I Contracted Myself

【212】God of Rescue

At this time, the female team member looked at the space crack and said eagerly: "Captain, can I go in and take a look?"

"It's not easy for you to live to this age, Chen Chuan, release the snake." Wu Ka sighed, and then said to the cold-faced man next to him.

Chen Chuan threw the toy snake to the space crack, and frowned for a moment: "There is a city on the opposite side, strictly speaking, it is the ruins of the city. The space crack is next to a burning house. The wind blows towards the crack, so the thick smoke is blown over."

"Strange, can the crack lead to another world?" A team member couldn't help muttering.

Common sense in the rescue team is that the crack is very dangerous. Once you fall into the space crack, there are only two possibilities, one is to enter a piece of space debris, and the other is to fall into the void.

There is no doubt that neither of the endings is good.

"Is it possible that it is the world inside the space debris?" Someone asked immediately.

Chen Chuan shook his head and said: "No, you can still see the sky and the scenery in the distance. If there is such a large piece of space debris in this position, we are dead."

Indeed, such a large piece of debris cannot only smash such a small crack.

"Since it's safe, I'll go take a look!" The female team member volunteered again.

Before Wu Ka could stop her, the female team member activated her ability and instantly flew across the crack and appeared in the opposite world.

"This guy, I'll go take a look, you stay here and don't act rashly!" Wu Ka said helplessly.

Then he turned into a fly and flew into the crack. After passing through the crack, he felt a terrifying sense of crisis tightly wrapped around him from all directions.

"It's dangerous here!"

Wu Ka immediately accelerated, and when he approached the female team member, his body turned into a parrot and shouted: "Chen Na, don't stand there, come back with me."

"Captain, I seem to be... a little bit wrong." Female team member Chen Na said uncomfortably.

When she turned around, Wu Ka immediately saw that her facial features were bleeding. She blinked a few times, and the next moment she fell to the ground.

"No, this space is poisonous!" Wu Ka immediately took out a storage gem and threw it at Chen Na.

In an instant, Chen Na, who was falling, was collected by the storage gem. Then Wu Ka turned and flew towards the crack, but as soon as he passed through the crack, he felt a terrible virus spreading in his body.

"Listen, report to the organization immediately. There is poison on the other side of this space. Chen Na was sealed in the storage gem by me. She will not die for a while. Remember to save her."

Wu Ka fell to the ground, half-knelt on the ground and said quickly. After that, he took out the storage gem to seal himself.

The remaining team members looked at each other. Chen Chuan first disinfected the storage gem, then picked up Wu Ka's gem and said, "Do as the team leader said. Now we return to the headquarters."

After that, he opened the door of space and walked directly inside.

Everyone had to follow.


The Land of Ten Virtues.

Wuming was resting on Su Jingyao's legs.

Some time ago, he and Lin Renmei fought with several members of the Infinite Organization, but only killed one of them.

Because Lin Renmei had noticed that the Dark King was coming, they retreated directly into the Land of Ten Virtues, leaving the Dark King empty-handed again.

As the Great Destruction progressed, the number of conflicts between the rescue team and the Infinite Organization increased, which was basically the norm.

In the past few decades, Wuming grew from a little boy to a reliable young man, and Su Jingyao grew from a little loli to a beautiful lady.

Although they did not publicly marry, the three of them had actually accepted each other's existence. They often ate and chatted together in the Land of Ten Virtues, and even rested together with the sky as a blanket and the sea of ​​flowers as a bed.

However, most of the time they were apart, and everyone was busy with their own things.

Saving people and killing people can be said to be the main theme of daily life.

"Ding, ding!"

Wuming's communication software rang.

Wuming used to like strange ringtones, but because of the repeated confrontations with the Infinite Organization in recent years, he liked this simple ringtone instead.

He squinted and said, "Sister Weihua, what's wrong?"

"Wuming, do you still remember Wu Ka?" Chen Weihua asked.

Wuming thought for a moment and nodded, "I remember."

"He was poisoned by corpse poison, a kind of corpse poison that can spread in the air, and it is very similar to the corpse poison of Zuo Xiangming that we collected before." Chen Weihua said.

Wuming frowned and said, "Is it necessary to contact me for such a small matter?"

"I suspect that Zuo Xiangming is a member of the Infinite Organization." Chen Weihua explained.

Wuming asked


"We have studied many Zuo Xiangmings before. Most of the Zuo Xiangmings in the world have only three directions of superpower mutation after being lost. This Zuo Xiangming's mutation ability is different." Chen Weihua said.

If it was an ordinary Zuo Xiangming, she only needed to notify Feng Laixian, and Feng Laixian would definitely be very interested in burning the other party to death.

But this Zuo Xiangming is different, and this difference often means that the world is special, or Zuo Xiangming is an outsider.

"Well, then I'll go and take a look." Wuming understood what Chen Weihua meant, so he agreed.

Chen Weihua smiled and said, "Wuka is now the team leader of the logistics team. One of his team members was poisoned by corpses in that world, so he had to seal that team member into the storage gem. Remember to retrieve it when the time comes."

"Anything else?" Wuming asked.

Chen Weihua rolled her eyes and disconnected the call directly.

Everyone was too familiar with each other, so there was no need to be polite.

Wuming lay down again and said helplessly: "I have to go on another mission. I was just about to sleep like this."

"When the great destruction is over, you can rest as long as you want." Su Jingyao smiled and stroked Wuming's hair, and then comforted him.

Wuming said distressedly: "The current situation is that there is no end to the great destruction."

He has carried out tens of thousands of rescue missions over the years, and the number of people he has saved can almost circle the earth dozens of times.

"Then keep working hard, I believe you can do it." Su Jingyao encouraged.

Wuming smiled and said proudly: "Of course, I am the God of Rescue!"

This is not his boasting, but a title unanimously recognized by all the people in Xili. He even condensed a shell with extremely exaggerated healing and disaster relief capabilities through this title.

"Okay, go to the mission quickly. If you go one minute later now, several people who should have been rescued may die." Su Jingyao patted Wuming's shoulder and urged with a smile.

Wuming nodded, stood up and kissed Su Jingyao, waved his hand and said: "Then wait for me to come back tonight!"

"Be careful on the way." Su Jingyao advised virtuously.

Wuming smiled slightly, and then instantly transferred to the inside of the bubble shell through the dream world. At the same time, a white shell floating above the headquarters suddenly opened its golden eyes.

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