I Contracted Myself


Infinite Pearl City.

The King of Darkness sat on the main seat, looking at the kneeling members below with a gloomy expression.

"I'm very confused. You have been joining the organization for a long time. The last person who joined should be almost ten years ago. Why can't you even defeat a rescue team?" The Dark King said slowly.

No one below dares to speak. They all know that if they speak now, they will definitely be killed by the King of Darkness.

When the King of Darkness is unhappy, don't talk too much. It is a wise choice to let the King of Darkness scold you happily.

"Let me ask you, do I have anything to hide? The correct advancement system has already told you, have I squeezed your cultivation resources? The endless world is still plundered and captured by you."

"I really don't understand why not even one strong person among you has been born?"

"Chen Sanshuang, it has been almost five hundred years since you joined the organization. What state are you in now?"

As he spoke, the Dark King looked at a member kneeling on the ground.

The member was extremely tall, with densely packed sharp horns on his head, and looked very inhuman.

When he was named by the King of Darkness, his body trembled slightly and he replied: "King, I just became a domainer."


"You still have the nerve to talk?"

"A domainer for five hundred years, your brain was eaten by a dog?"

"It takes a full five hundred years for an infinite-level ability user to become a domain user. Are you ashamed? If I were you, I would just die."

The Dark King cursed loudly.


Chen Sanshuang was very aggrieved. People with unlimited abilities were not gods.

After his potential was exhausted, it took him hundreds of years to collect enough treasures of heaven and earth to restore his potential, and then he advanced from a top awakener to a transcendent.

Perhaps it was because the recovery potential was exhausted by advancing, and his advanced skills were not particularly good. As a result, he was trapped in the Beyonder for another few hundred years.

He has worked very hard, and his lack of progress is really a matter of qualifications.

"Situ Shibai, how many years have you been a member of the organization?"

The King of Darkness looked at Situ Shibai again and asked lightly.

The next moment, Situ Shibai replied: "King, it has been almost seventy years since I joined the organization."

"Seventy years, haha, then now

What state are you in? asked the Dark King.

Situ Shibai replied: "King, my subordinate's qualifications are dull and he has just reached the level of a person in the field."

"Seventy years of field master..."

The Lord of Darkness originally wanted to curse, but without comparison there is no harm.

He looked at Chen Sanshuang unhappily, and Chen Sanshuang suddenly trembled, having an extremely bad premonition.

"Chen Sanshuang, what do you think I should do with you?"


"I remember you said that your name is Chen Sanshuang, and you have two brothers named Chen Yishuang and Chen Ershuang. They were named by your father. Every time your father has sex, he has a son, right?"

The King of Darkness slowly walked to Chen Sanshuang and asked slowly.

"King, please spare my life. I am loyal to the organization and the sun and the moon can teach me a lesson!" Chen Sanshuang felt that he was in danger and immediately begged for mercy with a sad face.

The King of Darkness smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't kill you, but you made me unhappy once, so you should pay a price."

The next moment, darkness swallowed Chen Sanshuang instantly, and everyone could hear Chen Sanshuang's extremely sad scream in the darkness.

The members kneeling on the ground were all trembling slightly, their foreheads were covered with cold sweat, and their hearts were filled with fear.

"Don't worry, we'll do it one by one."

"I believe Chen Sanshuang is not the only member who is not motivated."

The King of Darkness sat back in his seat, glanced at the people below, and said coldly.

"King, actually I have a little idea." Situ Shibai couldn't help but said at this time.

Ever since Dark Phoenix Fairy disappeared inexplicably, Situ Shibai has been paying attention to the situation within the Infinite Organization. Especially in recent decades, the Infinite Organization has been targeted by the rescue team, and several members he knew were killed. He knew that the Infinite Organization would fight the rescue team sooner or later.

If the King of Darkness is the main general in this battle, then there will definitely be someone below who will become the real mainstay of the organization, truly one person below ten thousand people.

Originally, that position probably belonged to Dark Phoenix, but now he is not without hope.

After all, the biggest problem of the Infinite Organization is that everyone is an infinite-level ability user, but everyone is trapped by their own potential and cannot move forward. Only by gaining the favor of the Lord of Darkness can it be possible to truly

Keep going.


The King of Darkness's face turned cold, but after glancing at Situ Shibai, he still endured his unhappiness.

If it was before, he would have killed Situ Shibai, but now compared to killing Situ Shibai, he felt more evil.

He rushed to support twice but failed. It was like being slapped twice in the face.

Therefore, as long as he can deal with the rescue team, he can tolerate his temper a little.

Situ Shibai perked up and realized that the Dark King might be far more unhappy with the rescue team than he expected. He immediately said: "King, not all of the rescue team are infinite level ability users. In fact, we can also organize one." A team dedicated to competing with the rescue team!"

"What qualifications do those weed-like rubbish have to compete with the rescue team?" the Dark King said disdainfully.

Situ Shibai smiled and said, "King, we don't need them to beat the rescue team. We just need them to harass the rescue team. This is a tactic of exhausting the enemy. As long as there are enough flies, the lion will be annoyed to death. Once the rescue team reveals a flaw, it is time for you to cut the grass and root it out!"

"Your plan... is interesting, but the problem is how to find the flies?" The Dark King touched his chin and thought about Situ Shibai's plan carefully. He found that this plan really had a chance of success, so he asked again.

Situ Shibai smiled and said, "Aren't there ready-made flies?"

Seeing that the Dark King was unhappy that he was keeping it a secret, he quickly continued, "The Beastmaster Zhu Family!"

"It seems that your hatred for the Beastmaster Zhu Family has not subsided." The Dark King smiled after listening.

Situ Shibai shook his head and said, "I don't hate the Beastmaster Zhu Family. I wonder if the King has discovered that the Beastmaster Zhu Family has been wiped out in many worlds where the rescue team has appeared?"

"Is there such a thing?" The Dark King was surprised.

He really didn't notice this little detail that was insignificant to him.

Situ Shibai nodded seriously and said, "I have been to several worlds that the rescue team has been to. The Beast Taming Zhu family has been wiped out without exception. Obviously, in the eyes of the rescue team, the Beast Taming Zhu family are all enemies. We just need to produce enough evidence and use more powerful forces to subdue those Beast Taming Zhu family members who have not been wiped out. Then the flies will be gone!"

"Good, good, good!"

The Dark King clapped his hands and laughed. He liked this plan.

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