I Contracted Myself

【252】Ambiguous wishes

"The gold has been taken back by the gods, and you're still afraid of them!!!"

Suddenly, someone hiding in the crowd yelled, and those who had been beaten reacted and realized that the golden clan had lost the gold they could rely on.

People's past resentment, jealousy, and anger were all instantly ignited. A big man pounced directly on the man from the golden clan who had just whipped him, then rode on him and punched him randomly.

Some people from the Silver Clan were already prepared and took the opportunity to activate their abilities and instantly harvest some members of the Gold Clan who had not yet reacted.

In the crowd, Cam Jin did not expect that the situation would suddenly become so bad. He had just helped his parents up, and then he was hit by a fireball in the back. Although he blocked it with gold at the critical moment, there were several red-eyed people in front of him. People rushed up.

He quickly used gold to kill those people, but he was soon targeted. People from the Silver clan discovered that he still had gold, so they activated their abilities and quietly attacked him.

Dense spikes pierced the ground. As soon as he used gold to block the attack of the spikes, his arm was instantly shot through by an arrow.

"Run, Cam, stay alive!"

At this time, Cam's mother stood behind him, and a wind blade suddenly hit his mother's waist.

The Awakened are just mortal beings. If they don’t have the ability to strengthen their bodies, no matter how high their physical quality is, they won’t be too outrageous. Cam’s mother was cut in half on the spot and fell into a pool of blood. She looked at Cam with worried eyes. , gradually lost the look in his eyes.

"Mother!!! Kill!!!"

When Cam Jin saw this scene, he suddenly yelled with eyes wide open.

The next moment, he frantically attacked the people around him, and in that moment he actually killed many ability users of the Silver clan.

However, because there was very little gold left by Wuming, there were not many people who had the strength to resist. Gradually, these people were surrounded and could only struggle desperately.

In the Dream River, there were many more water mirrors in front of Wuming, and each water mirror could observe the battlefield from a different angle.

He wanted to save people several times, but every person in the water mirror had a detailed introduction, and it was clear what they had done in the past. In the end, Wuming completely lost the urge after reading it.

Even Kam Jin’s mother was once troubled because Kam Jin’s father secretly kept a mistress from the Bronze clan outside.

He went on a killing spree and slaughtered all the bronze clan who had concealed Cam Jin's father and the family who had harbored his mistress.

She only loved her own son, but she killed countless other people's sons, the youngest of which was just born.

Wuming felt that it was a good death for her, even if Kam Jin looked like a dead mother.

It is true that there is no wronged soul under the sword, and all hatred can be relieved by the sword.

Wuming looked at it and simply stopped looking at it. The golden world would be like this.

He doesn't like killing people, and naturally he doesn't like watching such killing scenes. He just reluctantly continued watching it just to ensure that innocent people would not be affected. Since there are no innocent people, let's forget it.

There is no need to pay attention to the fact that the bastards of the gold clan and the careerists of the silver clan are fighting each other.

"Xiao Xi, when we are almost done with killing, you can send down the oracle for me and just say 'open a wide net'." Wuming ordered Xiao Xi.

After Xiaoxi responded, Wuming returned to the castle to sleep. After seeing the unpleasant scene, he really had to take a nap to feel better.

After a night of silence, the blood of the golden world has been dried.

In Menghe Castle, Wuming got up from the bed, washed his face and then appeared in Marnie's room. Sure enough, Marnie was still sleeping.

"Wake up, Marnie, it's morning." Wuming came forward, looked at Marnie's cute sleeping face, and his mood completely recovered, so he called softly.

However, Marnie didn't react at all and still slept soundly.

Wuming called a few more times, but Marnie still didn't wake up. He thought for a while and said, "Marnie, there is a lot of gold!"

"What, gold!"

Marnie's eyes suddenly opened wide and she jumped up from the bed.

What a quick response!

Wuming looked at Marnie in surprise.

From getting up to getting up, Marnie never took more than two seconds.

"Wu Ming, where is the gold? Where is it? Where is it?" Marnie looked at Wu Ming and asked eagerly.

Wuming didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "The gold has been found, but now we have breakfast first, and we will trade after breakfast. Your share of the gold will definitely be indispensable!"

"Actually, you can trade first and have breakfast later!" Marnie couldn't help but said.

Wuming thought of the exaggerated mountain of gold coins and shook his head: "No, you must have breakfast first and then trade, otherwise the transaction will be invalid!"

"Okay, let's have breakfast first." Marnie immediately compromised when she heard that the deal was about to be voided.

Obviously, in order to get gold, she has a very flexible bottom line.

After eating breakfast, the two of them walked towards the location of the gold. In fact, Menghe Castle was very far away from the location of the gold. Even using light years as a unit, it was a very exaggerated number.

However, every step they took would greatly shorten the distance, and they only took a hundred steps to reach the location where the gold was stored.

"So much, so much gold!" Marnie said with shining eyes as she looked at the towering mountains of gold coins.

Then she rushed towards the mountain of gold, lying down and rolling in the gold coins. While rolling, she kept stuffing gold coins into her pocket.

"How long will you keep the fortress like this?" Wuming looked at it and wondered whether he should laugh or cry.

Although Mani tried very hard, her small hands were so small that she could only grab three or four gold coins at a time, while here there were at least hundreds of billions of gold coins.

In Journey to the West, because the Marquis of Fengxian County offended the heaven, the Emperor of Heaven punished Fengxian County. Only when the chickens ate all the rice, the dogs licked all the noodles, and the fire burned the locks, could it rain in Fengxian County.

And Mani's collection of gold coins was definitely more exaggerated than these conditions, because there were too many gold coins.

"How about I help you?" Wuming saw that Mani was so inefficient and couldn't help saying.

Mani shook her head firmly and said, "No, I want to put the gold coins in my pocket myself."

She immediately started to speed up, and finally just held the pocket with one hand, and the surrounding gold coins automatically entered her pocket like water, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

In just half an hour, the originally exaggerated gold mountain disappeared.

"Okay, according to our previous transaction, we split the gold coins 50-50, Wuming, what do you want?" Mani asked with a painful face after collecting the gold coins.

Although she didn't want to exchange things for Wuming, she still knew the choice between having enough food every day and having enough food every day.

If she went back on her word, Wuming would definitely not trade with her again, so in order to get more gold, she had to abide by her promise and trade with Wuming.

"Actually, I don't know what I need. Can you exchange it for the treasure that is most suitable for me at the moment?"

Wuming thought about it carefully, made an ambiguous request, and then looked at Mani with some expectation.

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