I Contracted Myself


In fact, this situation is similar to the caste system of Brother Asan and others in Wuming's previous life.

These concepts have long been ingrained and implanted in their blood. Unless all the adults are killed and only the children with pure minds are retained and slowly educated and restarted, there is really no way.

Just like the rescue team headquarters, the community managed by Xili, residents from different worlds have a lot of strange traditions, and Wuming generally will not intervene unless these traditions are evil and cruel.

"No matter what, let's confiscate the crime tools of the Golden Clan first, and then we'll see what happens." Wuming looked at the huge golden pyramids floating in the water mirror and said to himself.

He is going to try to be a ghost and make people in this world think that God is punishing the Golden Clan. If it works, he will send another 'oracle' to see if he can change these people's ideas.

Golden world.

Kam Jin was lying on the third floor balcony of the Golden Pyramid, basking in the sun and looking at the pyramid in the distance.

The girl he admired was in that pyramid, and he was fully prepared to challenge the girl's parents next year. As long as he defeated the girl's parents, he would be eligible to get the girl.

Although the Golden Clan has ruled the world for hundreds of thousands of years, the people have not been corrupted by extravagant enjoyment. Instead, they have become stronger and stronger under the spur of the clan rules.

After all, weak people don’t even have girlfriends and will naturally be eliminated after a few decades.

If you don't want to be eliminated, you must become strong. Parents push their children so much, and when children reach adolescence, they will also pursue power because of the adolescence of teenagers.

This is why the golden clan still stands at the top of the food chain.

Just when Kam-Jin was imagining that he would defeat his father-in-law and mother-in-law and win the beauty back home, suddenly the sky suddenly darkened, and he quickly looked up to the sky, only to see a dark vortex appear in the sky.

Suddenly, a huge black hand stretched out from the vortex, and it slowly grabbed the pyramid where the Kam-jin girl was.


Cam-Jin saw this and immediately yelled.

The surrounding gold immediately turned into the shape of a skateboard under his control, and he stepped on the golden skateboard and immediately flew towards the golden pyramid.

But he

How could the speed be as fast as the nameless speed that has surpassed the level of life.

For the natives of this world, it is not excessive at all for Wuming to call himself a god. Even using the "god" recognized by the Golden Clan to describe Wuming lowers Wuming's status.

After Kam Jin flew 100 meters, he watched helplessly as the giant hand grabbed the Golden Pyramid and shook it. All the people who were in the Golden Pyramid were thrown out of the pyramid by the indescribable force. Then countless witnesses looked at the palm. Pull the pyramid into the sky and finally disappear into the vortex.

"How can it be!"

Cam-Jin looked at the sky in shock and couldn't help but mutter to himself.

But then his face changed drastically, and the vortex did not disappear because the hand took away the golden pyramid. Doesn't that mean it will come again?

"not good!"

He yelled, wanting to rule the tribe and try their best to save the gold, but as soon as he turned around, he felt something, and when he looked up, he saw the hand reappearing.

This hand reached out to another golden pyramid, grabbed the pyramid and shook it for a while. After everyone was shaken out, he took the pyramid and returned to the vortex again.

The 'races' below silver are not qualified to live in the golden pyramid, so they built houses under the pyramid. Seeing this scene, countless people knelt on the ground.

Some careerists from the silver clan were even ecstatic when they saw this scene. All the abilities of the gold clan are to control gold. If there is no gold, what else can they control?

The gold clan will inevitably fall from the altar in this way, and their silver clan's opportunity has come.

As a result, many people began to order their subordinates to quietly spread the word that this was God's punishment for the Golden Clan. There were too many ignorant people, and the information quickly spread.

There is no doubt that once it is determined that the Golden Clan has completely lost their gold, a massacre will be inevitable.

In the dream river, Wuming sat on a chair, looking at the various forms of living beings in the water mirror, and tapped the armrest with his fingers. Originally, he planned to take all the gold away, but he realized that although the golden clan has many scum, they are also It’s not that there are no good people.

Of course, these 'good people' still live on the wealth of the people, but at least their crimes will not lead to death.

"Then leave a little bit for them." Wuming thought to himself.


A little bit of gold gives them some power to protect themselves, but they cannot rule or enslave others like in the past, which is exactly what Wuming wants.

In just a few minutes, golden pyramids floated above the Dream River. With a thought, the golden pyramids were crushed into small gold coins.

Marnie couldn't hold such a big pyramid even if she wanted to put it in her pocket, so it had to be modified by him.

A few minutes later, there were gold coins piled higher than the mountain beside the river. Wuming was curious about what he could exchange for so much gold, and what exactly did he need?

Cultivation techniques from another world?

A system cheat that often appears in online novels?

Various treasures in anime?

Wuming touched his chin, he was really hesitant for a moment, mainly because he actually wanted many things, but he didn't know if the gold could be exchanged for those treasures.

After all, gold is precious, but it is just that in the infinite parallel world. If Wuming wants to collect it, he can collect enough gold to fill the entire solar system in thousands or tens of thousands of years.

The more Wuming thought about it, the more he felt that the weight of the gold might not be enough, so he took a look at the golden world and said, "Xiaoxi, use this world as a blueprint and continue to search for more similar worlds."

After that, he curiously observed how this world would develop next.

After all, he took the gold, so he must finish it.

If a large number of innocent people died because of his actions, it would go against his original intention.

He only robbed money and did not harm the lives of innocent people. As for those rulers... In the past, they plundered the people's fat and oppressed the people, and now they naturally have a certain end. This is called cause and effect, not innocent.

At this time, many people in the picture gradually gathered towards the golden clan. Some people did not realize that the present was different from the past, so they went to help those golden clan members who fell to the ground.

They were suddenly attacked for no apparent reason, and some members of the Golden Clan did not understand the situation. They vented their anger on the people who helped them up. They slapped the people in the face and started cursing arrogantly.

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