I Contracted Myself

【214】See through


Zuo Xiangming suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, his eyes opened wider and wider, and even the eye sockets were slightly cracked, and blood flowed down the wrinkles on his face.

A living corpse that was obviously dead was actually resurrected?

This unscientific! ! !

Not superpowers either! ! ! !

Zuo Xiangming had always heard how perverted and terrifying Wuming was in the past, but he didn't take it seriously. He just thought that the other members of the Infinite Organization were too mediocre.

Even before the official fight with Wuming, I feel the terrifying pressure brought by Wuming.

What kind of monster is this?

They are not in the same dimension as ordinary awakened beings.

Zuo Xiangming wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth in a panic, and tried to contact the King of Darkness, but there was no response from the King of Darkness. Apparently, the King of Darkness was also coming.

Now he is riding a tiger and cannot get off. The King of Darkness ordered him to delay Wuming. There are two possibilities for the failure of the mission. One is that he was beaten to death by Wuming. Wuming left before the King of Darkness arrived, so the mission naturally failed.

The second is that he did not hold Wuming back, and Wuming sensed the danger and ran away. He was angered by the King of Darkness who came over and was beaten to death by the King of Darkness.

In turn, there are two possibilities for mission success.

The first is that he was beaten to death by Wuming, and the King of Darkness came and beat Wuming to death. The second was that he entangled Wuming and supported him until the King of Darkness came and beat Wuming to death, but he survived.

One in four chance of survival.

Zuo Xiangming sweated slightly on his forehead and swallowed subconsciously. He felt that his life was suddenly like a candle in the wind, which could be blown out at any time.

"It seems we can only take a gamble."

Zuo Xiangming could sense that Wuming was rushing towards him, because the number of living corpses under his control was decreasing at an extremely fast rate.

He took a deep breath, and the next moment a living corpse with a huge mouth emerged from the ground and swallowed him in one gulp, and then the living corpse sank into the ground.

On the other side, Wuming would flash his position every few seconds.

In fact, the God of Rescue did not resurrect these living corpses, but these living corpses themselves were not dead. Their brains were just controlled by corpse poison, showing the form of the living dead.

After Wuming created the God of Rescue, he discovered that he could use the divine light of the God of Rescue to heal the living corpses created by Zuo Xiangming in most worlds.

Yes, this is a cure!

On the ground, countless people seemed to have had a long, long dream. When they woke up, some still remembered what happened at the last moment and were surprised that they were not dead. Others who did not remember were horrified to find out. I appeared in a strange place inexplicably, and my whole body was still naked.

However, some people wake up feeling like they are on the set of a horror movie, because they are surrounded by corpses and they are the only living person.

This frightened many people who woke up.

Wuming can only resurrect people who are not dead. The problem is that Zuo Xiangming's zombie virus can not only control fake dead zombies, but also real dead corpses.

Wuming has no way to resurrect these dead corpses. He can only disinfect the living corpse virus contained in the corpses, so the living corpses will naturally turn back into ordinary corpses.

If these corpses were mixed with living people who had awakened, one can imagine how great the impact would be on the living people.

Wuming didn't have time to provide psychological counseling to these people. He kept flashing back and finally appeared at the place where Zuo Xiangming was doing the experiment.

He glanced at the ground and said to himself: "He ran pretty fast."

The bodies on the ground had been cut into pieces, so there was no way to save them.

Wuming closed his eyes and intuitively locked in Zuo Xiangming's direction. One of the God of Rescue's hands was raised and slapped on the ground the next moment. With the palm as the center, an invisible ripple spread to the entire planet instantly.

The living corpse escaping underground suddenly stopped moving. Zuo Xiangming's expression changed slightly inside the living corpse, and then he quickly got out of the living corpse.

The living corpse that swallowed him decomposed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then some of the living corpses that were not completely dead quickly woke up.

"Monster, damn it!"

Zuo Xiang cursed openly and secretly, gritted his teeth and activated the special ability of the bracelet, instantly moving to his safe house.

In recent years, there have been more and more conflicts between the rescue team and the Infinite Organization, and he has become more and more cautious. When he entered the planet, he placed several safe houses on the planet.

I didn't expect that it would actually come in handy now.

"Can you still escape?"

Wuming showed a slightly surprised expression at the moment Zuo Xiangming disappeared.

The palm just now not only has the ability to heal living corpses, but also has the ability to suppress the earth. In theory, Zuo Xiangming should be punished for escaping.

Just stay stuck in the ground.

He probably used some spatial ability to escape.

Wuming also had a judgment in his heart. At the same time, he also guessed that the reason why Zuo Xiangming insisted on not escaping from this world was simply that the King of Darkness might be coming.

Compared with the limited knowledge of the Infinite Organization in the past, now because undercover agents are constantly providing information, in addition to the hidden parts of the Dark King, the rescue team has general information about the Infinite Organization. Even many members of the Infinite Organization have been hanging on to the rescue. on the team's bounty list.

After guessing Zuo Xiangming's purpose, Wuming simply closed his eyes. The next moment, the three hands of the God of Rescue clasped their hands together, and Wuming said calmly: "Big Dream Swallows the Sky!"

The mask on the front of the God of Rescue suddenly cracked, and underneath the mask was a huge vortex.

The vortex continued to rotate, ejecting a phantom mist that looked like stardust. In just over ten seconds, the entire planet was swallowed up by the phantom mist.

Then the God of Rescue sucked the mist and the entire planet back into his body.

The mask closed, Wuming smiled and said, "Okay, let's get out of here!"

When he was about to retreat into the Land of Ten Virtues, a ripple suddenly appeared in the space on his right hand side, and then a black cross flash suddenly bloomed.

The Dark King arrived.


The black cross flash burst out with terrifying power, and the entire space was shattered in an instant.

The Dark King slowly appeared in the broken space. He was not affected by the broken space. He just frowned and looked at the empty space, knowing that he was one step late.

"What a terrible guy!"

In the Land of Ten Virtues, Wuming looked at the right side of the God of Rescue. The three arms on the right side of the God of Rescue were broken, and he was also missing a leg.

This is the power of the Dark King.

Once the Dark King gets serious, Wuming and Lin Renmei have no chance of winning.

However, the Dark King is either one step late or late to realize it every time, so Wuming and Lin Renmei just need to be careful and cautious, and they can basically avoid the Dark King's sniping.

For example, right now, the Dark King is almost able to catch Wuming, but this is the difference between heaven and earth.

Wuming activated the healing ability of the God of Rescue, and his broken limbs were instantly repaired. He sent the shell of the God of Rescue back to the headquarters, and then sat in the sea of ​​flowers with a flask filled with stardust mist in his hand.

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