I Contracted Myself

【230】Wish Syringe

[Treasure of Dreams: Zhu Chengbo’s Wish Syringe]

[Fantasy Trait: Plant flowers and reap fruits]

[Effect: Extract the wish of target A and inject it into target B. Eventually, the wish will blossom and bear fruit with the life of target B as nourishment, and the wish fruit that can realize the wish of target A will grow. If the life of target B is not enough to support the wish, it will grow. Abnormal wish fruit appears. 】

Wuming glanced at the syringe and raised his eyebrows slightly.

This is an interesting dream treasure that might be useful against the Illamiros.

However, some things are not yet clear and need a little experimentation. For example, if someone's wish is to marry someone as his wife, can this wish also be realized through this thing?

But in this case, could the wish fruit distort the thoughts of other goals?

Moreover, people have all kinds of wishes and the world is full of mortals. How many people can understand the most sincere wishes in their hearts?

Perhaps when asked now, everyone's answer is to become a god or ancestor, or to become rich or invincible. As a result, they used a syringe to extract the wish and cultivated the wish fruit. After eating it, they found that their wish was actually to grow 10 centimeters longer.

In addition, even if the wish is too big, it may be difficult to realize it.

For example, if you wish to become a god, it is estimated that only by injecting the seeds into a god can it blossom and bear fruit. If you inject it into an animal, at most it will grow a deformed wish fruit. It may have some of the abilities of the god, but it may also be Something even more deceptive.

Wuming played with the syringe and put it in the storage room of the dream world after a while.

Then he entered the dream world of the man in the chicken coop. Within a moment, he came out of the dream world of the man in the chicken coop with an unlucky look on his face and a flask in his hand.

He had previously obtained a flask called 'Yuexiajun's Bottle Containing All Things', which he could use to dream.

But the flask of the chicken coop man is a trap. The effect is that any liquid put into this flask will eventually turn into pure water.

Maybe someone in the sea needs such a flask, but to Wuming, this thing is just garbage. Unless there are enemies in the form of liquid, it will not be used at all.

"Luck is conserved. Is there good luck followed by bad luck?"

Wuming threw the flask into the storage room, and then prepared to catch a few villains from the Beast Control Zhu family.

Do experiments.

Castle in the Sky.

Shortly after the Chicken Coop Man and the Whistle Man disappeared, the people of the Beast Control Zhu family noticed something strange.

Ten minutes later, the chicken coop man's laboratory was surrounded by guards. Three top awakeners stood in the laboratory, frowning and observing the surroundings.

"The enemy attacks very quickly. Zhu Chengbo's strength is pretty good, and he can protect Zhu Chengyang more than enough. He can make the two of them completely powerless to resist. I can't think of anyone other than Situ Shibai." One of the female awakeners said seriously. .

Another awakened person frowned and said: "It can't be Situ Shibai. Although he doesn't deal with us, he has reached an agreement that the two parties will not interfere with each other. Besides, in order to advance, the old boy has no time to trouble us."

"An enemy comparable to Situ Shibai?" Another strong awakened man asked doubtfully.

At this time, the female awakened person felt something was wrong, looked back sharply, and shouted the next moment: "Where is the person?"

All the guards who had been guarding the door disappeared, and they disappeared quietly under their noses.

"Be careful, the enemy must not have left yet!" the male awakened man said loudly.

Then he found that the strong awakened man had disappeared. He was stunned for a moment and quickly looked at the female awakened person and asked, "When did Zhu Chengyan disappear?"

"How do I know?" The female awakener said horrifiedly.

She turned to look at the man who asked the question, and was stunned again. The male awakened person who was asking her questions a second ago disappeared.

“No, no, no!!!”

The female awakened person had a look of shock on her face and kept retreating. Suddenly she felt someone tapping her shoulder, and her body suddenly stiffened.

When she turned to look behind her, a darkness suddenly swallowed her whole body.

Dream world.

Wuming looked at the unconscious No. 10 people in front of him, and finally sighed slightly.

As expected, he is still relatively soft-hearted, and the wishes will be provided by these people. As for the target used to plant the wishes, it is better to change them to animals.

He immediately went to the wilderness to capture a group of alienated beasts and came back.

Next, he inserted the syringe into the body of the female awakener and slowly extracted a burst of pink energy.

"Sure enough, what was drawn out was not blood but something else.

West. "

Wuming observed the pink energy, but didn't see anything. He simply walked up to a unconscious alienated beast, inserted a syringe into the alienated beast's body, and slowly injected the pink energy into the alienated beast.

He squatted in front of the alienated beast, quietly waiting for the alienated beast to change.

About three minutes later, a pink branch grew out of the alienated beast's back. I don't know if it was an illusion, but Wuming felt that the alienated beast seemed to have lost a little weight.

This is a mountain god pig, about one or two times larger than a mammoth. The hair on its body is extremely hard, covering its whole body like armor.

The reason why it is called the Mountain God Pig is mainly because it can use trampling to make the ground bulge, forming a huge mountain, and then trigger a landslide to attack the target.

It can be said that this guy is the incarnation of natural disaster in the eyes of primary and intermediate awakeners.

But now it is losing weight, losing weight almost every second.

Wuming was unsure at first, but after a while, he was sure that the wish seed was devouring the life of the mountain god pig. When the mountain god pig's life came to an end, the wish fruit would mature.

"By the way, I forgot to wake her up and ask her what her wish is. If the wish is too big, the mountain god pig can't bear it." Wuming suddenly slapped his forehead and said to himself.

But then he comforted himself: "Forget it, maybe she doesn't know what she really thinks in her heart, so it's useless to ask."

Next, the mountain god pig continued to lose weight. It was originally very burly. In addition to its fat belly, its legs were all muscles. Now that the wish seed has devoured its life, it has become skin and bones, and it is completely skinny.

Wuming didn't dare to admit that this thing was the mountain god pig.

"By the way, the syringe can actually be used as a killer. It can unexpectedly inject an injection into the enemy... Tsk tsk." Wuming looked at the mountain god pig whose breath was gradually weakening, and suddenly a new idea popped up in his mind.

But he forgot this thought in a moment.

The enemy was not stupid either. What if he realized the danger and immediately cut off his arm?

At this time, the mountain pig finally died.

At the same time, the branch on its back had grown to seven or eight centimeters high, and a pink fruit grew on the top.

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