I Contracted Myself

【220】Killing plan

Yishi's combat effectiveness is actually higher than Wuming.

The problem is that after Wuming appeared, he was completely manipulated. With the help of Xiaoxi, Wuming could easily collect various information about Yishi and accurately maintain a safe distance, while Yishi could only rely on the past. combat experience.

The gap between the two has already appeared at the information level.

For example, Ishiki doesn't know Wuming's attack range, movement speed, skill speed, etc.

But Wuming knew that the diameter of Yishi's domain was five thousand meters, and dark metals could only change and move within this five thousand meter range. Once they were out of this five thousand meter distance, they would quickly disappear.

At the same time, Yishi's control of dark metal is actually not perfect, and can even be said to be very stiff. After all, dark metal is not his own power, so he is not so comfortable in using it.

No matter what form the dark metal is transformed into, Ishiki needs a certain amount of time to imagine that form.

Although this time is very, very short, only about 0.001 seconds, for the fleeting fighter, this is already a very big flaw.

Now that Wuming is far away from him, it happens to be five thousand meters away. As he advances into Wuming, he retreats. The dark metal in the field has never been able to pose a threat to the outer shell of the God of Creation.

Waves washed over Ishiki's domain one after another, and the dark metal was converted into sea water and dissipated little by little.

These dark metals are not endless. The King of Darkness cannot provide him with unlimited dark metals. Therefore, once these dark metals are exhausted, his realm will return to its original realm. At that time, Wuming and Lin Ren With Mei's strength, it would be effortless to take him down.

At this time, the giant dragon made of dark metal was rampaging in the air, and water vapor would fall off from the dragon's body from time to time.

Wuming's movement speed was obviously higher than that of the dragon controlled by Yi Shi. The distance between the two sides was always more than five thousand meters. Yi Shi racked his brains and couldn't think of a way to break the situation.

If you are a normal field user, you can now completely change the shape of the field, from a circle to a needle shape, and instantly pierce the space where the target is.

The problem is that his domain has become difficult to deform under the transformation of the Lord of Darkness. He cannot do things that ordinary domainers can easily do.

"No, I will die if this continues!"


Shi stood on the dragon's head and looked at the outer shell of the God of Creation, thinking to himself.

At the beginning, he also found that his control over the field was declining, but with the dark metal provided by the King of Darkness, he thought that the moment he opened the field was the end of the battle, so he didn't take it seriously.

Now the situation has become very obvious. He is not an unknown opponent at all. The weaknesses that he thought were harmless in the past have become the biggest flaws now.

He couldn't beat Wu Ming. This was a fact, and it wasn't a reality that could be changed by roaring.

The next moment, he decisively contacted the King of Darkness. After he explained the situation, the King of Darkness immediately asked him to try his best to deal with Wuming.

After he agreed, he felt slightly relieved.

With the support of the Dark King, now he only needs to hold on until the Dark King arrives.

On the other side, Wuming frowned and said, "Ishi's offensive rhythm has changed."

"They should have contacted the King of Darkness!" Lin Renmei said.

Before, she mistakenly thought that Ishiki had contacted the Lord of Darkness. In fact, the dangerous feeling came from the dark metal in the full metal realm, not the Lord of Darkness.

Now that Ishiki's trump card is of little use, for the sake of his own life, Ishiki will definitely ask the Lord of Darkness for help.

Wuming smiled and said: "Then we must fight quickly. This time the support from the King of Darkness will probably be faster and more fierce."

In the battle just now, Xiaoxi discovered several weaknesses in the full metal field, such as difficulty in turning, empty rear, etc. These weaknesses are difficult for ordinary people to detect, because the time for the flaws to appear may only be a few tenths of a second. It can be said that they can be easily manipulated. Pass away.

At this time, Xiaoxi provided several quick solutions.

After reading it, Wuming smiled and said, "Then let's try the plan first."

The next moment, the retreat arc of the God of Creation changed. This change was very subtle. It was just a step-like upward movement, just a little bit each time.

Ishiki didn't notice the problem and just dealt with Shiki's pursuit of Wuming.

He didn't know that his pursuit trajectory gradually became consistent with the trajectory of the God of Creation, so his weakness changed from a few tenths of a second to multiple tenths of a second.

After the weakness of Continuity was exposed, the God of Creation suddenly attacked.

In an instant, a water column appeared out of thin air and penetrated directly through the dragon's weak point. When Yi Shi reacted,

His chest had been pierced by the water.

He looked down at his chest in disbelief, and then his body quickly turned into mercury, but as soon as it turned into mercury, he was swallowed up by a ball of energy.

"The wind is so tight!"

Wuming saw that Ishiki was dead and returned to the Land of Ten Good Things the next moment.

As soon as he left, the King of Darkness appeared as promised. When he saw the crumbling Full Metal Realm, his entire face immediately turned darker than the bottom of the pot.


The King of Darkness was really furious this time. The whole world suddenly went dark, and then everything disappeared.

But this has no meaning anymore, because the person he wants to kill is no longer here.

A place of ten virtues.

Wuming wiped away the non-existent sweat and said with a smile: "It's such a close call. I just smelled the smell of death. The King of Darkness came so quickly this time."

"How did you kill Yishi? I don't understand the last move." Lin Renmei asked at this time.

The defense of dark metal is no longer a question of whether it is high or not, but there is no way to destroy it. Even if the dragon has a weak point, it is not something that can be damaged by water flow.

"The principle is very simple. I transformed the air!" Wuming explained with a smile.

In fact, at the beginning, he deliberately manipulated only the surrounding water molecules to fool Yishi. At that time, Yishi did not think that Wuming could transform the ground into the ocean, and even the air could be transformed into seawater.

The result is that Yishi was only eroded by water molecules during the flight, but when Wuming took action later, the air also became an accomplice.

This is exactly the blind spot that Yishi did not calculate, so Yishi was instantly broken.

Of course, Xiaoxi's calculation is also particularly important here. If the timing is not right, then the dark metal will have enough time to return to defense, and then this plan will fail.

It is precisely because Xiaoxi grasped the time tightly and took action at the moment when the dragon changed direction and went up, so Yishi's control of the dragon was a beat slower.

It was only a short moment, but it became the cause of his death.

As for him turning into mercury and being swallowed by energy, it is easier to understand.

Because when Wuming attacked, he actually threw the Gold Eater with him, and when he turned into mercury, the Gold Eater could swallow him.

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