I Contracted Myself

【225】Other uses of the dragon shell

I have to say that Zhu Sanchi's method is actually effective.

The dark armor on his body is of high quality, and Bai Yating's domain can hardly affect him. She can only use quantity instead of quality, so as to kill him when the quality changes.

If he escapes from the realm now, Bai Yating will have nothing to do with him.

The problem is that in addition to being strong, Bai Yating also likes reading, and the power of knowledge is far more terrifying than mere brute force.

When Zhu Sanchi ran, the surrounding light began to change subtly. He ran against the attack of light bullets, relying on intuition and light. Under Bai Yating's most subtle control, he seemed to be trying to walk straight in the desert. Just like people, they end up running in circles.


Zhu Sanchi sprinted with his head down, and finally hit Zhu Rina hard. He did not expect that Zhu Rina would appear in front of him, and by the time he reacted, it was already too late.

Because of his collision, a gap appeared in Zhurina's defense. In an instant, Zhurina was overwhelmed by the light bullets, and she didn't even have time to scream.


Zhu Sanchi stood there in a daze for a while, then he condensed dark spears and threw them around like crazy.


No matter what you do, it's useless.

Zhu Sanchi was originally very confident. With the power bestowed by the Lord of Darkness, he would not be said to be invincible, but at least he would be a strong man in various parallel worlds.

Who would have thought that the first time he took action, he would fall into Bai Yating's place, and his mentality would collapse.

at the same time.

Zhu Yuanlong had a great time. After he transformed into a giant dragon, Bai De couldn't even touch him.

Although Bai De fought against him tenaciously with special props, he knew very well that Bai De was at the end of his strength. In a few minutes, Bai De would die of exhaustion.


The special equipment used by Bai De obviously requires physical and mental energy. What Zhu Yuanlong has to do is to constantly force Bai De to use that equipment.

Compared to killing Bai De all at once, such a little bit of torture, letting Bai De die in pain and despair made Zhu Yuanlong's heart move even more.

He remembered very clearly how he was brutally killed by the rescue team in countless parallel worlds.

Now he will also use his mouth to kill Bai De cruelly, in order to pay tribute to the dead Zhu Yuanlong.

"Run, run, or you're dead."

The Zhu Yuanlong flew in the air and blew out a breath of dragon breath at Bai De in front of him.

Sure enough, Bai De suddenly disappeared the next moment, and when he reappeared, he was already a hundred meters away. But is a hundred meters far away? It was less than a step for him.


Zhu Yuanlong smiled ferociously and chased after him again, spitting out a breath of dragon breath.

He immediately saw Bai De appearing further away.

"No more."

Bai De felt dizzy and wanted to vomit.

It's not that he is too good, but that Zhu Yuanlong's attack is too tight. He has to move almost every 0.1 seconds. He can still bear it mentally, but his body can no longer hold it.

Next, he forced himself to move several times, further squeezing his physical strength.

Finally, facing the pursuing Zhu Yuanlong, he wanted to move his position, but found that he could not squeeze out a drop.

He fell to the ground helplessly, and his body changed back to a human appearance. If he hadn't been able to blink and breathe, he would have been almost indistinguishable from a mummy.


Zhu Yuanlong suddenly fell to the ground, looking at Bai De who was unable to move on the ground and could not survive for more than a few minutes without him taking action, he smiled and said: "Get up, keep running, I have a lot of time, I can play with you! "

But Bai De didn't respond to him at all, he just breathed the air greedily.


Seeing this, Zhu Yuanlong simply opened his mouth.

A stream of dragon's breath exploded in his chest, gushed out from his neck and was immediately sprayed towards Bai De.

Bai De was ready to die. He was not afraid of death. After all, there was Wuming's resurrection and he still had several lives left.

The problem is that the signal here seems to be blocked. He cannot transmit the recorded content to the server. The most he can do is restore the memory before encountering the Disaster Team. The memory after the Disaster Team will definitely be lost.


The burning dragon's breath fell.

Just when Bai De thought he was going to die, he suddenly found himself under a strange attack.

"here it is……"

Bai De was stunned for a moment, and then felt that this space looked more and more familiar.

Finally, he wanted to pat his head, but because he was in a mummy state, he couldn't raise his hand at all.

But he has already remembered that this space is the inner space of the Dragon Shell. This space was often the background of Wuming's remote meetings in the past.

"Why did I suddenly appear here?"

Bai De was full of doubts, and suddenly two invisible hands picked him up and placed him on the bed.

, various foods are taken out from the space on the other side.

In fact, he was not seriously ill, he was just over-consumed.

With his current vitality, as long as his head is not taken off and burned to ashes, he has a chance to survive. His vitality is as tenacious as Xiaoqiang.

Next, after the food was delivered, he began to eat in big mouthfuls.

In fact, from Zhu Yuanlong's perspective, Bai De seemed to suddenly turn into a dragon and fly away from under his mouth.

He didn't know about the Dragon Shell, because Wuming hadn't used the Dragon Shell for a long time, so in his eyes, the dragon transformed into the Dragon Shell was Bai De himself.

After all, Bai De has already demonstrated several transformations before, so it's not surprising that he now has another dragon transformation.

"You actually have extra energy to escape!"

Zhu Yuanlong sneered and immediately flapped his wings to chase after the dragon shell.

interior space.

After Bai De's vital signs returned to normal, a hole suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Hello, are you surprised or surprised?" Wuming greeted with a smile on the screen.

Bai De said helplessly: "Surprise, surprise, how did you know I was in danger?"

"Hahahaha, I knew you would be pleasantly surprised, but this is just a video. If you have any other questions, I'm sorry, you can only contact me after the battle is over." Wuming laughed.

Bai De was immediately embarrassed. He had just spoken to a video, so stupid.

"Let me explain the general situation first. I marked some people and made some trivial modifications using the power left by Baodi Bodhisattva on the Gate of Victory Light. The Dragon Shell will be parked in Xili under normal circumstances. On the one hand, it can absorb people's belief in dragons, and on the other hand, it has specialized people to help maintain it.

And once the life of the person I marked is in danger, it will quickly shuttle to the marked person and pull you into the inner space for protection. "Wuming recovered from his laughter at this time and explained with a smile.

Bai De nodded. He was very familiar with Wuming, so it was not surprising that he was marked by Wuming.

Next, Wuming talked about many technical methods, but Bai De didn't pay attention. He was trying to figure out how to control the dragon shell and directly open the window to observe the outside world.

The next moment, countless windows surrounded him.

He turned around and saw that the window behind showed a black dragon's breath falling on the tail of the Dragon Shell.

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