I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Fox [063] Intermediate

Zhang Ping advanced.

His promotion process was peaceful and quiet, with neither golden flowers in the sky, clear springs gushing from the ground, nor earth-shattering thunder disasters.

However, on the spiritual level, he has been greatly sublimated, and he even experienced another state similar to the return of light.

All the memories of his past reappeared in his mind. The memories of his previous life, the memories of this life, every person he met, every word he heard, were clearly presented and vivid in his mind, but in the end these pictures were hidden in his consciousness again. deep.

After about half an hour, he took a long breath and slowly opened his eyes.

Although the promotion only took half an hour, the experience that was similar to a flashback made him feel like he had lived a long life.

It's like taking off the mortal body and ushering in a new life.

To be more pretentious, it probably means: Only today do you know who I am.

Zhang Ping felt the satisfaction in his heart, the joy of every cell in his body, and a feeling of joy surged into his heart involuntarily.

"Did you advance successfully?" Situ Shibai asked.

Zhang Ping nodded and said with a smile: "Finally... advanced."

As he spoke, he prepared to identify his own attributes, but before doing so, he made a thought and blocked the sharing permissions of Liu Sishan and others.

Some things that were impossible in the past have become easier after being promoted.

He activated the appraisal and then looked at his attributes.

[Identification successful]

[Summoned Beast: Zhang Ping]

[Master: Zhang Ping]

[Race: Human]


【Lifespan: 99】

[Level: Intermediate Awakener]

【Level: 10】


[Contract Gem: It can consume physical strength + mental power to condense the Contract Gem. Once the target voluntarily accepts the Contract Gem, the life, soul, and consciousness will be dominated by the Summoner, but at the same time, it will also be blessed by the Summoner’s potential and luck. After taking it for the first time , taking it again will slightly increase your own potential, and there is a 2% chance of awakening new talents. Note: Summoner Zhang Ping's innate ability was obtained by overdrafting his IQ, potential, and luck. Although it is very powerful, it also has some huge flaws. Being too ambitious does not seem to be a good thing. 】

[Absolute command: You have absolute control over the summoned beast, and the summoned beast cannot disobey your orders]

[Absolute obedience: You absolutely obey the summoner’s orders, and you will faithfully execute the summoner’s orders]

[Collector's Edition Identification Technique: The target can be identified, with a 60% probability of obtaining target information. If the first identification is successful, the subsequent identification success rate will increase to 100% for the same target. Note: The natural abilities born from the thirst for knowledge of the summoned beast Zhang Ping and the summoner Zhang Ping]

[Nightwalker of Dark Mist: Obtains dark night vision, and the sense of presence at night is greatly reduced, the movement speed is greatly increased, the weight is reduced, and the person is completely invisible in the shadow. When the body is shrouded in the dark mist, the sense of presence is greatly reduced. 】

【Eat fire

Player: Can restore physical strength by swallowing flames, and convert excess flames into fire element energy and store it in the body. After releasing the energy, the flame entanglement effect will be temporarily obtained until the fire element energy storage is exhausted.

This ability will gradually increase the user's heat resistance.

Note: Potential is just potential after all. Only when it is realized into strength can it be the real power]

[Wind Whisperer: The wind will bring you all kinds of news, whether you want to know or not.

Note: There is no wall in the world that is impervious to wind, and there is no secret that the wind does not know]

[Pica Eater: When swallowing special items, there will be a 10% probability of obtaining the corresponding special physique.

Note: Why does this kid eat everything? 】

[Body of Dark Mist: It can be transformed into controllable Dark Mist by absorbing the fear of living things.

Note: Your fear is my food! 】

[Pure Water Body: The body can be transformed into a pure water form. In the pure water form, it can absorb water to restore physical strength and injuries]

[Pure-blood body: The body can be transformed into a pure-blood form, which can be integrated into the target's body to quickly recover from injuries.

Note: Love what I love, hate what I hate, no regrets! 】

[Blood of the Old King: The body can draw strength from its own pain. The more painful the experience, the more obvious the effect.

