I Contracted Myself


"Let's go, I'll take you home!"

Wuming opened his eyes, smiled at Marnie and said.

"No, I finally managed to sneak out. I want to go treasure hunting. I want to make a fortune!" Marnie immediately refused, turned and ran away as she spoke, just as a group of guards rushed out from the corner of the passage, and both sides spotted each other.

Wuming was startled and moved to Marnie's side instantly. He picked up Marnie with one hand and held her in his arms. His body retreated at an extremely fast speed. At the same time, the water curtain opened like a shield. In the blink of an eye, the water curtain pressed against all the guards. .


The water curtain hit the wall, and all the guards were crushed into pieces.

Wuming glanced at Marnie, who was not injured, and breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked seriously at Marnie in his arms and warned: "This is the base of the Beast Controlling Zhu family. It is very dangerous. You can easily get injured if you run around like this. If you are caught by someone from the Beast Controlling Zhu family, That would be terrible!"

"Okay, I'm sorry!" Mani felt Wuming's seriousness and admitted her mistake obediently.

Wuming lost his anger immediately. He rubbed Marnie's head and comforted her: "It's okay. Big brother is very strong, but the entire base must have been alarmed now. Let's go first."

He is not afraid. The problem is that Marnie is not a calm master. If something happens during the battle, it will be in trouble.

"Oh." Marnie agreed obediently.

Wuming immediately carried her and stepped into the Dream River, then placed her on the bank and said with a smile: "Okay, it's safe here. Let's go, I'll take you home."

"Brother, do you think there will be gold at the bottom of the water?" Marnie looked at the dark river water and asked curiously.

Wuming smiled bitterly and said, "Probably not."

"What a pity." Marnie said disappointedly.

Wuming held her hand and asked curiously: "By the way, there are three questions in total. The last question is, Marnie, why did you show up at the Zhu family's base?"

"I know this question because there is treasure there!" Marnie replied immediately.

Wuming frowned, and suddenly sensed something. He immediately controlled the river to raise a water curtain, and the scene of the Beast Control Zhu family's base immediately appeared in the water curtain.

In the picture, Zhu Chengmian stabbed Zhu Taihao to death with a dagger. He was also hit in the ribs by Zhu Taihao's palm, and he vomited blood and fell back.

"Rebellious son!"

Zhu Taihao reluctantly got up, and after taking two steps, he glared and died.

Zhu Chengmian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Zhu Taihao's body, and finally burst into wild laughter.

"Marnie, how did you know he was going to die?" Wuming asked curiously, looking at Zhu Taihao who was still staring at death in the picture.

He still remembered the first thing Marnie said was that Zhu Taihao was going to die.

"This is the fourth question!" Marnie said with a money-obsessed look.

Wuming took out a piece of gold and said helplessly: "Old rules, three questions."

"Deal!" Marnie said happily immediately.

Wuming had actually noticed one detail, that is, the gold that Marnie had accepted was missing. When he picked her up just now, he discovered that Marnie's pocket was flat.

Two nuggets of gold, about the same size as baseballs, shouldn't be completely missing no matter how big Marnie's pocket is.

Either that pocket is space equipment, or it's some kind of superpower that Marnie has.

Wuming repeated the previous question, and Marnie replied: "Because I know, that's why I know."


Wuming felt that today was definitely the day he was most stimulated. What kind of answer was this?

Although he doesn't care about gold, it doesn't mean he doesn't know the value of gold. At least at the rescue team headquarters, gold is still a precious metal that needs to be used in all aspects.

He felt like he had lost money for such a big piece of gold in exchange for such an answer.

"Then how old are you?" Wuming sighed and continued to ask.

He will feel even more disadvantaged if he doesn't finish asking three questions.

Marnie thought for a moment, tilted her head and replied, "I don't know."


Wuming took a deep breath, if you don't know, just don't know.

Many children, especially those in Pearl City, do not know their age. Many orphans only know how old they are after they go to school.

Wuming held Marnie's hand. At this moment, he took one step and appeared in the busy street.

Because there are no Tianchang Foxes raging around, the Pearl City of this world is relatively peaceful, with people coming and going on the streets, and everything is peaceful.

Wu Ming took Marnie to visit several families behind the City Lord's Mansion, but he soon discovered that none of these families had anything to do with Marnie.

"Didn't you say that your home is behind the City Lord's Mansion?" Wuming took Marnie to the corner of the alley, squatted down and looked at Marnie and asked.

Marnie nodded and said, "Yeah, right behind the City Lord's Mansion."

"About how far?" Wuming asked.

Marnie said seriously: "This is the third question!"

"I know." Wuming said tiredly.

Marnie thought hard and then replied: "It will take a day and a night to get there...probably."

"Probably? One day and one night?" Wuming looked suspicious.

Is Pearl City that big?

Wuming looked to the other side of the city, what?

It doesn’t even take a day or a night.

"Look around, are there any familiar houses? Can you recognize the City Lord's Mansion?" Wuming pointed at the surrounding buildings and asked.

Marnie looked around, then shook her head to express unfamiliarity.

At this moment, Wuming realized.

There is no doubt that Marnie's home is not in Pearl City at all!

Wuming took Mani's hand and returned to Menghe again. He looked at Mani and said, "Mani, in order to send you home, I have to use some abilities on you. Don't be nervous."

"Big brother is a good person. I'm not nervous." Mani replied.

Wuming smiled and suddenly felt that Mani's confused personality was actually quite cute.


Wuming slapped himself in the face. What was he thinking? How could this money-loving little loli be cute?

He took a deep breath and put one hand on Mani's head. After thinking about it, he decided to check Mani's attributes first.

Just now he found that there seemed to be an unknown force on Mani that blocked his detection, so now he had to do his best to break this force.

The river water covered his palm. Although the river water touched Mani's hair, it did not stick to Mani's hair, but gradually formed a vortex.

After a moment, Wuming saw Mani's attributes.

However, this attribute was a mess of strange symbols that could not be identified.


Wuming muttered, and immediately activated the ability of 'text recognition'. Those strange symbols gradually formed text that he could understand:


[Physical age: 1946546548]

[Psychological age: 9]

[Cute and cunning: Always able to avoid danger, reach some dangerous places that ordinary people cannot go to, avoid danger and pursue good fortune, and never fail, but because of this, she can never learn lessons and grow up. ]

[You can't spend it all before you die anyway, why not give me some: famous detectives will be attracted by cases, and money lovers will be attracted by wealth. They can predict the life and death of the owner of the wealth. The greater the wealth, the higher the accuracy of the prediction. The problem is that with so much money, what is the use of IQ? ]

[Annoying little goblin: The longer the contact time, the less hostile I am to this child. Why do I think she is my sister? Since she is my sister, I must educate her well and make her smarter! 】

【Mani has a small treasury: Money may really be able to buy everything. This space can store money infinitely. The more money is stored, the more things can be bought. Life, luck, time, everything will become goods, but because everything can be bought, Marnie's desire for wealth will never end. 】

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