I Contracted Myself


Time is like gravel in the palm of your hand. The more you try to hold on to it, the faster it will slip away.

In a parallel world, a group of men and women wearing rescue team uniforms lined up in a long line, walking beside the hot lava. Wu Ka, who was almost fifty years old, wiped his sweat, told his teammates next to him to pay attention to his steps, and then continued towards the distance. advance up the mountain.

When he was young, Wu Ka always thought that he was a unique being. After all, he was rescued by Wuming, the captain of the rescue team, and he also ate magical fruit and had special abilities.

When he was in the academy, he had always followed the example of Ni Jing, Feng Qiuhuang, Bai Mo, Luo Xi and others, thinking that one day he could become a senior like them.

Unfortunately, the reality is cruel. After ten years of training, he graduated with unexceptional results.

Later, he once formed a team with his friends in the academy and wanted to go on a mission as a team, but they failed miserably on the first mission. He almost lost his life, and his friend lost a leg.

Although the current treatment technology of the rescue team made it easy to treat a broken leg, it made them all see the reality clearly. They simply did not have enough ability to carry out the mission.

"Unconsciously, it has been almost thirty years since I joined the logistics team."

Wu Ka walked slowly, sighing slightly in his heart. He did not shine, he was just an inconspicuous little transparent person in the logistics team of the rescue team. Now he became the team leader of a team in the logistics team just because of his rich experience. .

"I wonder what Captain Wuming is doing now?"

Wu Ka held the hiking pole slightly tightly and thought longingly in his heart.

Wuming has done many things over the years.

For example, the rescue team is separated from the rescued residents. The rescue team is still a rescue team, but those residents are managed by another newly established force called "Hope and Ideal".

This organization is called "Xili" for short, and all its members must obey the orders of an artificial intelligence named "Xiao Xi".

Wu Ka originally wanted to join Xili, but he gave up the idea after being persuaded by the leader of the logistics team and promoted to team leader.

But he knows the Xili organization very well.

Xili is a hive-like organization. There are no higher officials above all members, only

There is a ‘Xiao Xi’ who is responsible for coordinating everything.

Everyone acts according to Xiao Xi's will. There is no team or organizational structure, but as long as they strictly follow Xiao Xi's instructions and perform tasks, everyone can cooperate well.

With Xiao Xi's presence, it can be said that the rescue team's rear area is extremely stable and there is no threat.

"Team leader, there's a situation ahead!"

When Wu Ka was lost in memories, the teammate next to him whispered.

Wu Ka immediately focused his attention and stared at the smoking trees in front of him. One-third of the world had collapsed in the great destruction, but luckily the planet had survived.

Later, after analysis by the logistics team, it was determined that there should be no problems with this planet in the next hundred years, so Wu Ka and others were sent to the planet to collect resources.

People are resources, but people have to eat, drink and poop.

Now Xili manages more than 100 billion people. Such a huge population naturally requires extremely huge resources. These resources cannot be provided by the sewer itself, so they must be continuously collected from the outside world.

Although the resources currently reserved by the rescue team are enough for everyone to live for hundreds of years, who knows what will happen in the future, so more resources must be collected as much as possible.

Without enough supplies for everyone to live for hundreds of millions of years, the top brass of the rescue team felt unsafe.

The environment of this planet is very harsh. Although it has not been greatly affected by the great destruction, it is not without any impact. For example, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur frequently, and even abnormal climate occurs in some areas.

The area where Wuka and the others are located is an area where volcanoes erupt frequently, surrounded by rivers of lava. As far as Wuka knows, there is another group on the other side of the planet that is facing ice and snow weather, with the lowest temperature reaching minus two degrees. More than 100 degrees Celsius.

"Captain, let me go to investigate?"

A petite female team member looked at Wu Ka eagerly and asked.

Wu Ka frowned and said, "Don't be impulsive. Everyone, step back fifty meters."

"Captain, believe me!" the female team member said dissatisfied.

Wu Ka whispered: "Although smoke is normal in this ghost environment, the terrain over there is higher. There is smoke over there before we have smoke. Do you think it's normal?"

This female team member is a new member. She has awakened the ability of flower and bird feathers. She can summon a large number of flowers and feathers to surround herself, giving herself the ability to fly. She can also launch feathers to attack targets.

Since she was new to the team, she always wanted to express herself.

"But I'm flying in the sky, so I can run away no matter what." The female team member said unconvinced.

Wu Ka had a headache and said: "What if there is an alienated beast hiding over there, and it is an alienated beast with the ability to fly? Once you are not as fast as the opponent, the opponent can fly and take you away. Do you know how many I have seen? Is the fool flying in the sky and being picked up in the end?”

There are too many people in the rescue team now, and it is impossible for Wuming to record everyone, so the resurrection ability is limited to acquaintances, the top ten elites in the academy who graduated, and those who have made significant contributions to the organization.

If the rescued members are not rescued in time, they will most likely end up being eaten and turned into a pile of excrement.

Wu Ka ignored the female team member and said, "Chen Chuan, use the camouflage snake to check the situation."


The team member named Chen Chuan nodded immediately.

The next moment, he took out a simulated snake, and under his control, the simulated snake quickly moved forward.

It was the first time that the female team member saw a team member take action, and asked curiously, "Team leader, Chen Chuan's ability is very interesting."

"It's just toy control, an ordinary ability with no potential." Chen Chuan said coldly.

Ten minutes later, Chen Chuan narrowed his eyes and said, "Team leader, there is something strange in front, as if the space has cracked."

"The space has cracked?" Wu Ka frowned and worriedly said, "Can you be sure that it is a space crack?"

Chen Chuan nodded and said, "It can be confirmed that the smoke came from the space crack, and there is no danger around."

"Well, then go and take a look." Wu Ka thought about it after listening, and then confirmed.

The team continued to move forward. Half an hour later, the team came to the smoking forest. This forest was actually on the hillside of a mountain, much higher than their original location, and the air was cooler.

Everyone quickly arrived at the location where the smoke was coming from, and sure enough, a strange space crack was suspended in the air, and thick smoke continued to float out through the crack from the opposite side.

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