I Contracted Myself


Parallel world No. 2023.

Lin Renmei was suspended in the sky, using clouds as cover, and was observing a city below.

This city is entirely made of steel, with countless gears running to provide power to every corner of the city. There are also densely packed people who are kept in cages and constantly running to deliver power to the entire city.

Lin Renmei stared closely at the tallest building in the city. There was a swimming pool at the top of the building. At this time, several beauties were sitting by the pool, while a man was lying on a lounge chair, enjoying a massage from a beauty in a swimsuit.

"It's indeed him."

Lin Renmei turned on the screen, compared the man's appearance, and then said to herself.

The rescue team has issued many bounty notices for members of the Infinite Organization, and high rewards can be obtained for providing clues or killing.

Lin Renmei received a tip some time ago that someone discovered the location of one of the Infinity Organization members.

She rushed here after finishing the previous task, and now she is sure that the man below is a member of the Infinite Organization-Ishiki!

Yi Shi, a domainer, whose ability is metal manipulation.

Although metal manipulation itself is not an infinite superpower, and Ishiki was not eligible to join the infinite organization, his advanced skills are very powerful.

His first advanced skill is attribute absorption. Simply put, the metal he controls can absorb various attributes, thereby producing more wonderful effects.

The second advanced ability is metal body, which greatly improves his life-saving ability.

The third advanced skill is the metal furnace. According to the information provided by the undercover agent, this ability allows Yishi to swallow metal, continuously improve his body's quality, and even swallow some special metals, and obtain the extraordinary properties of those special metals.

This is a bit similar to the nameless gold eater.

Now Ishiki has swallowed an unknown amount of metal, and has also advanced to become a domainer. He has a mysterious domain called the 'Full Metal Domain', which is extremely difficult to deal with.

In the Infinite Organization, he is also a relatively difficult character.

"I don't know if I can kill him with one punch."

Lin Renmei took a breath of cold air and thought silently in her heart.

With her current strength, if the average domain user does not open the domain in time, she can beat him with one punch.

Both spirit and form are destroyed.

The problem is that Ishiki is considered an elite among those in the realm, and is infinitely close to those in the divine realm. In addition, Ishiki itself has extremely powerful life-saving abilities, and she is not sure that she can achieve an instant kill.

At this time, Yishi got up from the recliner, walked to the edge of the building, took off his pants and peed downstairs.

"good chance!"

Lin Renmei's eyes suddenly lit up, and the biological force field exploded.

In an instant, Yi Shi felt a destructive force descending from the sky. His expression suddenly changed. Before he could put his second brother back into his pants, a huge fist mark fell.


There was a loud noise, and a corner of the steel building was suddenly missing.

The beauties in swimsuits screamed in fright, twisted their buttocks and ran toward the stairs.

Lin Renmei's punch can be said to be a perfect use of power. Her fist is only aimed at Yi Shi, and there is almost no leakage of power. At the same time, the biological force field also maximizes the power of her punch. If Yi Shi is hit , will definitely instantly enter the human formation.

Unfortunately, it missed.

The missing corner of the steel building was not caused by Lin Renmei's power, but by Yi Shi's superpower.

In the thousandth of a second when Lin Renmei's fist fell, Yi Shi controlled the steel building under his feet to wrap around himself, and at the same time turned into a fist to fight with Lin Renmei's fist.

The result was that the steel was shattered, but Ishiki also took the opportunity to run away.

There are actually many metal pipes inside the steel building, and these metal pipes are the escape route for Yi style.

At this time, he had turned into a ball of mercury and was falling rapidly.

"Is that Lin Renmei?"

Yi Shi was still frightened. If he hadn't been more cautious and even the building had to be built with steel, he would have definitely died with one punch.

After the fear, anger followed, and he fell to the ground with murderous intent. In an instant, the whole city seemed to come alive.

"You want my life? I'll kill you first, bitch!"

Yi Shi merged with the surrounding steel, and then Steel City suddenly opened a huge eyeball, and a red beam of light shot towards Lin Renmei in the air.

In fact, this light can no longer be described as a beam, but a light cannon is more appropriate, because it is five meters thick!

Lin Renmei suddenly accelerated in the air. After avoiding the light cannon attack, she glanced below, densely packed with

The sword emerged from the steel city, and the next moment swords rained down.

No, this is Jian Ruyu Shang, a backwards version!

Lin Renmei avoided the attack of a sword, and then more swords came at her. She had no choice but to clenched her fist and swung it out. The huge power exploded instantly, and the flying swords were completely destroyed by this punch.

"We must fight quickly!"

Lin Renmei took a deep breath, and then fell from the sky.

If there weren't many hostages in the city and she had a lot of worries about taking action, she could have blown up the entire city with one punch.

"How dare you go down to the ground!"

Yi Shi didn't expect Lin Renmei to be so bold.

But this was good for him, and he wished Lin Renmei could be more reckless.

When his ability was activated, the surrounding steel attacked Lin Renmei one after another. At Lin Renmei's feet, countless metals instantly turned into shackles and latched onto Lin Renmei's ankles.

Lin Renmei glanced down at the metal on her ankle, and then continued walking forward as if nothing had happened. As she moved, the metal that tried to cling to her exploded.

She said calmly: "Do you really think I can't find you if you hide?"

Biological force field, fully activated!

An aura that distorted space instantly erupted from her body, and then an invisible force easily smoothed the explosive steel city. Except for the people in the city, all the metal was pinned to the ground, unable to move at all.

"Got you!"

Lin Renmei looked at Yi Shi's hiding place and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

Although Yi Shi still maintains the mercury state, under the scanning of the biological force field, it is still as obvious as a torch in the dark.

No matter what Yi Shi becomes, all living beings will be equal under Lin Renmei's punch.

Lin Renmei took a step forward and instantly appeared above the immobile Ishiki. Her charged punch gave Ishiki a great sense of oppression, and he felt the breath of death.

But at this moment, the space began to distort, and traces of black power spread across the space instantly.

Lin Renmei's pupils shrank instantly, and the next moment she burst out thousands of meters away.

The black power fell on the ground and wrapped Ishiki. In an instant, Ishiki quickly returned to his human form, looking like a mummy tightly wrapped in black cloth, with only his eyes and nose exposed.

He stared at Lin Renmei bitterly and said, "It was such a close call, I almost died."

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