Note: Everything that doesn't kill you will make you stronger! Oh, please, I don't want to be strong anymore, oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... 】

【Advanced skills】

[Intermediate-Limited Contract: In the process of making contract gems, you can revise the regulations of the contract according to your own will, and the contract gems obtain three special forms.

The first type, Contract Gem-Martial Contract: Attack-type abilities can be injected into the Contract Gem to increase the lethality of this ability.

The second type, Contract Gem - Treasure Deed: Contract gems can be integrated into special equipment to enhance the potential of special equipment.

The third type, Contract Gem-Storage Deed: Contract Gem can shrink the package of items to the size of a grain of rice for storage. The maximum storage target is ten cubic meters. 】

Although the level has only increased by one level, the primary awakened person and the intermediate awakened person are definitely two completely different levels.

Zhang Ping's physical strength and mental strength have been greatly improved, and his control of abilities has become more precise. Although the attributes of the appraisal are not written down, he can now sense the location of the 'Blood Divider' and even sense them. status.

At this time, Liu Sishan was sleeping in a room about fifty meters away from him, while Cheng Xuejie was meditating. Chen Weihua, who was the farthest away, may have blurred perception because of the distance. He only knew that the other party was still alive and in a When he was awake, he didn't know what he was doing.

"No wonder Sister Sisi only gained combat effectiveness after reaching the intermediate level. It turned out that her control has improved so much."

One of Zhang Ping's fingers turned into pure blood. He controlled the spiral rotation of the pure blood and directly formed a rotating drill. If an ordinary person was penetrated by his finger, a bloody hole would be opened in the body.

Then he tried to make a contract


He discovered that when making contract gems, he could control the shape, hardness, and specific contract content of the contract gems.

Suddenly, something moved in his heart, and the contract gem that was taking shape continued to grow in size, and finally turned into a green dagger.

He took the dagger and scratched it on the ground. There was a scratch on the ground, but the dagger was not damaged at all.

As a rookie blacksmith, he estimated that the hardness of this dagger was about the same as the Pearl Knife.

If you sell such a dagger, you can probably buy it for eighteen thousand.

Just rely on this hand.

He will never be short of money again.

Then he continued to make other contract gems.

He discovered that the shapes of the three special contract gems described in the advanced skills could not be changed.

The shape of Contract Gem-Wu Deed is round, the shape of Contract Gem-Bao Deed is rhombus, and the shape of Contract Gem-Chu Deed is square.

These three special contract gems are not only fixed in shape, but also extremely hard. Unless their abilities are activated, they are almost indestructible and cannot be deformed.

After Zhang Ping used Mingwu to determine the hardness of these three gemstones, an idea suddenly emerged from the depths of his mind: He originally wanted to use contract gemstones to make a chain armor, but now it seems to be possible.

But even if he could, he didn't plan to do it.

Such a waste.

With his current physical and mental strength, under normal conditions, he can make ten in one go.

But after creating ten contract gems, he must rest for two hours, and these two hours must be in a deep sleep state.

Therefore, every contract gem is very precious and cannot be wasted easily.

Although the hardness of the contract gems he made has increased, essentially the contract gems are still for eating. Once they enter the mouth of someone who is willing to eat them, their hardness is no different from that of gummy candies.

After he ate the dagger, he put away the remaining contract gems.

From now on, he must develop the habit of storing contract gems. Whether it is normal contract gems or special contract gems, he must have a certain amount.

Before promotion, his potential was seven stars, but after being promoted to the intermediate awakener, he consumed three stars.

These three stars are basically spent on advanced skills, which is why advanced skills are so powerful. One advanced skill is equivalent to four abilities of others.

In other words, if you want to get stronger advanced skills when you advance, you must have enough potential, so Zhang Ping plans to save some contract gems and eat them all in one go when he advances next time to maximize his potential before advancing.

Some people may ask, can’t we eat now?

The problem is that other abilities will also consume potential. For example, if the appraisal skill is used too much, if the potential allows, it will still evolve into a more advanced version, and its evolution will also consume potential.

It's fun to eat as much as you make every time, but what if too much potential is consumed by a certain ability and your promotion is delayed?

So saving is the best option.

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