I Contracted Myself

【246】Sniper Disaster Team

Wuming waved his hand, and the two water men who were fighting suddenly dispersed.

He could roughly determine the effect of various abilities on the Meng River water, so the next step was to find a few test subjects to test how strong the nature of the river water was.

"From weak to strong, step by step!"

Wuming got up and walked slowly along the river full of black mud, and finally he saw a prosperous planet.

He didn't leave the Lashao universe, so he quickly found an alien beast that looked like a meerkat. This guy was ambushing a bulb deer.

The light bulb deer is a low-level alien beast. Because the ends of its two horns resemble light bulbs, it is named the light bulb deer.

But in fact, the antlers of the bulb deer do not glow. Instead, the two bulb-like bones emit a special smell. When the enemy smells this smell, the body will slow down.

Wuming looked at the mongoose-shaped alien beast, and then at the bulb deer. The bulb deer already exuded the aura of death. Obviously, the mongoose-shaped alien beast could successfully hunt the bulb deer.

"It turns out to be called the Wind-Severing Mongoose. It can release wind blades that revolve around itself during hunting."

Wuming checked the information about the mongoose-type alienated beast, and suddenly understood everything in his mind. Because the wind-cutting mongoose has wind blade protection, it can restrain the slow scent of the light-bulb deer, so the success rate of the wind-cutting mongoose in hunting the light-bulb deer is very high.

But Wuming didn't intend to eat right now, so he stepped forward and appeared out of thin air between the Wind-Zhanying Mongoose and the Bulb Deer.

When the bulb deer saw Wuming, he immediately turned around and ran away, while its two horns emitted a colorless and odorless slow superstition.

When the Zhanfeng Mongoose saw the sudden appearance of Wuming, its reaction was exactly the opposite. It immediately roared, and the fur on its body suddenly exploded. In about 0.1 seconds, it suddenly jumped up from the grass where it was lying. , pounced directly on Wuming who suddenly appeared.

When its limbs were off the ground, sharp wind blades appeared around its body. These wind blades rotated around its body just right, protecting it like armor.

It's fast but unnamed faster.

In the flash of lightning, Wuming glanced at the Wind-Destroying Mongoose, and then a black water curtain formed in the path of the Mongoose's attack.

Although Zhanfeng Mongoose saw the black water curtain in mid-air, he could no longer turn back and avoid it. He could only move forward bravely and hit the water curtain hard.

This water curtain is not blessed with any special power, it is completely the water of Meng River.

Wuming controlled the river to spread out horizontally, just to see if the river water could block the impact of the Wind-Destroying Mongoose without the blessing of abilities.

If he had malicious intentions, the Zhanfeng Mongoose would be corroded to death the moment it touched the river water. But this time he was just here for a test, so he had no murderous intentions in his heart, and the river water was naturally just river water.

When the Wind-Destroying Mongoose hit the water curtain, it felt like it hit a wall. Its wind blades were directly knocked apart, and then its head hit the water curtain. It was obviously just a layer of water curtain, but its hardness was incredible. It is so high that it feels pain in the skull and even hallucinations of the skull cracking.

It landed on the ground, immediately screamed and ran away.

Wuming did not pursue, but opened his hand. The water curtain that was floating in front immediately turned into a drop of black water and fell on his palm. He shook his hand slowly, and the water droplet rotated in his palm.

He smiled and turned his palm over, curling his fingers to point to the ground, and water droplets immediately fell to the ground along his fingers.

A drop of water instantly penetrates the ground and sinks at an extremely fast speed.

When the water droplet was about to hit the center of the earth, Wuming let it return to Menghe. He looked at the small hole on the ground and said to himself: "Sure enough, most materials are softer than the water of Menghe."

Although the water in Menghe is very soft, this is actually just an appearance.

If most people reach the Meng River and want to jump into the river to kill themselves, they will just hit the water hard.

Unless Wuming agrees, no one can swim in the Dream River. Just like the spirits in the bubbles of the Dream River, they can only enjoy eternal peace in the bubbles, but without Wuming's consent, they have no way to get out of the bubbles.

Next, Wuming found some alienated beasts to test the river water. No matter whether it was super powers or physical attacks, they were unable to break through the river water's defense.

Wuming did not use telekinesis or other power blessings, but simply used river water to attack and defend, but the effect was very good.

With a thought in his mind, he appeared on the surface of the sun the next moment. His body was covered with a layer of river water, and was neither affected by gravity nor evaporated by high temperatures.

"This picture is really spectacular."

Wuming slowly fell down, walking in the raging flames.

It’s really great to travel through time.

It's really great to be alive.

Nameless use

He slapped the surrounding flames with his hand, and finally said with a smile: "This is power, no wonder so many people are obsessed with becoming stronger."

In a society without extraordinary power, people can only pursue money, power, and fame. But in an extraordinary world, those are all garbage, and only power is the eternal pursuit.

Without power, you can only see the same scenery in front of you, and even if you spend your entire life just spinning around on a planet.

Without strength, you can only be busy every day, running for life, and worrying about birth, old age, illness, and death.

Wuming has never concealed his pursuit of power. Only with power can he do what he wants to do, and only with power can he truly be himself.

Only with strength can you truly be free.

Walking in the sun one moment, watching the waves and riding the waves at the beach the next.

Traveling in the North Sea in the morning and Cangwu in the evening, this is probably how Wuming feels now, and this feeling is really great.

The most important thing is that using Menghe's ability to do these things is different from using superpowers to do these things. The former is like instinct, and the latter is more like riding a bicycle.

The difference is very small, but Wuming can feel the difference, so he is very happy.

"If you are poor, you should take care of yourself. If you are rich, you should help the world. Okay, let's finish what you want to do first." Wuming instantly returned to Menghe from the surface of the sun.

He said, "Xiaoxi, search for the disaster team and lock their location."

Although the rescue team has Chen Qunxing, the disaster team is no longer an unstoppable existence, but Chen Qunxing is only one person after all, and it is impossible for him to split himself to take care of every world.

So Wuming plans to kill the disaster team first, and fight as many as they appear, to see which is faster, the speed of the Dark King's creation or his own killing.

The next moment, the river water slowly rose, playing the pictures of different worlds like a mirror.

The Dark King rescued Situ Shibai and some members of the Disaster Team, but ended up taking Situ Shibai away. The remaining members of the Disaster Team soon received Situ Shibai's order to continue searching and hunting for members of the rescue team.

There was no other way.

The Disaster Team was originally positioned as cannon fodder. With the Dark King's pressure, even if the members of the Disaster Team from the Beastmaster Zhu family had more ideas in their minds, they could only carry out the mission obediently.

Therefore, they all decisively dispersed and went to different worlds, taking refuge and fishing under the guise of carrying out the mission.

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