I Contracted Myself

【222】Disaster Team

A certain parallel world.

Due to the collision of space debris, the planet where humans live was split into two. Various natural disasters followed, and the earth began to collapse inwards, making rescue extremely difficult.

Bai Yating controlled dozens of huge arms made of light to hold up the sky of the city. The dense crowd of people below were constantly running towards the door of space.

"How much time do we have?" Bai Yating glanced at Bai De next to her and then asked.

Although their surname is Bai, they are not related. Moreover, Bai De is a member of the logistics team and she is the captain of the rescue team. They have rarely crossed paths in the past.

This time they were just assigned tasks together.

"There's still half an hour left."

Bai De replied, while looking worriedly at the mountains in the distance.

In this world, the initial rescue team of the disaster did not appear in time, causing a large number of refugees to flee outside the city and hide in the woods. Now the logistics team has assigned manpower to search for those people.

But Bai De didn't know why, but he always felt uneasy in his heart.

"I have to hold on for another 15 minutes at most before evacuating. My hunch tells me that it will be dangerous if I don't evacuate." Bai Yating said calmly at this time.

Bai De frowned and said, "Is the world going to collapse faster?"

"I don't know." Bai Yating said calmly.

Bai De immediately contacted the team members who went out of the city to find someone, but then he found that he could not be contacted.

"Did something happen?" Bai De's face looked a little ugly.

He immediately jumped from the bottom of the city to the broken city wall and tried his best to look into the distance, but the mountains remained the same and he could not see the flowers.

Outside the mountains, several members of the logistics team stood back to back, glaring at the three people surrounding them with ugly expressions.

"I advise you to stop immediately. We are here to save you, not to harm you. As long as you return to the city, you can tell the truth from the truth at a glance." Lei, the logistics team leader, said seriously.

When these refugees discovered that they had a disagreement, they attacked them. One of Si Lei's arms was broken in a collision with one of the extremely burly refugees.

"We are all human beings. Under such a natural disaster, dialogue is the only way out." Another member of the logistics team with a nosebleed said seriously.

At this time, the extremely burly refugee said: "They really didn't recognize us. This ring is magical!"


Talk nonsense, kill them quickly, don't delay the captain's plan. "A female refugee said coldly.

Their conversation was not carried out behind the backs of the members of the logistics team. Si Lei and others' expressions suddenly turned extremely ugly. There was no doubt that these people were not refugees, but unknown enemies.

Si Lei immediately wanted to contact the team leader, but soon found that the message could not be sent.

"Don't waste your efforts." The burly man said calmly.

Then he twisted his neck and simply took off the ring, instantly returning to his original appearance.

When Si Lei saw his true face, he gritted his teeth and said, "It's actually you...the Zhu family who control the beasts!"

"No, no, no, now we are not members of the Zhu family who control the beasts. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Zhu Yuanlong, a member of the disaster team!" The burly man looked at Si Lei and said with a smile.

A month ago, he was still conceited, thinking that sooner or later he would become the head of the beast-controlling Zhu family.

At that time, the Beast Controlling Zhu Family was his most valued treasure and the only one in his eyes.

But then everything changed.

He witnessed his own misery in countless parallel worlds, and it turned out that he was just a poor cannon fodder, dying without dignity and without any trouble every time.

From that moment on, his world suddenly became clear, and the mere beast-controlling Zhu family was no longer worth mentioning.

In the death battle field of ten Zhu Ape Dragons, he stood out and received great power from the Lord of Darkness. He is now an official member of the Disaster Team.

Although he doesn't care how miserable the death of the Zhu Yuanlong in the parallel world is, he wants to find the rescue team to clear his name. He, the Zhu Yuanlong, is definitely not a piece of shit, but a strong man who is about to defeat them!

"Team Disaster!"

When Si Lei heard this name, his heart felt as if someone had scratched him hard, and he couldn't help but tighten.

Then he realized that he had to send the news back. A new enemy had appeared.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Brothers, we have nothing to talk about with the remnants of the Beast Controlling Zhu family. Let's kill them!"

After saying that, he rushed directly to Zhu Yuanlong and swallowed a pill at the same time.

A life-killing pill in one day!

It is a poison in itself, but at the same time it is a powerful medicine that extracts all the potential of the body in exchange for strength.

This was a poison invented by a doctor in the rescue team thirty years ago. It was originally intended to be used against the enemy. Who knew that after a white mouse took a death-for-a-day pill, it almost killed the doctor who invented the pill.


, this kind of pill has become the standard in the rescue team, and it can only be taken in absolute desperate situations.

As soon as he swallowed the pill, a terrifying aura erupted from Si Lei's body. Perhaps because of his name, the ability he awakened is called "Electric Shock Cell". Each of his cells can generate electricity, but he does not have the ability to control electric current. ability.

This in itself is not a particularly powerful superpower, but later he used the biological force field to assist, and this ability became controllable. In the end, he successfully joined the logistics team and became a search and rescuer who specializes in searching.

He loves his job, agrees with everything about the rescue team, and now he wants to live out his beliefs with his own life.

"Ten Thousand Thunder Dragons!"

All the cells in Si Lei's body burst into brilliant lightning. With the help of the biological force field, all the lightning rotated along the body spirally and instantly concentrated in his right hand. As he punched out, a huge lightning dragon blasted towards Zhu Yuanlong.

"That's it?"

Zhu Yuanlong stood still, not even thinking of dodging.

In fact, if it was the original him, he really didn't dare to face Si Lei's life-threatening blow head-on.

Although his original superpower Tyrant Dragon Body can greatly improve his physical fitness, it can also absorb the four natural forces of wind, thunder, water, and fire to recover from injuries and be immune to the damage of these four forces.

But in fact, there is an upper limit to immunity.

Once this upper limit is exceeded, he will still be killed by these elements.

In Wuming's original world, Zhu Yuanlong was burned to death by fire, so if he hadn't become stronger, he really couldn't bear this lightning.

But now everything is different.


The thunder dragon hit Zhu Yuanlong head-on, and the current exploded immediately.

The next moment, a black arm broke through the lightning, and with a fierce wave of his hand, all the lightning was swept away.

Si Lei's eyes widened suddenly, and he saw that Zhu Yuanlong in front of him had turned into a three-meter-tall, half-human, half-dragon form.

His dark dragon scales were like a black hole, absorbing all light and heat. Si Lei felt that the light in his eyes was pulled out at a glance.

Of course, this was just an illusion.

It was entirely because Zhu Yuanlong's momentum was too strong that Si Lei had an illusion.

Zhu Yuanlong twisted his thick neck, looked down at Si Lei, and smiled: "Not strong enough, your attack is weak, you are not even qualified to give me a massage."

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