I Contracted Myself

【235】Very dirty

After sending Lin Renmei away, Wuming continued to develop the ability of the two-dimensional fruit.

Essentially, this ability is to transform his body from three-dimensional to two-dimensional or even one-dimensional or zero-dimensional. But in fact, he is still a three-dimensional life form, but has the characteristics of two dimensions.

The zero dimension is a point, the one dimension is a line, and the two dimension is a surface.

The simplest way to put it is that his body becomes a piece of paper, but this paper is woven from countless threads. He can change the shape of this 'paper' by changing these threads. If he is attacked, he can even Become a one-dimensional line or even a zero-dimensional point.

However, after turning into a 'point', the attack will actually fall on him, so high-density energy attacks or high-frequency physical attacks may hurt him.

Lin Renmei's all-out attack is a high-frequency physical attack. If he keeps attacking, he will break through his defense sooner or later.

At this time, Wuming walked into a wall, and the person walked around in the wall, looking like a painting. He was not a real two-dimensional creature, so his senses were actually normal.

“If I stand still, will people think I’m a painting?”

Wuming remained motionless on the wall, then thought about it and changed the lines of his body, gradually turning into a tree.

"Out of sight."

Wuming discovered that after turning into a tree, he could not see beyond the walls because he had no eyes.

He then transforms into a cartoon tree with eyes, and now he can see the outside world.

Suddenly, he disappeared on the spot, and he had entered the gap in the wall. To the naked eye, the wall was airtight, but in his eyes, the wall was full of small holes. He could directly turn these tiny holes into lines. Go through.

After practicing a few times, the wall penetration technique was mastered.

As long as there is a gap, in his eyes, you can drive straight in, no matter how small the gap is.

If he continues to develop the ability of the two-dimensional fruit, he may be able to pass directly through the human body in the future, because there are also gaps between human cells.

However, this is the only way this ability can be developed to its extreme.

The main reason is that the potential of this ability itself is not high. Even if Wuming's insights and control of various abilities are extremely powerful, he can only use it to this extent.

Normal people eat this wish

The fruit can probably only be used to avoid harm.

Next, Wuming continues to cultivate the wish fruit. Theoretically, as long as he continues to cultivate the wish fruit, and then complement each other between the fruits, he will definitely be able to quickly strengthen himself, and even make up for the lack of potential of the two-dimensional fruit.

To put it simply, if the quality is not enough, then use quantity to make up for it. As long as the quantity is large enough, sooner or later there will be a qualitative change.

A week passed like this.

The rescue team didn't know when a practice frenzy started. This trend actually started to spread around Lin Renmei. Many people saw Lin Renmei immersed herself in training and realized that the current situation was still the same. His own strength is insufficient.

Because everyone is too weak, they cannot save others. Saving others also requires strength. If you are not strong enough, let alone saving others, you may even be caught in a minute.

As a result, the rescue team began to practice crazily. The treatment staff in the logistics team who did not like to exercise before began to regain the combat skills learned in the academy because of this trend.

As a result, this trend continued to spread to the people, and it turned into a nationwide cultivation frenzy.

Infinite organizations.

The King of Darkness ate the apple and asked very dissatisfied: "Situ Shibai, why have no good news come back in the past two weeks? Is the Disaster Team trying to fish for fish?"

"King, the rescue team seems to have disappeared. The disaster team is looking for it." Situ Shibai said with a compensatory smile.

In fact, the members of the Disaster Team were really trying their best to search for the rescue team. They would search every parallel world, but the rescue team disappeared as if they had evaporated.

"What I want to hear is not excuses, but good news." The Dark King said calmly.

Situ Shibai gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, I will let the disaster team deal with the rescue team as soon as possible!"

Having said that, Situ Shibai actually had no idea. After all, even if the great destruction began and many worlds collapsed, there would still be countless worlds that were not immediately affected.

How could it be possible to check out so many worlds in a short time?

If he had this skill, the King of Darkness would not have been able to do anything to the rescue team in the past, because if the rescue team wanted to hide, it would be like a needle in the sea. How to fish it out?

"It seems that

Those who are slacking off must be urged to do so. "

Situ Shibai clenched his fist slightly. He held the lifeblood of all the members of the Disaster Team in his hand. Since the King of Darkness gave the death order, he could only transfer his worries to his subordinates and let them worry about it.

After the meeting ended, he summoned all the members of the Disaster Team and gave them a scolding like he would a grandson. Especially since Zhu Taihao was here with his head down and still being scolded by him, he felt relieved all of a sudden.

In terms of strength, he is indeed inferior to the members of the Disaster Team now, but in terms of potential, it is different. He still has a road ahead of him, but the other members of the Disaster Team have no road ahead.

If the Dark Lord is in a good mood, he may give them a little more power. If he is in a bad mood, he may even take away the power from them, and they will immediately become useless.

"Okay, hurry up and find the people from the rescue team. I want to see the heads of the rescue team. Let's call it a night!"

After scolding the members of the Disaster Team for half an hour, Situ Shibai finally felt comfortable and let the members of the Disaster Team leave.

Half an hour later, Zhu Yuanlong and others appeared in another world. Zhu Sanchi said with an unhappy face: "The villain will succeed sooner or later. I will kill him."

"Don't talk nonsense. Situ Shibai is our Bole after all. We should just listen to the barking of dogs. But he is right. We are here today thanks to the trust of the king. Only by making achievements can we get the king's appreciation. Speeding up the search and rescue team is what we need to consider!" Zhu Yuanlong said calmly.

After defeating the Dragon Shell and forcing Wuming to retreat, he knew that the rescue team was not a concern. Now he was considering where the rescue team's base camp was.

If he could find the rescue team's base camp, he would be sure to wipe out the rescue team. At that time, the Dark King would definitely be very happy.

And the Dark King was happy, which was more important than anything else!

Zhu Yuanlong used his enhanced perception to search the area around the planet and said, "Not in this world, let's go to the next world!"

The next moment, they entered a black hole and instantly appeared in another world.

"There are guests... Hey, these three people are so dirty!"

Suddenly, Zhu Yuanlong heard a woman's voice.

Then he looked up and his eyes widened suddenly, revealing an expression of disbelief.

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