I Contracted Myself

【215】Galactic Giant

[Treasure of Dreams: Everything in Yuexiajun’s Bottle]

[Fantasy Trait: All-encompassing]

This is a dream treasure he obtained from a death row prisoner in a parallel world. It can hold almost anything. The only drawback is that it can only hold one kind of substance at a time.

But he developed a new use for the flask, which was to hold a dream.

When the owner of the dream died, the dream became an ownerless dream, and was gradually cultivated by him to its current scale.

He put the entire planet into his dream, and finally transferred it into the flask. Now the planet is in this small flask, and both Zuo Xiangming and the survivors need to deal with it personally.

"Come back so soon?"

Su Jingyao came back with a book and said with some surprise when she saw Wuming sitting among the flowers.

"The task is relatively simple."

Wuming confessed, and then shook the flask vigorously.

He smiled and said: "We have captured a member of the Infinite Organization and prepare to interrogate him properly."

"Do you need my help? I just happened to read a book about interrogation recently." Su Jingyao asked with a smile.

Her current status can be regarded as the rescue team's exclusive life assistant for Wuming. Most of the time she is only responsible for Wuming's daily life, so she has a lot of time to read.

She has read one-third of the book on Hope Outpost. Although she has only roughly read it, she has also mastered many skills.

"No, it's just an old man." Wuming refused.

The next moment, he squinted his eyes and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll take a nap while you read."

"Well, then you get busy." Su Jingyao nodded, then sat next to Wuming, opened the book and started reading.

At this time, the nameless body was sleeping in the sea of ​​flowers, and its spirit entered the flask, and instantly appeared in the form of a dream body on the swallowed planet.

In fact, the people on this planet did not realize that they had been transferred. Even Zuo Xiangming just hid in the safe house and muttered why the King of Darkness hadn't arrived yet.

Wuming instantly transformed into the image of the King of Darkness. He appeared outside Zuo Xiangming's safe house, knocked on the door with his hand, and said: "Open the door!"


Zuo Xiangming was stunned, a little confused, when did the King of Darkness become so polite?

His safe house looks very ordinary from the outside;

But it's not that simple from the inside. There are a lot of base runes on the rocks, which can block many detections.

But even until he died, he would never have thought that someone could swallow a whole planet, so in the end he hesitated and got up to open the door for Wuming.


Zuo Xiangming opened the door and saw that it was really the King of Darkness, and his old face immediately showed a smile.

He felt really relieved at this moment. He was mentally prepared to open the door and see the God of Rescue. Unexpectedly, it was the King of Darkness who found him first.

But he soon accepted this setting. After all, the King of Darkness was much stronger than the God of Rescue, so it was not surprising that he could be found first.

"I asked you to hold someone back, and this is what you did?" Wuming asked sternly with a straight face and his hands behind his back.

Zuo Xiangming said in horror: "King, it's not that my subordinates don't want to hold Wuming back, but Wuming is too strong, and Wuming's ability can completely restrain my ability, and there's nothing I can do about it."

"I don't care. If you haven't completed what I told you, huh... you can avoid the death penalty, but I have to send you to that place!" Wuming narrowed his eyes and said fiercely.

that place?

which place?

Zuo Xiangming was stunned for a moment, and then his brain started working quickly.

Suddenly, he thought of a place: dark prison.

The structure of the Infinite Organization is very simple, even a little too free. After joining the Infinite Organization, unless there is an order from the Lord of Darkness, they are free most of the time.

But the Infinite Organization also has an extremely mysterious prison, which is said to contain a large number of members who betrayed the Lord of Darkness and betrayed the Infinite Organization.

Could it be that the Lord of Darkness wants to send him to hell?

Zuo Xiangming's legs suddenly became weak. He knelt on the ground and begged: "King, please don't send me to the dark prison. I will hold Wuming back next time, even if I die. Please give me another one." Chance!"

Black prison?

Wuming was stunned, he was just talking casually.

He didn't know where that place was. He just wanted to deceive Zuo Xiangming and see if Zuo Xiangming could provide some useful information.

I didn't expect it to be a scam.

It turns out that the Infinite Organization also has a black prison, but whether it is true or not needs to be verified.

"Forget it, Wuming is really not someone you can hold back, so I'll be lenient and you go to the Black Prison.

Be a jailer. "Wuming said with a cold expression.

After saying that, he turned around and walked out, planning to release Zuo Xiangming later and let Zuo Xiangming take him to the black prison.

However, Zuo Xiangming hesitated and said, "King, my subordinates don't know where the Black Prison is."

Although he was surprised that the Lord of Darkness was so easy to talk to, he still had the courage to speak. After all, he really didn't know the location of the Black Prison. In the past, he only heard about such a place through hearsay.

"Then what do I need you for?" Wuming turned around and said with a dark face.

In an instant, Zuo Xiangming felt as if his head had been hit by a hammer, and his consciousness quickly fell into darkness.

Wuming put his hand into Zuo Xiangming's brain with a cold face, and the next moment his body disappeared again.

Dream world.

Zuo Xiangming's dream was definitely one of the most disgusting dreams Wuming had ever seen.

The whole world is made up of corpses. Underfoot is the earth made up of corpses of men and women. There are mountains in the distance. Some of the mountains are huge heads, and there are also women's breasts, or a broken arm...

Wuming walked on the road paved with corpses, walked forward with a look of disgust, and soon found Zuo Xiangming following his feeling.

At this time, Zuo Xiangming was kneeling in front of a grave. He kept kowtowed and said something like "Dad is sorry for you". Wuming walked up and took a look at the name on the grave, and then continued to walk in another direction.

Wuming was not interested in Zuo Xiangming's family affairs at all, nor was he interested in why Zuo Xiangming felt guilty about his son. He was just collecting information.

After collecting enough information, he moved towards the location of the dream treasure.

Sometimes, some dream treasures in the dream world cannot be used as soon as they are obtained, but have settings similar to password locks, and must master the password before they can be used.

Wuming didn't know it at first, and as a result, he got a dream treasure that was completely unusable, and later he developed the habit of collecting information.

Ten minutes later, he came to the edge of the flesh and blood land.

Outside the edge was a brilliant galaxy, and at the same time, a giant like Pangu was suspended above the galaxy, and it was actually merged with the galaxy.

This galaxy giant was so spectacular that Wuming was stunned for a moment, and then he said in surprise: "This dream treasure is too big."

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