I Contracted Myself

【248】A little loli ran out

Wuming threw the shell into the Dream River and was planning to leave directly, but suddenly he had an idea and realized one thing: since we are here, wouldn’t it be a big loss to leave now?

Because Zhu Junlong killed another self and then replaced himself with "himself", so the place where he hid happened to be the base of the Beastmaster Zhu family.

Although Wuming was no longer interested in the things of the Beastmaster Zhu family, but... since we are here, it would be a big loss if he didn’t take away the property obtained by the Beastmaster Zhu family from the crime.

"Okay, it won't take much time."

Wuming thought about it and walked out of Zhu Junlong's room directly. He swaggered around the base. Some guards of the Beastmaster Zhu family saw him and had their brains pierced by a drop of river before they had time to think.

In fact, if the human brain is not hit in a particularly fatal position, it will not die immediately, especially Wuming's water drops are very concentrated during the attack, and almost no impact on other positions.

These guards did not die immediately, but just fainted.

Wuming stepped forward and took out the Dream River treasures from their heads one by one. However, although the Dream River treasures were the evolved version of the Dream Treasures, the Dream River treasures taken from the trash were still not very good. Wuming could only say that it was better than nothing.

After throwing a large number of useless Dream Treasures into the Dream River, he continued to move forward. He was very familiar with this base and knew the location of the treasure house like the back of his hand.

Ten minutes later, he came to one of the treasure houses of the Beastmaster Zhu family.

However, when he opened the door, he immediately heard the voice of a little girl: "Hehe, Zhu Taihao, since you are going to die anyway, why not give me some of these treasures? Anyway, you can't spend them all before you die!"


Wuming frowned and immediately turned to look behind him. A little blonde girl was looking at the gold in the treasure house with sparkling eyes.

"Who are you?" Wuming asked solemnly.

Although this little girl didn't look threatening, he didn't think that this little girl was an ordinary person because she could appear behind him silently.

And because Wuming himself had the experience of turning back into a child, he suspected that this little Lolita was an old monster pretending to be young.

"So much gold, so much gold, all mine!" The little Lolita didn't even look at Wuming. She looked at the gold in the treasury with sparkling eyes, and her short legs rushed towards the gold.

But then Wuming instantly pinched the back of her neck, and was a little surprised and surprised. The fighting power of this little Lolita was unexpectedly weak.

"Let me go, you big bad guy, all the gold is mine, all mine, don't try to steal my things!" The little Lolita shouted angrily.

Wuming's eyes gradually changed from doubt to helplessness. This is a greedy Lolita.

"First, I opened the door of the treasury, and second, the things inside are the stolen goods of criminals. We should use them to benefit ordinary people. How can we monopolize them?" Wuming looked at the little Lolita and said very seriously.

The little girl said unconvincedly: "No, it's mine, it's mine."

"Protests are invalid, and... where are your parents? What's your name, how old are you?" Wuming waved his hand, and everything in the treasure house was collected into Menghe, and then he asked.

The little girl obviously didn't want to answer Wuming's question. She stared at the treasure house that was magnificent a moment ago, but now it has become empty, and burst into tears.


Wuming saw her crying heartbreakingly, and suddenly felt a little guilty. Was his behavior just now a bit too bullying to the child?

"Little sister, don't cry, if you cry again, the bad guys will come!" Wuming tried to coax her.

But the little girl not only did not stop crying, but cried even louder, and the cry made anyone who heard it cry and anyone who saw it sad.

Wuming scratched the back of his head, took out a piece of dog-head gold helplessly, and said: "If you don't cry, this piece of gold will be yours."

He had collected a lot of this kind of dog-head gold in the past, especially when he was recovering the legacy of the fallen god. He drifted in space for several years. Xiaoxi would automatically collect the gold he found, so he really didn't lack gold.

"Really? Thank you, big brother!" The little loli stopped crying immediately, snatched the dog-head gold and held it in her arms, smiling happily.

Wuming was completely convinced. What kind of little monster is this? He smiled immediately when he had gold, and cried immediately when he didn't. The speed of the two emotions switching was so fast.

"Little sister, what's your name?" Wuming asked.

The little loli rubbed the dog-head gold with her face, and finally answered honestly: "My name is Mani."

"Where are your parents?" Wuming continued to ask.

Who knows

Mani stuffed the gold nugget into her pocket, and the smile on her face quickly faded, and she replied: "Big brother, this question needs to be charged separately."


Wuming looked at Mani, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

It's not that he hasn't seen money-grubbers before, but he has never seen such a money-grubber and cute little cutie.


Why do I think she's cute?

This is hateful, right!

Wuming patted his cheeks, looked at little Mani again, and still thought she was cute.

"Okay, I'll give you another piece of gold, but you have to answer three questions, okay? If not, forget it." Wuming squatted down and looked at Mani and said.

In fact, he had some guesses in his heart that this was the base of the Beast Tamer Zhu family, and little Mani must have something to do with the Beast Tamer Zhu family.

And he knew everyone in the Beastmaster Zhu family, and Mani was definitely not from the Beastmaster Zhu family.

If she was not from the Beastmaster Zhu family but appeared in the Beastmaster Zhu family base, then there was only one answer: a test subject!

Wuming looked at Mani with some pity in his heart. If Mani's parents had died, he would take Mani back to the rescue team headquarters and raise her as a sister.


Why would I want her to be a sister?

Wuming soon realized that there was something wrong with his thinking.

He looked at Mani with a strange look, while Mani was calculating whether the value between the three questions and a piece of gold was equal.

After a moment, Mani nodded and said, "Deal, but you have to give me the gold first!"

"Okay, okay!" Wuming smiled dotingly.

He had a lot of gold, and he had as much as Mani wanted.

He took out a piece of gold and gave it to Mani, and asked, "Where are your parents?"

"This is the first question, and the answer is I don't know!" Mani said seriously.

Wuming sighed helplessly and continued to ask: "Then do you know where your home is?"

"I know that, it's... behind the City Lord's Mansion." Mani answered immediately.

Behind the City Lord's Mansion?

Wuming closed his eyes, and the next moment a model of Mingzhu City appeared in his mind. There were indeed several houses behind the City Lord's Mansion. It seemed that it should be one of those houses.

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