I Contracted Myself

【244】Recruitment successful

When Wuming made the invitation at the right time, Chen Qunxing nodded and agreed to join the rescue team on the spot.

"Then I'll take you to register and arrange a position for you." Wuming stood up immediately and said.

Chen Qunxing asked curiously: "What positions are available? It's best to be more free. I can't sit still and like to run around."

"Don't worry, you will definitely like it." Wuming smiled.

Now Chen Qunxing is the strongest among them. Her situation is very similar to that of the God of Sinking, but she is more autonomous than the God of Sinking. After all, she is a human being, while the God of Sinking is just a superpower that has created consciousness, and she also has consciousness. It's not a particularly smart kind of consciousness, more like a robot accustomed to a certain program.

Chen Qunxing is roughly equivalent to the humanized God of Perdition. Although not as good as the King of Darkness, he is enough to deal with opponents like the Disaster Team.

With her joining the rescue team, the rescue operation can continue!

The Dream River is both real and illusory, linking countless living worlds. A large amount of spiritual light pours into the Dream River almost every second, so the width of the Dream River is changing rapidly.

Wuming led Chen Qunxing to the top of the river. Chen Qunxing asked curiously: "Wuming, is this your super power?"

"It cannot be described as a superpower. It is my essence and I am its will." Wuming explained as he walked.

Chen Qunxing discovered that with every step they took, the environment around the river was changing. There were broken stars gradually dying in the distance, withered woods constantly pouring out black mud, and countless dead people who looked like living corpses were climbing the city wall... …

One step at a time, each world has its own unique scenery.

"Wu Ming, that world seems to need rescue!" Chen Qunxing couldn't help but said when he saw the ordinary people fighting zombies on the city wall.

Although she has not yet joined the rescue team, she already has the consciousness to save others.

Wuming glanced at it, and then a drop of water from the Dream River floated and flew into the distance instantly. After a ripple, black rain began to fall on the screen.

"Okay, let's go." Wuming smiled.

Chen Qunxing asked curiously: "What happened?"

In the picture, all the zombies that were climbing the city wall fell to the ground, and then a large amount of black smoke came out of their bodies, and in the blink of an eye, only a dark mummy was left.

"I try

I tried to cure those corpses, but unfortunately they were dead, so the cure turned into disinfection. "Wu Ming replied.

Chen Qunxing's eyes widened and he exclaimed: "It's amazing."

Although she was sure of getting rid of all the zombies, she had to go to that world in person. Intervening from a different world away, she couldn't do it or even imagine how Wuming could do it.

"Do you know the Song of the River?" Wuming asked with a smile.

Chen Qunxing nodded immediately and said: "I know, my wet nurse often sang this song when I was a child. I thought this song was very scary. Then one time I couldn't help but cry out of fear, and my wet nurse never sang it again."

"The Dream River is actually the Great River in the Song of the River, but it has undergone a slight change because of me." Wuming said with a smile.

Chen Qunxing said in shock: "It turns out there really is a big river. Are there many souls of people buried under the river?"

"No, did you see the vortex over there? That is where sinful souls return, and the vast majority of good souls will only find eternal peace in the Pure Land." Wuming explained.

He integrated all his past abilities into Menghe. The clean world was of great help to Menghe. In fact, there were many tiny bubbles in the water of Menghe, and each bubble was equivalent to a small clean world.

Spiritual bodies in the clean world in the past are now truly liberated in the bubbles of the Dream River. They can build their own nests in the bubbles and communicate with each other. As long as they do not do evil, they can enjoy eternal peace in the river.

Of course, if there are spirits who want to work for Wuming, Wuming will also make arrangements. However, Menghe has just been born not long ago, and it can be said that there is nothing left to be done, so everything needs to be done slowly.


Wuming spoke at this time.

In fact, they have only walked a dozen steps, but they have already crossed many worlds.

A picture of the rescue team headquarters appeared on the right side of Meng He. Wuming walked in front and stepped into the picture, arriving at the headquarters in an instant. Then he waved to Chen Qunxing, who immediately walked out of the picture.

She couldn't help but look back, but there was a square behind her, and there was no trace of Meng He at all.

"You can't see Menghe in the real world." Wuming reminded with a smile.

Except for him, the Lord of Dream River, not even the Lord of Darkness can see

Seeing the River of Dreams, it is a more mysterious existence than the river of fate or the river of time.

"Let's go and sign up first. Because your origin is unknown, I will be your guarantor!" Wuming continued.

The two entered the headquarters, and with Wuming as their authority dog, they basically had the green light. Ten minutes later, Chen Qunxing got various documents from the rescue team, and also got the virtual engine.

"Wu Ming, how do you use this?"

Chen Qunxing got the virtual engine and was immediately fascinated by the online world, and began to ask questions.

Fortunately, she can multi-task, so while she is familiar with the Internet, she can also communicate with Wuming normally. If she encounters something she doesn't understand, she can directly ask questions.

"Let's visit the headquarters first?" Wuming suggested.

Chen Qunxing nodded while watching the TV series: "Okay, where should we go first?"

"I will take you to the dormitory first, then to the training ground, and the rescue team's canteen. If it's not too late then, we will go to the school. Although you are very strong, you still need to relearn a lot of basic knowledge. Otherwise, if you encounter a task that requires cooperation and you can't understand other people's gestures, it will be easy to make a joke." Wuming thought for a while and then replied.

Then, the two set off towards the rescue team's dormitory area. Chen Weihua, a passerby, happened to be walking towards them. She glanced at Chen Qunxing first, and then greeted Wuming: "Good morning, captain."

"Morning." Wuming smiled.

Chen Weihua looked at Chen Qunxing and asked, "Who is this...?"

"Her name is Chen Qunxing, and she just joined the rescue team." Wuming introduced.

Then she told Chen Weihua that Chen Qunxing had annihilated several members of the disaster team. Chen Weihua said excitedly: "Thank you, Miss Chen, and... you are welcome to join the rescue team."

After saying that, she looked at Wuming with burning eyes and asked: "Now the rescue team can carry out the rescue mission again? Xuejie secretly cried last night. She has several worlds in her hands, and the coordinates have been destroyed. She said she failed those who trusted her."

Generally, when discovering a world, you must communicate before moving to make those people ready. Once it is the turn of those worlds, everyone can quickly carry out the relocation task.

Cheng Xuejie believed that she had let down the people in those worlds because she failed to save their lives as promised.

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