I Contracted Myself

【219】God of Creation

All fears stem from lack of firepower, but in the world of superpowers, some things really cannot be solved by firepower.

For many special abilities, it is extremely difficult to achieve any effect through purely physical attacks, but certain targeted superpowers can have miraculous effects.

The nameless temptation was loud and clear, but it was resolved without causing any ripples.

Whether it was lightning or flames, everything was swallowed up by the black liquid, and it ended without even making a sound after the impact.

"It seems that ordinary attacks will not have any impact on it." Wuming said to himself after watching this scene.

Lin Renmei nodded and said: "I tried it just now. With my fist, I punched with all my strength. Even the planet can be exploded, but it did not pose any threat to these black liquids."

"By the way, Wuming, don't you have a superpower called the Gold Swallower? Yishi's superpower is metal manipulation. These black liquids are probably some kind of metal. You can completely swallow these black liquids." Lin Renmei then He thought of an idea and immediately said to Wuming.

After hearing this, Wuming couldn't help rolling his eyes and complained: "You are young, do you want to be a widow?"

"No way?" Lin Renmei asked puzzledly.

Wuming shook his head and said: "No, if I really do what you want, I will definitely die miserably. These black liquids can no longer be described as superpowers. They should be formed by more advanced powers beyond superpowers. They are made of food." If the Gold Eater swallows these black liquids, the Gold Eater will definitely burst, and then I will explode on the spot.”

Then he changed the topic and said with narrowed eyes: "And there is not much time left for us. I was almost caught by the King of Darkness before. If we delay for too long this time, the King of Darkness will definitely come over."

"Then let's fight quickly. Do you have any idea?" Lin Renmei leaned on Wuming, her face resting on Wuming's shoulder, and asked.

She is a little tired.

I just finished the mission and rushed here non-stop. As a result, I tried my best several times but failed to win the Yi Shi. It was really tiring.

"Not a few days ago, but now I have some ideas." Wuming pinched Lin Renmei's cheek and said with a smile.

Lin Renmei immediately sat upright, looked at Wuming with wide eyes, and said loudly: "Sure enough, you secretly became stronger behind my back again!"

"Don't be cute, we're still fighting." Wuming said helplessly.

Lin Renmei is very aware of Wuming's fighting style. With Xiaoxi as an assistant, Wuming can

There will be no problem even if Ming is distracted. Except for certain critical moments, Wu Ming is actually the hands-off boss, and most of the control of the shell is completed by Xiao Xi.

However, she is not actually someone who likes to act cute, she just plays with Wuming occasionally to enhance their relationship.

She stopped being cute and asked curiously: "Have you gained new superpowers this time?"

Didn't ask about the shell.

The main reason is that Wuming always strives for perfection in the outer casing, and the main outer casing has not been replaced for a long time.

In the past, he used the dragon shell and the death shell. Later, he got the rescue god shell. The dragon shell and the death shell were placed in Xili to accept the people's worship. Unless one day the quality changes, Wuming is unlikely to use these two. An outdated shell.

Because she knew Wuming was very harsh on the shell, Lin Renmei simply didn't ask.

"Actually, it's a new shell." Wuming replied with a smile.

Lin Renmei was stunned for a moment, then said in surprise: "From your point of view, ordinary materials can't fit into your eyes."

"So this time is very unusual!" Wuming smiled excitedly.

Lin Renmei urged: "Then you use it quickly, I will open my eyes and see what can make you enlighten."


Wuming was a little speechless. In fact, he was not very picky. He usually made casings for even apples.

It's just that the requirements for combat shells are relatively high, so they are rarely obtained.

Wuming defended himself in his mind, and then activated his ability.

In an instant, the God of Rescue, who had been dodging the black liquid stretched out from the Full Metal Realm, quickly disappeared, and only a transparent bubble appeared.

Before Yi Shi could react, an even bigger giant covered the bubble.

This giant is not only big, but there are also galaxies floating around its body. Under the support of the galaxies, this giant looks even more oppressive.

"Xiao Xi, let me see the appearance quickly." Lin Renmei said immediately.

For a moment, a light appeared in front of Lin Renmei, showing the appearance of a giant. The screen even slowly rotated, allowing her to see clearly what it looked like from all angles.

"What's the name of this shell?" she asked curiously.

Wuming replied: "Creation God!"

"What an arrogant name." Lin Renmei said in surprise.

Wuming smiled and said, "That's because it has the ability to be arrogant."

As soon as he thought, the outer shell of the God of Creation immediately

Looking towards the all-metal field, Ishiki instantly felt a strange aura.

In fact, Wuming doesn't even know what the Dream Treasures are, because strictly speaking they are not products of superpowers, nor are they things that reality should have.

The Dream Treasure is more like a creation that is independent of all systems that Wuming currently knows.

Because of this, the level of Dream Treasure is actually very high. Even a small flask is strong enough to carry the planet.

Using the power of the King of Darkness to fight against it is undoubtedly seeking death, so Wuming subconsciously collected the treasures of dreams.

This battle is actually an experiment.

The Creator God landed on the ground, and the ground instantly turned into the ocean. Under the control of super powers, rolling waves surged towards the all-metal domain.


Yi Shi didn't expect the ground to turn into the sea. He was slightly shocked and quickly retracted the dark metal to protect himself.

However, when a wave of waves ended, he found that the sea water was just ordinary sea water, which was not enough to pose any threat to him.

"Just ordinary water?"

Yi Shi looked at the water flowing by with an ugly face, and felt ashamed in his heart. He felt that he was fooled by Wuming.

But the next moment, he found that some of the dark metal was missing.


How could the dark metal be reduced?

Hallucination, definitely an illusion!

Yi Shi wiped his eyes, but found that the hallucination did not disappear, and another part of the dark metal disappeared with the sea water.

"We must kill them before all the dark metal disappears!"

Yi Shi had to accept this cruel fact, and then stared at the shell of the Creator God with a hideous face.

The next moment, all the dark metals formed a black dragon under his control. He stepped on the dragon and quickly flew towards the shell of the Creator God. At the same time, dense black filaments shot towards the Creator God.

"He's anxious, he's anxious!"

Wuming was not surprised but happy when he saw this scene. He immediately controlled the shell of the Creator God to retreat.

Although the efficiency of converting dark metal into water is very low every time, the shell of the Creator God can indeed consume the dark metal in the full metal field.

In this way, Wuming does not need to fight Yi Shi head-on.

He can convert all the dark metal first, and the remaining Yi Shi is like a stake, which can be easily killed.

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