I Contracted Myself

【208】Wish of Cutting

Zhou Death Star does not have any grudge against Wu Ming. His hatred is just an impulse caused by unrealized thoughts.

"Ahhhhhhhhh, let me out!!!!"

When Wuming and the jailer completely disappeared from his sight, he felt that his internal organs were burning with desire, and he let out a roar that was scratching his heart and liver.

But no one paid any attention to him, and he could only endure the torture in prison.

As the jailer judged, it would be too cheap to kill him, and keeping him in prison would be the greatest torture for him.

Wuming heard Zhou Death Star's roar, but he did not look back. Instead, he followed the jailer and continued walking forward. In a moment, they arrived at the next prison.

Each prison is far away from each other, and the prisoners have no way to communicate at all. This is also a kind of punishment for them. They are almost equivalent to being locked up permanently, and they will suffer in emptiness and loneliness day and night.

"Torch, arsonist, why was he sentenced to permanent imprisonment?" Wuming looked at a middle-aged man with red hair and as thin as a skeleton, and then asked the jailer.

The jailer replied: "He set a fire in a temporary residential area and burned several people to death. However, he had autism. He took action because someone provoked him first. But even if he is sick, he must accept punishment, so... …”

"Well, I understand, let's go to the next place." Wuming glanced at the torch, and then continued walking forward.

Later, Wuming and the jailer looked at many prisoners, and Wuming gradually formed a list in his mind, those who really deserved to die, and those who were excusable.

Those who really deserve to die will be sent directly to the Western Paradise when they are transferred, while those who are not guilty enough to die will be sent to the parallel world to let them fend for themselves.

Since there is a Bodhisattva, he should be able to go to the Western Paradise after death. At worst, how many times will he recite the Heart Sutra?

After identifying all the targets, Wuming returned to his home where he had not lived for a while. A moment later he saw Su Jingyao and Chen Weihua coming over.

Su Jingyao was wearing a princess dress and looked like a little lolita. When she saw Wuming, her eyes lit up and she jumped directly on Wuming.

"Wait a minute, you're hugging me too tightly. If you start in three years, the maximum penalty is death!" Wuming made a surrender gesture with both hands and said helplessly.

Su Jingyao silently let go of Wuming and said, "I will grow up soon!"

"Then let's wait until we grow up." Wuming pinched Su Jingyao's cheek.

Cheeks, said with a smile.

Then he raised his head and looked at Chen Weihua. Chen Weihua said helplessly: "Su Jingyao heard that you are back and insists on coming over to see you. There is nothing I can do."

"I understand, who makes me so charming." Wuming stroked his hair and said narcissistically.

Su Jingyao rolled her eyes, then her body floated up, landed on the bed and said, "Smelly."

"Sister Weihua, should I start transferring those prisoners tomorrow?" Wuming smiled triumphantly at Su Jingyao, then looked at Chen Weihua and asked.

Chen Weihua nodded and said, "Well, the procedures should be completed tomorrow."

Transferring prisoners does not mean that they can be transferred. Some necessary procedures are also required. These procedures will eventually be summarized in files, so that future people will know where these prisoners ended up.

Wuming then chatted with Su Jingyao for a while, and Su Jingyao left with Chen Weihua when she got tired.

"Okay, let's watch some TV."

Wuming sent the two of them away, opened the curtains when he returned to the room, and started watching TV series.

The headquarters has developed very rapidly this year. Because of the demographic dividend, the entertainment industry has flourished, providing a variety of programs for the masses.

Wuming is obsessed with a detective drama and watches it almost every day.

"He turned out to be the murderer. This is so mind-boggling." Wuming couldn't help but sigh after watching one episode.

Next, he opened the forum for the detective drama and started chatting with netizens about the plot. After talking freely, he closed the forum with satisfaction.


Wuming looked at the sky outside the window, then closed his eyes.

the next day.

After Wuming got the list, he went directly to the prison.

Every time he walked through a prison, the people in the prison would disappear instantly. When he walked to the prison where Zhou Death Star was, Zhou Death Star screamed again, but in the end he was taken into the dream.

He did not leave in a hurry, but closed his eyes, and the next moment Zhou Death Star in the dream world fell into a coma.

"Show me your dream!"

Wuming sang a sentence, and the next moment his body entered the dream of Zhou Death Star.

In this dream, the sky is fragmented, the earth is also fragmented, and the houses are crookedly stacked together, looking like they have been cut.

With a thought in Wuming's mind, the whole world began to distort, and the space was filled with infinite


He looked to his right. Due to the compression of space, the Zhou Death Star, which was very far away, had become very, very close. At this time, the Zhou Death Star was frantically cutting into a corpse.

"It's quite simple."

Wuming looked at Zhou Death Star's finger and couldn't help but chuckle.

As soon as he spoke, Zhou Death Star immediately turned to look at him. The next moment Zhou Death Star said excitedly: "There are still living people, hurry up... let me cut your head open and see!"

After saying that, Zhou Death Star pounced on Wuming, and the index finger of his right hand immediately emitted a cold white light.

That finger is the dream treasure in Zhou Death Star's dream world.

Wuming easily avoided Zhou Sixing's attack, and then saw a wonderful scene where Zhou Sixing's index finger passed. The space was cut, but it was not cut, but spliced ​​together in another crooked way.

"So that's it. In Zhou Sixing's world, things that are cut are complete. His hand cut the space, but it made the space less perfect, or... less symmetrical?" Wuming touched his chin and muttered to himself.

Zhou Sixing turned around suddenly and cut towards Wuming with his index finger again. Wuming dodged again and smiled: "This ability is very interesting, much more interesting than your simple cutting in reality."

At this time, Zhou Sixing's finger fell to the ground, and the earth was instantly divided into two, and then spliced ​​together crookedly, looking like a person with a broken bone, because the doctor's skills were not good enough, and the bone was set crookedly.

"Okay, it's over, Zhou Sixing, you should pay the price for what you did!" Wuming said at this time.

The next moment, the God's Hand was raised, and the surrounding space solidified instantly. Wuming walked to Zhou Sixing, grabbed Zhou Sixing's index finger and gently pulled it, and the finger broke directly.

He installed the finger on the illusory palm on his right hand, took a last look at Zhou Sixing, raised that hand and gently stroked Zhou Sixing.

Zhou Sixing's body immediately split into two halves, but soon joined together again, but one side was higher and the other side was lower.

"It feels a bit like the ability of the surgery fruit in the anime I watched in my previous life. Maybe I can develop it in that direction." Wuming muttered to himself.

Then he turned around and left Zhou Sixing's dream.

The moment he left, Zhou Sixing's body suddenly screamed, and the whole person quickly turned into a mummy.

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