I Contracted Myself

【229】Castle in the Sky

Returning to the Land of Ten Good Deeds, Wuming threw the filial sword of his father and son into the dream world.

Although the filial sword of a loving father and son can be used to withstand some fatal injuries, it is not the treasure of his dreams. What he needs is a treasure that can help the entire rescue team defeat the disaster team.

"As expected, let's take action on the beast-controlling Zhu family."

Wuming rested for an hour at the Ten Good Places, and then continued to set off.

There are as many worlds as the stars with the beast-controlling Zhu family, but not every beast-controlling Zhu family is a villain. In fact, there are also good-aligned beast-controlling Zhu families, and there are even beast-controlling Zhu families who are both good and evil.

After Wuming traveled through several worlds, he locked onto an evil version of the beast-controlling Zhu family.

This beast-controlling Zhu family did not build its base in the magma at the center of the earth. Instead, it built it in the air, using clouds and mist to obscure its existence.

The shape of the base is like a top, but only the bottom tip will continue to rotate. At the same time, there is a semicircular energy shield at the top to protect the base. You can see that there is a huge garden inside the shield, and Many people are walking around in the garden, working and playing.

Darkness is often hidden in places that people cannot see, that is the blind spot where sunlight cannot reach.

From the surface, this base is really very beautiful, especially when the base rises from the clouds and is illuminated by the sun. Everyone in the garden is bathed in the sun, and even their smiles seem to become pure and flawless.

But this is just the surface. Wuming quietly entered the base through the dreamers in the base.

When he came out of the room, he saw signs in the corridor. He was currently on the third floor of the base. The base had a total of nineteen floors, and the higher they went, the more luxurious they became. The first floor was where the head of the Beast Controlling Zhu family and his direct descendants were. 's residence.

The third floor is the residence of the side branch. It is not particularly good, but it is not dirty or messy.

After Wuming became invisible, he began to wander around the base and found the way to the fourth floor. He immediately went down to the fourth floor. As expected, the fourth floor was much worse than the third floor.

As he went down level by level, the environment became worse and worse.

There is no way after the fifteenth floor, because there is a cell for the experimental subjects below.

Wuming passed through the dream passage and passed through the floor. Then he saw densely packed people and alienated beasts locked in cages. They were all scarred, and most of them were scarred.

Several bodies have been deformed. The better ones are an extra pair of arms or an extra pair of wings. The worst ones are that the bodies are deformed into a strange mass of flesh. Wuming cannot tell whether he is a human or an alienated beast without using identification skills.


At this time, a man wearing armor came in from the corridor whistling.

Wuming appeared quietly behind him and followed his steps. The man didn't notice Wuming behind him at all. He walked to a cage, looked at the little boy in the cage, and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, it will be over soon." It will end!”

As he spoke, he thrust the anesthesia stick in his hand at the little boy in the cage. After the little boy fell, he opened the cage, grabbed the little boy's arm with one hand, whistled and turned around to leave.

Wuming followed behind the man, glanced at the little boy in the man's hand, and continued to follow quietly.

After coming out of the room, the man walked in the corridor and entered a laboratory. A man with messy hair like a chicken coop and an extremely tall body said: "It's too slow. Hurry up next time."

"Yes!" The whistling man immediately lowered his head and responded.

Then the man in the chicken coop frowned and said, "Which one is the test subject?"

"Which one?"

The whistling man was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he was holding a person in his right hand, and there was another person following him on the left.

Wuming smiled, raised his hand and said, "Hi!"


The whistling man's eyes suddenly widened. Before he could speak, his head felt as if someone had hit him hard with a stick, and his eyes suddenly went black.

The chicken coop man reacted faster than the whistle man. The moment the whistle man showed a shocked look, he wanted to press the alarm button, but his body was instantly frozen.

Then Wuming smiled at the man in the chicken coop, stepped forward and slapped him with his palm.

He threw the unconscious two people into the dream world, then checked the little boy's physical condition, and after making sure that he was okay, he also carried him into the dream world.

"Okay, let me see what sweet dreams you all had."

After Wuming settled the little boy, he appeared directly in front of the unconscious Whistle Man and Chicken Coop Man and said with a smile.

The two of them were in his dream world, so searching their dreams was very simple. In an instant, he appeared in the Whistle Man's dream world.

"Please, spare me."

"It hurts, it hurts, who can help me?"

"I can't see. It's so dark and scary."

"Blood, I want blood, please give me more blood, I will do anything!"

The dream world of the Whistle Man is unexpectedly terrifying and bloody. Countless children are hung in the air, and blood is constantly flowing from their bodies. The ground is covered with a layer of blood that can only cover the toes. When the children's blood drips , there will be a ticking sound continuously.

Wuming stood on the bloody water with an incomprehensible expression.

He walked up to a child who was hanging upside down, turned around and asked strangely: "Why are you here?"

"I don't dare anymore, I don't dare let those untouchables out secretly anymore, spare me, spare me..." The little boy immediately cried and shouted.

Wuming looked at the little boy quietly, and finally sighed.

This little boy is the dream body of the Whistling Man. Apparently, he was also a good boy in the past. He secretly released these experimental subjects because he felt sorry for them, and as a result, he himself was also hung in the laboratory.

"Sorry, although you used to be a good boy, you have grown crooked."

Wuming looked at the dream body of the Whistling Man, and then went to look for the treasure of the dream.

He knew that the Whistling Man might have been a good person, but now he must be a pervert.

Most of the time, emotions can't deceive people. When the Whistling Man faced the little boy, he had no mercy, only malice and ridicule, and a little disgusting excitement.

"Where is it?"

Wuming walked around in the dream, talking to himself.

After a while, he saw a man in a black robe and a bird-beak mask on his face coming towards him. The man was also stunned when he saw him, and then he roared and raised the syringe in his hand to charge.

"Oh, it's here!"

Wuming's eyes lit up when he saw the syringe. When the man approached, he grabbed his arm and twisted it, and then took the syringe with his other hand.


Wuming got what he wanted, and he was too lazy to get entangled with the illusory things in the dream, so he exited the dream instantly.

When he came out of the dream, the unconscious whistling man on the ground suddenly shrank rapidly and turned into a skinny corpse.

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