I Contracted Myself

【250】Golden World

"HI...under that street lamp."

"There was a little girl crying."

"I don't know where she came from."


"HI...the little girl is crying so sadly."

"I don't know who abandoned her."

"Where should she go now?"

"Dear little sister, please don't cry."

"Where is your home? I will take you back."

"Dear little sister, please don't cry."

"I will use my love to warm your heart..."

By the Dream River, Wuming held Marnie's hand and hummed a song he had heard in his previous life while walking.

After reading Marnie's attributes, Wuming immediately gave up the idea of ​​sending Marnie home. A 1.9 billion-year-old little girl, who knows if her parents are still there, let alone Wuming doesn't know how to send her home. Where to send it.

To be honest, Marnie's attributes really shocked Wuming, whether it was her age or her weird abilities.

However, he actually had a little curiosity. Marnie's ability seemed to be quite special. It was completely different from the basic runes and his current ability.

If the power of the base rune is traced back to its origin, it is actually the will of the Lord of Darkness.

As for Wuming's unique Menghe system, to put it bluntly, it is a means of cultivating the truth through fakes. Menghe is essentially fake, but with energy it becomes real. As the master of Menghe, Wuming's system cannot be regarded as a system strictly speaking, let alone To be more precise, it is his unique ability.

In fact, Marnie's ability is the same as Fat Cat and Baodi Bodhisattva. It should be some system ability outside the Lashao universe. If you study it thoroughly, you may not be able to learn from it.

Especially 'Marnie's Little Treasury', which can be used to exchange gold for everything, Wuming expressed that he was very interested.

Moreover, under the current situation, Wuming would not be able to send Marnie home for a while, so he and Marnie reached a consensus after frank communication. He would provide Marnie with gold, and Marnie would help him exchange it for something he was interested in. .

Of course, the gold must be an overpayment, and Marnie will never suffer a loss.

"Wu Ming, haven't you arrived yet?" Marnie said sleepily as she was driven to sleep by Wu Ming's singing.

Wuming saw that she was sleepy, so he smiled and said: "It's easy to find a small amount of gold, but it's not that easy to find enough gold.


The Dream River links all living places, which means that most gold has an owner, and those golds without owners, such as places where the entire planet is filled with gold, often have no life. Even if you want to go to space without a name, Searching for such a planet also takes a lot of time, and the result is not worth the gain.

Therefore, Wuming needs to spend time in countless worlds to find an evil force that stores a large amount of gold, and rob the rich and give to the poor!

"But I'm sleepy." Marnie said drowsily.

Wuming picked her up and comforted her: "Then you should take a nap first. I'll be there when you wake up."

"Okay, but you are not allowed to hide the gold secretly," Marnie said a little worried.

Wuming agreed: "Gold is of no use to me. Don't worry, I won't hide it. Go to sleep."

After a while, Marnie fell asleep.

As soon as Wuming's thoughts moved, Marnie was quietly sent to the castle in the dream world in the past. This castle is now located in a location in Menghe. Wuming can go back at any time.

"HI...under that street lamp."

"There was a little girl crying."

"I don't know where she came from."

Wuming hummed a song and continued walking slowly.

In fact, he didn't need to go like this. Xiaoxi would naturally notify him when he found a suitable world.

But he liked the feeling of walking by the river, so he walked slowly along the river while enjoying the scenery of different worlds around him.

This is a very special treat.

Just like when he took a bus in the past, the scenery outside the window kept changing.

Mountains, rivers, forest mansions, there is a feeling that one moment you are in the wilderness and the next moment you have traveled to a civilized society.

In the past, when he was in the inner space of the Dragon Shell, he specially showed the window to look out at the cosmic scenery outside. In fact, it was the same reason. Although he was very homely and lazy, he really liked this feeling of 'being on a journey'.

Worldly worries and all the things to do seemed to be left behind.

Although at the end of the journey it is inevitable that you will still have to worry about reality and wear a hypocritical mask for the eyes of the world, at least you can put everything aside and be yourself for the time being.

"found it!"

Suddenly, Wuming saw a water mirror gradually protruding from the river in front of him, and then a huge golden pyramid appeared in the picture.


Hope, display the collected information. "Wuming walked to the river, and a chair made of water slowly rose from the river. After he sat down, he ordered.

In a moment, Xiao Xi listed all the collected information.

The world in the picture is not the parallel world that Wuming and the others have discovered before, but a very remote world in the Lashao Universe. There is only one planet in this world that contains a lot of gold, and the Awakened One who rules this planet is The golden clan.

The ability users of the Golden Clan all control gold. They gathered the gold from the entire planet and built fifteen golden pyramids. They used these golden pyramids to suppress and enslave all humans.

"The most noble is the Golden Clan, born as a royal family, followed by the Silver Clan with various abilities, and below that is the Bronze Clan..." Wuming was a little amused after reading it.

The so-called Silver Clan is actually the Protector of the Nation level ability users, and those below the Protector of the Nation level are all classified as the Bronze Clan, and humans without superpowers are classified as the Black Iron Clan.

Perhaps because different 'races' do not intermarry, this level is really a bit fixed, and there may be one or two exceptional individuals every few decades, and these exceptional people are called God's Son.

God's Son is not a good thing, because this world has religion.

The Golden Clan believes that they are the descendants of gods, and God's Son is the best sacrifice for worshiping gods. The Golden Clan firmly believes that as long as the blood sacrifice of God's Son, the eyes of the gods will fall on their descendants, and the descendants can awaken a more powerful power of controlling gold.

Therefore, the people of the Black Iron Clan are actually very afraid that their children will become the so-called "God-given children". Even if they occasionally awaken their abilities, they will try their best to conceal it and not allow their children to use their superpowers.

As we all know, superpowers must be used continuously to become stronger and stronger, so the Black Iron Clan has lost the opportunity to turn over forever.

"It's really a cruel world." Wuming sighed after reading all the information.

Even if he solves the Gold Clan, I'm afraid that the Silver Clan will directly ride on the heads of the Bronze and Black Iron Clans, and after solving the Silver Clan, there is still the Bronze Clan.

After solving the Bronze Clan, there are still those Black Iron Clan who concealed their abilities in the past.

Unless a lot of time is spent to change their ideas, it is impossible to truly liberate these people.

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