Wuming understands the pain of breaking trust, especially when it is irreparable and irreparable. This pain is often doubled.

He nodded and said: "The ban allows contact. I will have a good talk with my senior sister later and hope she can come out."

Mental pain often leads to spiritual problems, and once there is a problem with the soul, it may gradually turn into a heart disease.

If the heart disease is not treated, the awakened person will eventually become a lost person.

If the lost person further deteriorates, the outcome will be that his own will is completely replaced by the will generated by superpowers, and he becomes a walking zombie.

After Wuming was reincarnated, he realized that the order "Don't get lost, don't sink" is essentially suppressing your own heart. Although you have super powers to suppress it, it will gradually move in the opposite direction of "Don't get lost, don't sink". .

People will become more thoughtful, more holy, and more responsible.

It may seem good, but too much responsibility is not a good thing.

Therefore, Wuming abolished this type of orders and only retained these two orders for Ye Changchun and Su Qingbo.

However, the price of this is that the rescue team requires a large number of psychologists, and many members of the rescue team are regular clients of psychologists.

Next, Chen Weihua simply followed Wuming and Chen Qunxing. Chen Weihua took over Wuming's task and introduced various facilities in the headquarters to Chen Qunxing. The two quickly became lively.

Wuming was happy and relaxed when he saw them, and slowly fell behind the two of them, immersed in the river of dreams.

Menghe was born not long ago, but it became stronger very quickly. Countless creatures in the world died, and the remaining auras merged into the river. The river absorbed these auras and quickly strengthened itself.

This kind of enhancement is very unique. It does not simply increase energy, but also enhances the essence of the Meng River water.

Under Wuming's thoughts, every drop of river water can turn people into flesh and bones, but it can also turn into water of death that corrodes life.

At the same time, Wuming's various abilities integrated into Menghe will also be enhanced due to the enhancement of Menghe's essence.

Although the foundation of these abilities is still the basic runes, it is like a plug-in for Menghe. It can use this power, but it is

He will not be bound by this system, so when these abilities are used through Meng He, these abilities are no longer superpowers, but Meng He's abilities.

For example, Wuming can atomize the water of Menghe River with a single thought. This kind of black mist is no different from the nature of the underworld mist, but its essence is more powerful. It even has Menghe as the cornerstone. This kind of Menghe Mingwu is all You can have a try with the King of Darkness.

Of course, you won't be able to defeat it if you hit it, but you can still hit it twice.

In fact, many of the abilities Menghe now possesses are extremely powerful, such as the bubbles formed by the clean world and the bubble shell. Each bubble is a world.

Theoretically, the strength of these bubbles is not weaker than the divine realm of the divine realm, because they are indeed a world, but most of the worlds are blank slate worlds. They will only be further improved when spiritual beings move in or are controlled by unknown beings.

But even in the blank slate world, their theoretical strength is much higher than the realm formed by the domainers and the holy realm formed by the saints.


The nameless three had a casual meal in the rescue team's cafeteria, and then continued to visit the headquarters.

As a result, when it was almost one o'clock, they happened to meet Su Jingyao, so the team changed from three people to four people. As the saying goes, three women perform a show, Wuming found that there was no need for her to exist at all.

He found an excuse and decisively left to return to Menghe.

Su Jingyao and Chen Weihua were both very familiar with Wuming, so they were not surprised. It would be a miracle if Wuming could accompany them shopping all day.

"Don't worry about him, let's continue." Chen Weihua pulled Chen Qunxing and smiled.

Chen Qunxing asked curiously: "Is the captain very busy?"

"Well, after all, he is the backbone of the rescue team. Even if he wants to be lazy, there are countless people behind him pushing him forward." Su Jingyao said lightly.

Chen Weihua smiled and said: "This is the ideal of the captain, don't talk about him, let's continue!"

After saying that, the three of them headed towards the commercial street.

Wuming returned to Menghe and continued to improve Menghe.

Menghe is now about nine meters wide, but its length is difficult to calculate. It is estimated that the width will continue to increase in the future. After all, Menghe was actually only five meters wide at the beginning.

It has grown to nine meters and will definitely break through ten meters tomorrow.

The Dream River is getting wider and wider. In the future, for most people, it may be like seeing the sea. Standing on one side, the edge of the other end of the Dream River is completely invisible.

Wuming glanced at the ferryman and slowly made up the rules in his mind.

Kind-hearted and eager people, if they are dying, will have the opportunity to meet the ferryman, and then gain the power to live through the contract with Menghe.

Of course, this kind of help is definitely not free. Wuming will charge their energy, luck, etc. as a price. It mainly depends on what the other party is willing to pay.

There are two benefits to doing this. One is to make Menghe famous. Menghe swallows the shell of the God of Death and the shell of the God of Rescue. He also has the ability of an upgraded person. Whether it is faith or fear, it will bring strength to Menghe.

The second is to obtain certain benefits through the rescuer. No matter what the other party is willing to pay, Wuming will definitely make a profit without losing any money.

Next, Wuming continued to set rules, and the rules he set would be the basis for the operation of Menghe.

He doesn't like evil, so the Dream River has a great restraining power on evil people. He likes kind people, so kind people will be healed by bathing in the Dream River. Whether the body is incomplete or the soul is severely damaged, it can be restored by washing the Dream River.

Finally, Wuming began to study how to use the Dream River to fight.

Before a simple try, using the water of the Dream River to hit the Dark King. If the Dark King's luck had not plummeted inexplicably, Wuming would have to spend a little more effort to save Chen Qunxing.

That punch was obviously not strong enough.

Wuming can turn the river water into dark mist, into a sharp knife, into a laser, into a light cannon, but in fact, these changes are far inferior to the river water itself.

At this time, Wuming's mind moved, and two people made of water slowly rose in the river.

The two water people immediately fought on the river surface. One water person had no ability, and the other water person had a huge force effect. After a collision, the water person with the huge force effect undoubtedly overwhelmed the water person without the huge force effect.

Then Wuming gave the water man without the giant strength effect an agility effect. The water man immediately increased his speed and kept changing his position, forcing the giant strength water man to retreat step by step.

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