I Contracted Myself

【243】Birds of a feather flock together

After all, he didn't go all out in the first place.

If Chen Qunxing is pulled into his world from the beginning, the other party will not be able to save him even if he wants to.

"Please fill up the team as soon as possible!"

Naturally, the Lord of Darkness would not admit that it was his mistake.

He flew to Situ Shibai expressionlessly, gave the order and left directly.

In Menghe, Wuming was slightly relieved when he saw the King of Darkness leaving. Sure enough, the King of Darkness did not find Menghe.

But he just discovered something very interesting. The moment he took action, the Dark King's luck dropped rapidly, and the Dark King's reaction speed dropped significantly.

In fact, with the strength of the Dark King, when he realized that someone was rescuing people, he had enough time to fight back and even leave Chen Qunxing behind.

But because of the decline in luck, the Dark King was like a fool and did not react. It was not until he rescued Chen Qunxing that the Dark King's luck began to gradually pick up.

"Is there a relationship between luck and fortune? Because my luck is higher than that of the King of Darkness, the King of Darkness is worse when facing me?" Wuming speculated in his heart.

The problem is that Chen Qunxing's luck is not bad. Why didn't the luck of both parties change much when the King of Darkness and Chen Qunxing met?

Don't understand.

After all, although he had a super power similar to judging people's luck in the past, this super power was often quite idealistic and extremely unreliable.

Now relying on Meng He, he can see the truest luck, so he has similar confusion.

It's a pity that no one can answer his question.

"Um...thank you for saving me." Chen Qunxing couldn't help but break the silence and said.

Wuming retracted his thoughts, looked at Chen Qunxing and smiled: "You're welcome, they are the common enemy of all living things. I saved you just because I didn't want you to be killed by them."

"Well, they are dirty!" Chen Qunxing immediately agreed with Wuming's statement.

She could sense the extremely uncomfortable malice on the part of the Calamity Team and the Lord of Darkness, especially since this malice was not only directed at one thing, but against everything.

It was precisely because she felt uncomfortable that she took action.

But she didn't expect that the master behind the Disaster Team was so powerful, and she didn't have much power to fight back.

Then she

He couldn't help but look at Wuming. He could save her from the enemy. Obviously Wuming was also very strong, at least much stronger than her.

"Let me introduce myself first. I am Wuming, the captain of the rescue team. Hello!" Wuming said with a smile.

Chen Qunxing was stunned for a moment, then introduced himself: "My name is Chen Qunxing, Square Chen, Gathering Group, Star of Stars."

"The name is very nice!"

Wuming praised, even though he just knew Chen Qunxing's name.

Because the words are different from those on Earth, sometimes the words used in the introduction are also slightly different. For example, some words have one meaning when taken alone, but when combined together, they have another meaning.

Next, Wuming asked some questions, and Chen Qunxing answered them all. Then Chen Qunxing also asked some questions out of curiosity, and Wuming answered them as best as he could.

Especially when talking about the Disaster Team, Wuming even told all about the Great Destruction, the Lord of Darkness, the Destruction of the World, and the rescue team who were trying their best to save people.

"No wonder I went to many worlds without anyone. It turned out that the rescue team rescued everyone." Chen Qunxing exclaimed after hearing this.

Wuming was surprised: "Have you been to many worlds?"

"It's not too many, maybe a few hundred. Usually I will deal with all the bad people or bad guys I encounter, and then go see the scenery that cannot be seen in other worlds, and eat the food that cannot be eaten in other worlds. ." Chen Qunxing replied with a smile.

Wuming nodded and said with a smile: "It sounds great. If you can, I also want to live such a life. I can go wherever I want, eat whatever I want, be free and carefree, without any worries."

"Actually, it's not without worries. Sometimes I wonder if it's really okay to be like this? Is it too much of a waste of time?" Chen Qunxing said with a smile.

Wuming fetched food and drinks from the air and said with a smile: "This is not a waste of time. The happiest thing is to do what you want to do."

"But the rescue team is also great, isn't it?" Chen Qunxing retorted.

She also once wanted to be a chivalrous and righteous heroine, but the problem was that she often did bad things with good intentions, but later she didn't dare to do anything random.

For example, she once secretly buried a lot of gold under the house of a poor orphan and widowed family, originally thinking that they could use it quietly and get better quietly.

As a result, a month later she went back on a whim and found that the orphan and widowed mother were dead.

This kind of lesson was enough once, and then she

Don't dare to change other people's lives casually.

"It's true that good intentions lead to bad things."

"Perhaps in your opinion, as long as they spend money quietly without letting others know, it will be safe."

"But you haven't considered whether they have the ability to handle so much money and whether they have such thoughtful ideas."

"The education they receive and the various information channels they receive are not enough to make them realize how dangerous so much money is in the hands of people like them."

After Wuming listened to what Chen Qunxing told about his past, he helped analyze it.

Many people may think that "not showing wealth" is a common thought among normal people, but in fact, different worlds have different situations. In some worlds, it is impossible for ordinary people to have "wealth", let alone whether to show it or not.

Without this, there would naturally be no experience in this area.

Moreover, Pearl City is actually considered a relatively civilized city. Many cities in the world are not even as good as Pearl City.

Not only is there no systematic education, but the channels for ordinary people to obtain information are very, very narrow. The information they may get all year round is the trivial things in the streets and alleys.

Wuming has been to many worlds, so naturally he will not regard his common sense as the common sense of ordinary people in those worlds, so he can immediately analyze the problem.

The two of them chatted while eating, and they seemed to have a bit of a rapport.

The main reason is that Chen Qunxing is not a cold goddess, but a bit like a funny girl. She has been to many worlds, so she can be considered well-informed.

Of course, the most important thing is that she doesn't hide her stupidity and asks questions directly.

At the same time, she has a very straightforward temperament, and her happiness and unhappiness are all displayed on her face, without any intention of hiding it.

She treated the Calamity Team and the Lord of Darkness with a cold face because she hated the Calamity Team and the Dark King. She didn't hate Wuming, so naturally she wouldn't face Wuming with a stern face.

"Is there such a world? It's great. The rescue team can help others and go to different worlds to enjoy different scenery and eat different food."

Chen Qunxing listened to Wuming talking about all kinds of interesting things about the rescue team, and couldn't hide the envy in his eyes.

After all, she has always been wandering alone.

Although she likes to wander, it does not mean that she likes to be alone. She also hopes that someone will accompany her to wander around.

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