I Contracted Myself

【242】Rescue people

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Even if Chen Qunxing does not join the rescue team, Wuming will definitely save people.

If he takes action now, Chen Qunxing may attack him as an accomplice of the Disaster Team, so there is only one chance to take action, that is, when Chen Qunxing is suppressed by the Dark King and knows that he will die, he will rescue him.

Only in this way can Chen Qunxing realize that he is a friend, not an enemy.

However, Wuming is not sure whether he can rescue people from the Dark King. What if the Dream River is not stable enough?

Wuming hurriedly tried the various abilities of the Dream River. For a while, the Dream River was surging and constantly transformed into various shapes.

In fact, most of the abilities of the Dream River are just additional functions. Its essence is already powerful enough. With the water of the Dream River as a carrier, it can almost achieve most of the effects that Wuming wants.

Wuming turned the river water into flames, lightning, and air, and then turned it back into river water and threw it back into the river.

After trying hundreds of operations, he finally calmed down and just had to wait for the arrival of the Dark King.


"I can't hold on any longer."

Zhu Yanlao's beard was annihilated by the light bit by bit. He held up the black shield with sweat all over his forehead and shouted in horror.

It's a pity that no one in the entire Disaster Team has the extra energy to take care of others. Although everyone is from the Beastmaster Zhu family, they actually come from different worlds and there is not much affection between them.

Even, the real descendants of their world may have been killed by these teammates.

Zhu Yanlao knew this very well, but people often have a fluke mentality when they are in desperate situations, so Zhu Yanlao shouted loudly, hoping to be rescued.

But the Disaster Team is not a rescue team, where can the rescue come from?

A few breaths after he shouted this sentence, the black shield he held up was completely broken, and he screamed and was drowned by the light.

When the other members of the Disaster Team saw this scene, they all felt awe in their hearts, and at the same time held their own defense tightly, trying not to follow in Zhu Yanlao's footsteps.

"Ah, ah, ah...Captain Situ, when will Wang arrive?" Zhu Ziqiong asked painfully, panting.

Except for the dead, her defense is the weakest, so she is the next person who is most likely to die. If she doesn't have hope in her heart, she can't hold on for that long.


Situ Shibai responded briefly.

If others ask, he won't answer a word, but Zhu Ziqiong is different.

When he was 120 years old, he had some encounters with Zhu Ziqiong. Although they were enemies at that time, he had a good impression of Zhu Ziqiong.

Of course, this Zhu Ziqiong is not the Zhu Ziqiong he knows, but it doesn't prevent him from taking care of Zhu Ziqiong a little to satisfy some regrets in his heart.

"I can't hold on any longer." Zhu Ziqiong said with difficulty.

Situ Shibai just glanced at Zhu Ziqiong, completely indifferent. His answer to Zhu Ziqiong's question was the greatest care. It was impossible for him to protect Zhu Ziqiong.

After all, he didn't know when the Dark King would be able to come.

Although he had plenty of energy, the reason he was able to survive Chen Qunxing's attack was entirely because the Dark King gave him life-saving equipment, allowing him to control part of the power he gave him like a member of the Disaster Team.

Once Zhu Ziqiong was under his protection, he might discover his secret, thus threatening his life.

"Captain, save me!"

A minute and a half later, Zhu Ziqiong realized that she couldn't hold on any longer.

She gritted her teeth and tried to move towards Situ Shibai, but just when she was about to, the light focused on the moving target, and her defense was shattered on the spot.

After a scream, Zhu Ziqiong disappeared directly.

Situ Shibai looked at all this indifferently, and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Fortunately, the attack came in time, otherwise he would have to kill Zhu Ziqiong, which was not conducive to the unity of the team.

Once people's hearts were scattered, the team would be difficult to lead.

The next second after Zhu Ziqiong's death, the space suddenly twisted, and darkness swallowed all the light.

The Dark King is coming!

At this moment, Situ Shibai looked at the Dark King with a complicated look. The distance between life and death was less than a second. It was really too close.

However, the Dark King's attention was not on the Disaster Team. He looked at Chen Qunxing above and smiled, "So beautiful, your wings are qualified to be my collection."

"You are more disgusting than them!" Chen Qunxing frowned and looked at the Dark King with disgust.

The Dark King's face darkened. He didn't like the look of this woman.


The Dark King suddenly lost the idea of ​​collecting Chen Qunxing, and the next moment he punched out with a crisp punch.

With this punch, the surrounding darkness flowed back and swept towards Chen Qunxing above. Situ Shibai and others realized that Chen Qunxing's attack had never stopped, but was suppressed by the power of the Dark King.

Now that the darkness was flowing back, the light leaked out from the corners.

Chen Qunxing's reaction was not slow. The chaotic energy behind her flapped like wings, and she retreated at a very fast speed. At the same time, various strange-shaped energies flew out like twists, but they were all shattered instantly when they hit the darkness.

"If you can't beat them, leave!"

Chen Qunxing saw this scene and immediately spoke.

However, the various abilities behind her flashed, and one of the energies said: "Qunxing, we can't leave. Our abilities are useless!"

At this time, darkness surged, closing together like a tablecloth, and then twisted to form a black cross.

It was the first time that Chen Qunxing encountered an absolute disadvantage and could not escape. She was stunned for a moment when she looked at the black cross.

The main reason was that she had no other choice. Now she had to resist it.

But she knew very well that she could not withstand this blow.


Wuming sighed secretly when he saw this scene.

Although Chen Qunxing could suppress the disaster team, the gap was still too big when facing a slightly serious attack from the Dark King.

But people still need to be saved, after all, such strong people are still very rare.

At the moment when Chen Qunxing's brain crashed, black river water appeared out of thin air, and the river water formed a huge black fist and collided head-on with the black cross.

The people around him did not feel it, but in fact the whole world was cracked because of the collision between the black fist and the black cross. From a distance, the world looked like a disc split in half.

The two sides were deadlocked for less than half a second, and the black river water collapsed instantly, turning into waves and foam and disappearing quickly.

However, after the waves disappeared, Chen Qunxing also disappeared.

The Dark King did not expect such an accident. He immediately wanted to track the enemy, but after searching around, he found that the enemy really did not leave any trace.

He slowly flew to the place where the black fist and the black cross star collided, moved his nose, squinted his eyes and gritted his teeth, "I will remember you!"

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