua and asked, "Sister Weihua, I'm done. Is there any suitable task for me? It would be best related to death row prisoners or something like that. I want to do some experiments."

"There are no particularly difficult tasks at the moment, but speaking of death row... there is a more troublesome task, but it can't be considered a death row..." Chen Weihua said meticulously, wearing glasses.

Wuming asked curiously: "What mission?"

"Currently, the security pressure in the headquarters is very high. You should also know about this. There are a group of prisoners who have committed crimes and been sentenced to permanent imprisonment. At first, we wanted to keep them in jail, but later many people protested and believed that these scum would continue to be punished. Staying at the headquarters is also a waste of resources, so after discussion we decided to exile them to a world that has been emptied out!" Chen Weihua explained.

There are many worlds that have not yet begun to be destroyed, but people have moved into the headquarters first.

As a result, these worlds are naturally vacated, and there are basically no human beings in the entire world. Chen Weihua and the others' idea is to let these prisoners fend for themselves in these worlds.

"What's the trouble with this matter?" Wuming asked curiously.

Chen Weihua took off her glasses, rubbed her temples, and replied: "Many of those prisoners are awakened ones, and their strength is not weak. They may escape during transportation.

If the cat breaks out somewhere in the headquarters, it will take a lot of manpower to find it, which is quite troublesome anyway. Aren’t you capable of packing people up in an instant? So it shouldn’t be too much trouble for you, right? "

"Okay, then I'll take a trip and see if there's anything interesting about these people." Wuming agreed directly.

In fact, being sent to the outside world is basically equivalent to being sentenced to death. The only difference from the real death penalty is that in this kind of exile, no one knows when they will die.

Wuming's attitude towards scum is actually a little cooler than that of most people in the rescue team. If there are any of these people

For a suitable target, he doesn't mind letting the opponent die first.

I believe Chen Weihua thought so too, so she told him this mission.

One stroke, two strokes, three strokes!

Zhou Death Star sat in the cell, his sharp nails scratching the wall little by little, and shallow scratches appeared on the wall.

He looked at these scratches, and finally smiled foolishly. He liked the feeling of scratching things, broken glass, broken porcelain, weapons cut in half, and broken corpses.

Because of this, he became a killer, cutting up corpses every time he went on a mission.

After entering the rescue team headquarters, he did remain quiet for a while, but the desire to scratch something in his heart continued to expand under the pressure of suppression.

Simply destroying dead things was no longer enough for him, so he could no longer bear it and finally extended his evil hands to a resident living in a remote area.

He was very cautious, covered his face and changed into a set of clothes he had never worn before, and immediately fled thousands of miles away after killing someone.

Who knew that the rescue team had no martial ethics at all and directly locked him with superpowers, and he was arrested the next day.

Now he really wanted to scratch something, but the cell suppressed his superpowers, and he had no way to scratch anything now. The scratches on the wall were not left by him hurting the wall, but his nails were left on the wall.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps.

He immediately looked outside and saw the jailer coming with a child.

"Fresh little boy, ah ah ah ah!"

He grabbed the prison pillar tightly and made a crazy sound.

The jailer and Wuming came over. Wuming glanced at Zhou Sixing and asked, "He should be sentenced to death, why is he only sentenced to permanent imprisonment?"

"Captain, he is a little mentally ill. Many people think that the death penalty is too easy for him. If it weren't for the change in policy this time, it would be the biggest torture for him in this prison." The jailer replied respectfully.

Wuming nodded, and remembered Zhou Sixing in his heart. When he was transported, he was killed directly to prevent him from returning to the lawless paradise.

"Let's go and take a look inside." Wuming continued.

The two walked slowly into the prison. Zhou Sixing stared at Wuming, wishing to cut Wuming into pieces.

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