I Contracted Myself

【234】Dimensional Line

In the open space, Lin Renmei and Wuming were facing each other. The sky above them was fragmented. In some parts, the stars in the distance could be seen, while in other parts, only the dark void could be seen.

Wuming suddenly exerted force on his feet and punched Lin Renmei. Lin Renmei immediately blocked with both hands, but Wuming's fist suddenly increased in line, bypassed Lin Renmei's hand at a weird angle and punched Lin Renmei in the face.


Lin Renmei felt extremely painful. When she touched her face, she found that her cheeks were sunken.

She immediately glared at Wuming, gritted her teeth and said, "Wuming, do you still have a conscience? Don't you know whether to hit someone in the face or not?"

"Sorry, sorry, I was just thinking about how to develop this ability." Wuming saw Lin Renmei's sunken face and quickly apologized.

Then he hugged Lin Renmei and kissed her. He blew hard and Lin Renmei's sunken cheeks suddenly recovered.

"Hey, it's ready!"

Lin Renmei pushed Wuming away in shame and anger, and found that her cheeks had returned to normal.

She asked curiously: "How do you know you can recover like this?"

"Intuition." Wuming replied.

He originally wanted to use his super powers to treat Lin Renmei, but before using his powers, he had an intuition that ordinary super powers might not be able to heal the damage caused by this move.

Because when he punched, he was thinking about Tang Bohu's "Give Me Piao Piao Fist" in Qiu Xiang, which he had seen in his previous life, so he punched Lin Renmei's face until it was deformed.

Theoretically, if he continued to punch, he could really beat Lin Renmei beyond recognition and turn her into a completely different person.

As for the treatment method, he somehow felt that as long as he inflated the sunken area, it would naturally recover, so he tried it and it worked.

"Could it be that the so-called second dimension is actually the power of my thinking?" Wuming touched his chin and said to himself.

However, in the next test, he quickly touched the edge of this ability. This ability is very strong, but it is not absolutely invincible.

When Lin Renmei got serious and kept attacking him with absolute speed and power, he felt that it was becoming increasingly difficult for him to be immune to attacks.

It's like a person is getting closer and closer to you. When this person completely walks in front of you, I'm afraid it's the moment you get beaten.

"The power of this fruit is only at the level of a top awakened person. No wonder

Top-level alienated beasts can be cultivated. If you really want to make it stronger, you may need to find ways to strengthen it. "Wu Ming thought to himself.

During this period, he also cultivated many abnormal wish fruits. After all, even a small person may have unrealistic big dreams. Who hasn't had daydreams yet?

He cultivates wish fruits according to the highest standards. Even for ordinary soldiers of the beast-controlling Zhu family, he uses top-notch alienated beasts to cultivate wish fruits.

The main reason is that there are too few transcendent-level alienated beasts. Even if he wants to use the transcendent-level alienated beasts, there is no place to catch them.

The threshold for entry into Lashao Universe's extraordinary abilities is very low. As long as there are basic runes in the DNA in the body and one's own ideas are not too outrageous, then the probability of awakening superpowers is very high.

Especially for alienated beasts, if both parents are alienated beasts, there is almost no possibility of their awakening failing.

However, it is easy to get started but extremely difficult to advance, especially the top level, which can block almost 99.99999999999% of life forms.

Wuming also wanted to catch a transcendent-level alienated beast, but he had been squatting in the Pearl City for several worlds and still couldn't find the Moon King. In the end, he had no choice but to recognize him.

Obviously, the King of Darkness has stopped sending people to release Tianchang Fox in various worlds, so Wuming's idea of ​​catching the Moon King for nourishment was immediately shattered.

Except for the Moon King, there are really too few alienated beasts at the transcendent level.

"Okay, okay, no more fighting, no more fighting."

Wuming shouted with a bruised nose and face. Lin Renmei's fist instantly stopped half a centimeter away from his cheek. The wind of the fist touched his face, and Wuming's forehead suddenly started to sweat slightly.

Fortunately, he spoke early, otherwise this punch would definitely hurt him.

"This ability of yours is still very cheating. If you can continue to become stronger and develop it, you will be able to defeat an ability user like me." Lin Renmei retracted her fist and said with a satisfied smile.

The revenge of Wuming's punch just now was finally avenged.

Moreover, Wuming was particularly resistant to being beaten. The beating she had just received was very comfortable, and all her unhappiness these days had been vented out.

"Hmm, I'll go back and think of a solution!" Wuming said pitifully with a bruised nose and a swollen face, his clothes were torn in many places, exposing large and small wounds.

In fact, all the injuries on his body were fake. During the battle, he gained a new understanding of the two-dimensional body. Through the control of lines, he gained a new understanding of the two-dimensional body.

Control, his image can actually be changed at will.

Even now, he can instantly transform into a Q version or an animal image.


Wuming thought, and a large amount of white smoke suddenly emitted from his body. In the white smoke, his body quickly reorganized. When the white smoke dispersed, he turned into the Q version of himself.

The biggest difference from the shot version is that you can see that he is an adult, but he is also chubby and very cute.

Lin Renmei was stunned for a moment, then said in surprise: "It's still like this!"

"Just trying it out!" Wuming said calmly.

He tried to jump and said with a smile: "There is no decrease in physical ability, and the combat effectiveness is perfectly preserved. If it is unexpected, a sudden attack when the enemy is confused by my appearance may have a good effect."

"Don't say such horrible things with such a cute face, let me hug you!" Lin Renmei became more and more excited as she watched, and couldn't help but stretch out her evil hands.

Wuming was hugged by Lin Renmei and said helplessly: "Don't you hug me enough at ordinary times? Then tonight..."

"No, I want to practice. I want to pay them back ten times a hundred times for the shame the Disaster Team gave me!" Lin Renmei said firmly.

When she met the King of Darkness, she knew she couldn't beat him, but after all, there was no real fight to the death. This time she fought against the members of the Calamity Team, it could be said to be her worst loss, and she felt uncomfortable even if she didn't win.

Wuming sighed and said, "Okay, then I'll keep an eye on it for you. If there's a wish fruit that suits you, I'll let you know."

"By the way, do you think my wish can come true?" Lin Renmei suddenly asked.

Wuming decisively refused: "No, if your wish is too big, it will be troublesome if you can only grow a deformed wish fruit. I have done experiments before. Even if you give the original person a deformed wish fruit, it will still cause crazy."

If it weren't for this huge drawback, he would have extracted the wishes of each elite in the rescue team and cultivated wish fruits to increase everyone's combat effectiveness.

"Okay, then remember to pay attention to me, I will go back to practice first." Lin Renmei nodded.

Wuming smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will pay attention to your and Jingyao's fruits."


Lin Renmei was speechless. Although she had a good relationship with Su Jingyao, was it really okay to mention Su Jingyao at this time?

All right.

This is Wuming, she has long been used to it.

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