I Contracted Myself


A place of ten virtues.

Wuming was sitting cross-legged in the air, with the shell of the God of Rescue on the left and the shell of the God of Creation on the right.

He watched the video over and over again. The video showed Yi Shi's domain. This domain was very special after being transformed by the Lord of Darkness. He needed more information.

"This black liquid metal is still metal in essence. It is just injected with a certain will and forcibly twisted into this form. Any system with base runes as the core is basically impossible to pose any threat to it."

The more Wuming looked, the more frightened he became. It was like a curse given to him by the Lord of Darkness. Although the curse was transformed by him into the core of the Dragon Shell, it was essentially something created by the Lord of Darkness.

As long as the Lord of Darkness creates more awakened ones like this, the rescue team will be in danger.

Fortunately, the Lord of Darkness probably doesn't bother to do such a thing.

"But we still have to collect more Dream Treasures. Although we don't know the principle, it is certain that the Dream Treasures do not exist in the basic rune system. If you want to fight against the King of Darkness, you can only rely on the Dream Treasures." Wuming was determined. thought.

He closed the video and looked at the shell of the God of Rescue. In fact, the shell of the God of Rescue was not weaker than the shell of the God of Creation. The problem was that 90% of the ability of the shell of the God of Creation was the ability of the Dream Treasure itself. His transformation into a shell only accounted for ten percent.

As for the shell of the God of Rescue, superpowers account for more than 70%, while the proportion of Dream Treasure is only 30%.

This means that the God of Rescue is naturally in a restrained position when facing the special awakened ones created by the Lord of Darkness. If he wants to change this, he must find a way to increase the proportion of his dream treasures, at least to 100%. More than eighty.

“There’s still a long way to go!”

Wuming didn't want to give up the Rescue God Shell, so in the end he could only sigh, mentally preparing to collect dream treasures for the Rescue God Shell for a long time.

Suddenly, he felt his body become lighter, and he had the feeling of being freed from restraints and having a brighter future.

He was stunned for a moment, then his expression changed slightly, and the next second he returned to the shell of the God of Rescue, and at the same time, the shell of the God of Rescue flashed and disappeared.

The Dragon Shell was destroyed.

Because the core of the dragon's shell is the darkness

King's curse, so when the dragon's shell was destroyed, his connection to countless superpowers instantly became stronger.

But this did not make him happy, but made him feel like he was facing a powerful enemy.

Although Zhu Yuanlong's ability was only given casually by the Lord of Darkness, it was obviously a higher level than the cursed core of the Dragon Shell.

When the dragon's breath fell on the tail of the dragon shell, the tail of the dragon shell collapsed instantly.

The Dragon Shell does not rely on its tail to maintain balance, but then Zhu Yuanlong chased after it at an extremely fast speed, instantly smashed the lower body of the Dragon Shell with its head, then roared wildly, and sprayed out again at the Dragon Shell Dragon Breath.

"The invincible defense of the Dragon Shell has been broken?"

Bai De's mind went blank, and the next moment he was overwhelmed by the dragon's breath, and instantly disappeared into ashes.

After the inner space of the dragon's shell was exploded, it immediately fell vertically, and finally hit the ground heavily. Then it exploded violently, and a mushroom cloud slowly rose.

Thermal radiation and shock waves spread, instantly reaching the direction of the city. Countless people burned in raging fires under the thermal radiation, and finally fell down one by one...

In fact, the thermal radiation and shock waves came very quickly. Basically, most people died before they felt the pain. Only some tenacious rescue team members were left struggling and moaning in pain on the ground.

Sometimes it would be worse not to die.

Outside the city, Bai Yating looked solemn, feeling that a dangerous aura was coming back. Although Zhu Sanchi's mentality collapsed, she still couldn't kill Zhu Sanchi for a while. If there was another strong enemy, she might not be a match.


Bai Yating slightly clenched the book in her hand.

In the past decades, she has been on missions continuously. She has experienced many hardships and suffered all kinds of hardships. The people in the city will definitely not be able to stop the heat radiation and shock wave just now. It is an established fact that there will be countless casualties.

There is no one here who needs her protection, and she can evacuate calmly.

But she was unwilling to do so, and there was burning anger in her heart.

The people in the city were still alive before her eyes. Everyone had their own joys and sorrows. They were living lives, not firewood that could be burned.

Whether it’s a member of the Zhu family who controls beasts, disasters

Either way, damn it!

Bai Yating could feel that the danger was getting closer and closer. Fighting to the death might mean death, but she didn't want to leave.

Suddenly, the space outside the domain was distorted, and the galaxy spread from the distortion point. The entire sky became part of the galaxy, and then a giant appeared out of thin air.

Wuming looked towards the ground, towards the city, and finally with his eyes slightly half-closed, he looked at the Vermilion Ape Dragon that was flying quickly towards him.

"After all, I overestimated the lower limit of the Dark King."

Wuming sighed, and then the power of the outer shell of the God of Creation took effect, and the sky suddenly turned black.

Zhu Yuanlong, who was originally planning to turn back to support Zhu Sanchi and Zhu Rina, suddenly felt something falling from the sky. When he looked up, he saw densely packed nuclear warheads.

These nuclear bombs are not nuclear bombs in the conventional sense, but superpower controllable nuclear bombs invented by the rescue team. The power of this kind of nuclear bomb is about one-third that of a normal nuclear bomb, but it is clean and has no radiation. At the same time, it can also compress the impact of the explosion within a specified range and will not spread outside the range.

Wuming had never seen a nuclear bomb on Earth, so he didn't know what the structure of that kind of nuclear bomb was, but he was very familiar with the rescue team version of the nuclear bomb, so through the power of the Creator God, he could easily mass-produce it.


Wuming looked at Zhu Yuanlong and said lightly.

The next moment, countless nuclear bombs exploded at the same time, and Zhu Yuanlong was directly submerged in a sea of ​​fire. It felt like falling into the sun, and all he could see was light and fire.


Zhu Yuanlong roared, flapped his wings violently, and broke through the dark clouds with the pressure of the shock wave.

He locked onto the shell of the Creator God suspended in the air and directly ejected a thick flame.

"Is it really useless?"

Wuming was not too surprised when he saw this scene.

If the power of the Dark King was so easily cracked, he would be surprised.

Next, he controlled the shell of the Creator God to avoid the dragon's breath, and repeated the same trick again, intending to use the power of the Creator God to wear out the power of the Dark King on the hospital god, and finally kill him with one blow like the killing style.

But then he discovered that Zhu Yuanlong's situation was completely different from Yi Shi's.

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