I Contracted Myself

【209】Dreams are like onions

Wuming had known this result before, so he didn't care.

He looked at the newly acquired finger on his right hand and directly activated the identification technique. In a moment, the attributes of the finger appeared in front of him:

[Treasure of Dreams: Zhou Death Star’s Cutting Wishes]

[Fantasy Characteristics: Splicing the World]

I have to say that the treasure of human dreams is even more special.

The dream treasures of alienated beasts are too straightforward, often more powerful than magical. They are not as big and broad as human brains, which can often give birth to magical dream treasures.

Wuming did not rush to collect the dream treasures of the next prisoner. Instead, he returned to his dream world, opened up a playground specifically, and began to experiment with the effect of cutting wishes.

This finger is entirely white and silver, and its nails are extremely long and very sharp.

Wuming took out a piece of wood, and with a slight stroke of his finger, the wood was split into two, and soon a huge gravitational force was generated between the two pieces of wood.


The wood was merged back together, but because the merged positions were one higher and one lower, the piece of wood was not straight now. Instead, it was convex and concave at the same time.

Wuming tried again. This time he specifically suppressed the gravitational force and inserted another piece of wood before the wood merged. Sure enough, the merger was successful.

"Sure enough, they can be spliced ​​together." Wuming smiled.

But then he thought about a question, what is the use of this ability?

"It doesn't seem to be of any use."

It took Wuming a while before he had to admit that for him, this ability was completely useless. Compared to the Hand of God, the ability of this finger was just interesting.

He put away his playful spirit and headed to the next prisoner's dream.

Fan Chengyue, age 27, killed someone because he asked someone a question and got the wrong answer.

This is a very weird prisoner, because he is not as perverted as Death Star Zhou, nor as sick as Torch. Instead, he is very, very calm, rational, and smart.

But it was such an awakened person who had a strange habit of asking other people questions, and was extremely harsh on those who answered wrongly. Later, it developed to the point where all those who answered wrongly would die.

In fact, he did not kill anyone after entering the rescue team headquarters, but he killed many people in his original city.

The materials were also transported to the headquarters. Later, the case attracted the attention of the rescue team, and he was arrested.

The rescue team did not engage in any activities such as amnesty for the world, nor did it say that past criminal facts would be forgotten after entering the rescue team headquarters, so in the end Fan Chengyue was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Wuming had read Fan Chengyue's files and found that more than 900 people had died at Fan Chengyue's hands. Even if he killed one person a day, it would take almost three years.

Because Fan Chengyue has a very high IQ and his superpower itself is a telepathic superpower, he has not been discovered in the past. However, after entering the rescue team headquarters, the investigation strength of the rescue team is not that of the law enforcement officers in that city. In contrast, the rescue team came to his door before he could commit another crime.

Ten minutes later, Wuming entered Fan Chengyue's dream.

He found that Fan Chengyue's dreams were very unique. They were all bamboos, and each bamboo was covered with words.

"It looks quite magical."

Wuming was walking in the bamboo forest and couldn't help but whisper.

It's really unexpected that a big demon who kills people without batting an eye can be so elegant in his dreams.

This is probably because people cannot be judged by their appearance.

Wuming continued to walk forward and soon saw Fan Chengyue.

At this time, Fan Chengyue was sitting on a bamboo raft in the bamboo forest, with a bowl beside him. He was looking at the bowl in a daze.

"Is there something wrong with this bowl?" Wuming stepped forward and asked curiously.

Fan Chengyue didn't look up and said calmly: "This bowl is very beautiful, I like it very much."


Wuming was speechless. He thought Fan Chengyue was thinking about some serious issue.

But that's right. After all, this is just Fan Chengyue's dream. Dreams never require logic. Whatever Fan Chengyue's dream body does is normal.

Wuming once dreamed that he could solve a math problem that he had never been able to learn before. He felt very happy at that time.

But after waking up from the dream, he only remembered that he had done a math problem, but he could not remember the calculation process.

Therefore, there must be something wrong with people who seek a sense of reality in dreams.

Wuming ignored Fan Chengyue because the treasure of the dream did not belong to Fan Chengyue, nor was it the bowl he was studying.

Sometimes it's like this, the really important thing is not necessarily in the person, but in the dream world.

A certain corner, maybe even an inconspicuous stone.

Wuming was walking slowly in the bamboo forest. A gust of wind blew and the bamboo forest rustled.

He raised the hand of God, and with a thought, the surrounding space began to shrink. He closed his eyes and searched for the treasure of dreams with pure feeling.

But at this moment, the whole dream suddenly changed drastically.

The bamboo forest seemed to have lost something to support it, sinking downward like a stream of water. The entire space became a mess, and a large amount of magma spurted out from the cracks.

Wuming jumped out of the changing space, and his body was protected by the power of the God of Dreams. The next moment he saw the bamboo forest turning into a plateau, a volcano erupting crazily, and Fan Chengyue also changed his previous obsession with a strange thing. It looked like a bowl, gritting its teeth and running away desperately.

Dreams are so incredible and unpredictable.

Wuming looked around and didn't find the treasure of dream, so he activated his ability again and the space around him began to compress.

But suddenly a scream broke his operation. Because of his action of compressing the space, Fan Chengyue fell into the magma and was killed by the magma with just a few screams.

The dream body died, and the dream world would not collapse, but enter the next level of dream.

This is a bit like the setting of "Inception". As long as the owner of the dream does not wake up, the result of killing the dream body is to enter the deeper conscious dream world of the dream body.

The surrounding scene suddenly changed.

Wuming and Fan Chengyue are both in a library.

In fact, it can't be said to be a library. Strictly speaking, this is just a library of a certain force.

There are similar places in Mingzhu City. Many forces will have their own library, which contains many materials that ordinary people can't access.

Wuming took a look at Fan Chengyue and found that the current Fan Chengyue was most consistent with the image he saw in prison before.

In the bamboo forest and the plateau before, Fan Chengyue didn't look like himself, but each had its own characteristics.

Fan Chengyue in the bamboo forest is like a hermit, Fan Chengyue on the plateau is like an adventurer, and Fan Chengyue in front of him is like a scholar.

He has thin cheeks, prominent cheekbones, and thin lips, which makes him look cold and mean.

In fact, Fan Chengyue is indeed a cold guy.

He has almost no friends in this city and has always been alone, like a ghost.

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