I Contracted Myself

【236】Chen Qunxing

Zhu Yuanlong has also visited many worlds during this time.

He once saw the golden sky. At that time, the planet he was on was about to be swallowed up by the sun, and the surface of the earth had turned into a sheet of magma.

He had also seen the sky turn into the sea, and when he looked up at the sky from the ground, he had a sense of chaos that the world was upside down.

It can be said that he has reached the point where he is not surprised. Normally, nothing should shock or surprise him.

But this time he was really shocked.

At this time, the sky in the world he was in was in chaos. There were countless strange and alienated beasts living in the chaos. Many of them even popped up and stared at him and his companions curiously.

In addition, there are countless weird and colorful energies existing in this chaos in the form of various animals. For some reason, he felt a creepy feeling when he was stared at by the energy in the form of animals.

Finally, he saw a girl.

What's even worse is that he knows this girl.

Chen Junting, a silly and inexperienced person who is stubbornly protected by Chen family elders.

In his world, Chen Junting died miserably in the end. He did not expect that Chen Junting in this world was still alive and well, and her circumstances seemed a bit unusual.

"Not only dirty, but also bad. I don't like him!" 'Chen Junting' said with a look of disgust.

Zhu Yuanlong's face suddenly darkened when he heard these words, but the next moment he saw a bright light explode, and in that moment he didn't even know how many attacks he had suffered.

One hundred million?

one trillion?

Ten trillion?

How is it possible to launch so many attacks at the same time, and the quality of the attacks is so high.

Zhu Yuanlong was shocked at first, and then activated the power given to him by the King of Darkness, and his body quickly transformed into a dragon of darkness, but even the dragon of darkness could not withstand such a huge attack.

If he were to attack a single one of these attacks, he could resist it without changing his expression, but there were too many and too many attacks, and he felt like an elephant surrounded by dense ants.

The ants are killing the elephant.

Zhu Yuanlong roared ferociously: "Zhu Sanchi, stand in front of me and give me one minute!"

He had to fight back, but he was constantly bombarded by these attacks, and his whole body was suppressed, unable to gather energy at all.

However, Zhu Sanchi did not respond to him, because Zhu Sanchi was instantly killed by countless energy concentrated fire before he could put on his invincible armor.

In addition, the newly added teammate, Zhu Rina from another world, had not even begun to show off her power, but she immediately followed in the footsteps of the previous Zhu Rina and died an extremely humble death.

Zhu Yuanlong received no response and immediately realized that his teammate might be in trouble.

You must run, otherwise you will die!

He was heartbroken and turned around to run away at the risk of being injured or even seriously injured. He even escaped into the ground to protect himself, but the intensive attacks instantly blasted away the ground, and then all kinds of abilities continued to fall on him.

Most of these attacks actually don't do much damage to him. Only a few special attacks can actually allow him to break through his defense.

One of them was an attack similar to a shadow. Every time it landed on his body, he felt extremely cold, and there was a constant strange breath that penetrated directly into his body through the scales, stinging his cells.

There is also an attack that is like an extremely sharp knife, which can even split the scales when it falls. Although it is only a very small crack, it allows other attacks to take advantage of it and damage his body through these cracks.

These attacks were endless and continuous, like ants that kept appearing, tearing his body apart. He flew at supersonic speeds, and was still within the enemy's attack range after several hours. What was even worse was that he could not even I don’t know what the enemy is.


Why can such a powerful attack persist for so long?

The intensity and density of these attacks are enough to destroy countless galaxies. How can the other party persist with such a huge energy consumption?

Zhu Yuanlong's heart was full of questions. Finally, the scales on his back were cut through, and a large number of attacks penetrated his body in an instant.


There was an explosion, and Zhu Yuanlong's body was torn apart.

The attack stopped at this time. When Zhu Yuanlong was dying, he saw that the sky was still in chaos. He remembered that he had flown at least half of the galaxy, so why couldn't he see the edge?

"First, my name is Chen Qunxing. Second, I am not stupid. Third... you are so dirty and... smelly. The baby dragon in your body is crying." At this time, Zhu Yuanlong heard The voice of 'Chen Junting'.

Mind reading?

So that’s it, from the beginning

He exposed his hostility and was attacked.

Zhu Yuanlong suddenly felt enlightened, then closed his eyes, his breath gradually weakened, and his consciousness fell into boundless darkness.

To be honest, he never thought that he would die in this way until he died. He suffered an inexplicable encounter, an inexplicable attack, and died out of nowhere.

But this is also the interesting thing about the world. Most people cannot control how they come into this world, nor can they control how they leave this world.

After Zhu Yuanlong died, Chen Qunxing tapped Zhu Yuanlong's body, wiped his fingers with his clothes with a look of disgust, and then a layer of red energy appeared on the surface of Zhu Yuanlong.

This layer of energy gradually condensed and finally turned into a baby dragon.

"Okay, okay, don't cry." Chen Qunxing picked up the baby dragon and coaxed with a smile.

This baby dragon is Zhu Yuanlong's original ability, the 'Body of Tyrant Dragon', but this ability was transformed by the Dark King into the Dark Dragon, so it was distorted into a different appearance.

Now that Zhu Yuanlong is dead, the Dark King's energy naturally dissipated, so the remaining part of the Tyrant Dragon's body was collected by Chen Qunxing, forming the current appearance of the baby dragon.

At this time, a larger energy dragon with a body like the illusory starry sky poked out half of its body from the chaos. It looked at the baby dragon, and then at Chen Qunxing.

Chen Qunxing smiled and said, "Then leave it to you to take care of it. Other children can't bully it. Do you understand?"

After that, she handed the baby dragon to the starry sky energy dragon.


Zhu Yuanlong, Zhu Sanchi, and Zhu Rina are dead?

On the other side, when Zhu Yuanlong died, Situ Shibai immediately got feedback. He was stunned at first and then ecstatic.

Although there are countless parallel worlds, there are not many people who can kill Zhu Yuanlong. It must be the rescue team who took action. I am afraid that the rescue team has also been studying the killer to deal with the disaster team during this period.

Now that the research has been successful, they immediately use Zhu Yuanlong to test the knife.

He immediately notified Zhu Chengmian and others, and then sent them the coordinates, asking them to immediately encircle and suppress the members of the rescue team.

One day later.

Situ Shibai suddenly got feedback that Zhu Chengmian, Zhu Shi, Zhu Wuneng, Zhu Yanbing... all of them were wiped out.


Situ Shibai was left with only confusion for a moment. When did the rescue team become so strong?

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