I Contracted Myself

【218】Dark Metal

What it is?

Lin Renmei stared at the black power on Yi Shi's body and frowned slightly.

She had a feeling that once affected by that power, she would probably be injured or even die.

"Full metal field, open!"

Ishiki obviously had no interest in explaining his power to the enemy. Instead, he slapped the ground and countless black liquids appeared out of thin air.

These liquids come from the same source as the power in him!

Lin Renmei realized something was wrong, and the biological force field immediately pressed against the incoming black liquid. However, the biological force field collided with the black liquid, and the biological force field was instantly destroyed. At the same time, an indescribable malice flowed along the biological force field. The field spread to Lin Renmei.

Fortunately, Lin Renmei immediately cut off her wrist and discarded part of the biological force field, so that the malice did not spread to her body.

Suddenly, she felt danger approaching, and immediately followed her instincts to dodge to the right. Then, the position where she was suspended before was covered by a large amount of black liquid.

She looked behind her, and sure enough, black liquid quietly appeared behind her.

Obviously, Yishi has opened up its own field.

The domain of each domainer is actually different, which is like a reflection of the inner world. Some people's domain is filled with a lot of blood, and some people's domain is filled with countless corpses.

Ishiki's domain itself was filled with various metals, but his domain was later transformed by the Lord of Darkness.

Now there is only one metal in his field, and that is dark metal.

This kind of dark metal can be in liquid, solid or even gaseous state. Unfortunately, Lin Renmei's breathing will be multi-filtered with biological force fields. Otherwise, just using gaseous dark metal can kill Lin Renmei once.

Dark metal can eliminate all good intentions of living beings and disintegrate all superpowers of the other party.

If Lin Ren falls for the trick, she will become a powerless woman.

Yishi couldn't help but lick his lips when he thought that he could get a hold of a beauty of this level. He was different from those reckless men in the Infinite Organization who pursued power. He liked to enjoy himself, whether it was food or beauty.

It can be seen from the luxurious swimming pool on the top of the steel building and the beauties in swimsuits with bulging fronts and backs, fair skin, beautiful breasts and slender waists, how dedicated he is to these enjoyments.

I have to say, people

After all, we are human, so we have weaknesses.

Once he had a wrong idea, Yi Shi's subsequent killing methods were greatly reduced, and instead he tried to capture Lin Renmei.

"This power definitely does not belong to him!"

Lin Renmei avoided the siege of dark metal, glanced at Yi Shi who revealed her appearance, and made a judgment in her mind.

Although her and Yi Shi's advancement routes are different, they are now equivalent to the level of a domainer, and her strength could have steadily crushed Yi Shi.

But the black liquid allowed Ishi to suppress her.

No need to guess, she knew whose hand it was.

Obviously, in order to protect his subordinates, the Dark King has begun to transform them.

How this transformation will play out in the future is unknown, but at least at this stage it does give these rotten fish and shrimps the strength to fight against her.

She is not good at dealing with such changeable enemies. Her style is to be straightforward. If she can destroy the enemy with one punch, she will never waste the second punch.

Since Yishi doesn't rely on martial ethics to rely on external forces, she can naturally bring in reinforcements.

She opened the communication software and immediately contacted Wuming. After a moment, Wuming answered the call and asked, "Renmei, what's the matter?"

"I'm fighting Yi Shi, can you come over?" Lin Renmei asked succinctly immediately.

Islamic style?


Wuming was a little confused at first. He couldn't remember who this person was.

However, Xiao Xi very thoughtfully showed Yi Shi's reward list in front of him. After reading it, he suddenly realized: "It turns out to be him. He is beautiful. You should be able to beat him, right?"

"look by youself!"

Lin Renmei immediately changed the scene, and the dense black liquid turned into spikes and stabbed at her.


Wuming felt as if he was pierced by sharp thorns, and then he frowned: "Black... liquid? Metal?"

The reward list contains some basic information about Yi Shi. The super power of metal manipulation is also one of the top super powers in Pearl City.

But those black liquids didn't look like ordinary liquids. Even through the screen, he could feel that the black liquid had an unspeakable nausea.

"Wait a moment, I'll be right over!"

Although Wuming felt that the black liquid was disgusting, on the contrary, he felt curious in his heart.

research interest.

He rose from the sea of ​​flowers, and the next moment he appeared inside the God of Rescue, and then the God of Rescue flashed and disappeared.

Full metal field.

The next moment, Lin Renmei saw the huge God of Rescue appear out of thin air, and then the black liquid cut off one of the God of Rescue's arms.

"Ouch, it hurts!"

Wuming immediately screamed in pain and quickly backed away to avoid more black liquid.

In fact, the God of Rescue has a very high defense. Even Lin Renmei's full attack could not harm the God of Rescue. These black liquids could cut off one of the God of Rescue's arms, which really shocked and surprised Lin Renmei and Wuming.

Then Wuming also made the same judgment as Lin Renmei, this power definitely did not belong to Yi Shi.

"Back off first!"

Wuming grabbed Lin Renmei with one hand, and then flashed to the sky, looking at the dark all-metal field below.

The full metal domain was like a dark swamp, with countless black liquids twisting like tentacles. Yishi was in the center of the domain, his body wrapped in black cloth like a mummy, with only his eyes and nose exposed.

When Wuming looked at Yishi, Yishi also looked up at the God of Rescue. The two sides met each other's eyes and saw something in each other's eyes.


Wuming smiled and said, "It seems that he is very confident about these black things and thinks that he will be safe with these things."

"Be careful, these black liquids must be related to the Dark King." Lin Renmei entered the inner space of the shell and said to Wuming.

Wuming nodded and said, "Don't worry, I won't be careless."

Although the God of Rescue had one arm cut off as soon as he came over, the strongest thing about the God of Rescue is the healing ability. While he was talking, the arm of the God of Rescue grew back.

"I'll try it out, let's wash the ground with firepower first!"

Wuming looked at the full metal domain below and said with a smile.

The next moment, the three faces of the God of Rescue burst into light, and then various attacks gathered above the God of Rescue and fell like rain.

This scene was extremely exaggerated, and it was difficult to describe it in words.

Lightning, plasma, flames, magma, huge meteorites, sharp gale, black fog that corroded everything...

All the attacks fell down and collided with the full metal field.

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