I Contracted Myself

【253】Both life and death

"A suitable treasure?"

Marnie didn't know whether this ambiguous and unclear request could be realized.

However, she decided to give it a try for Wuming. After all, Wuming was her big financial backer now. As long as the transaction went smoothly, she could continue more transactions in the future.

She closed her eyes and began to mutter something.

After a moment, a strange mirror appeared out of thin air and fell into Wuming's hand.

Wuming looked at Marnie, who opened her eyes and said innocently, "I've tried my best."

Although the purpose of this mirror is still unknown, she can guarantee that she will never deduct the gold that belongs to Wuming.

Wuming looked at the mirror and found that it was a two-way mirror.

One side reflected his face, and he in the mirror was glowing with white light, and there was even a golden sun rotating behind his head, while the other side was just the opposite, his face was exuding black energy, and the moon was slowly rotating behind him.

Then he tried to check the properties of the mirror, and sure enough a bunch of gibberish came out.

After translation after translation, understandable text was gradually formed:


Mirror of reversal

Durability: 10/10

Magical attribute: [Reversal] can be activated once a day to reverse the items and energy submerged in the mirror.

Note: Are you the man who goes against nature?



Wuming thought for a while, and directly condensed a ray of light in his hand. He directed the light towards the mirror. In an instant, the light passed through one side of the mirror, and then turned into black particles on the other side and quickly disappeared.

nice one!

Wuming's eyes lit up slightly, and he threw the mirror directly into the water of Meng River. The mirror immediately merged into the river water at a speed visible to the naked eye.

For a moment, the surface of the river was swept away by a magical force. Although the entire river was still black, it reflected everything around it like a mirror.

Wuming walked to the river, looked at his reflection in the water, and gradually smiled.

As expected, this mirror was of great help to him, and it was just right for his current situation.

He stretched out his hand and touched his reflection on the water. The next moment, the two hands were clasped together, and he plunged directly into the river. After crossing the river, he came to a new Dream River.

If we say before

The Dream River was like a river in the underworld, so the place where he was now was a beautiful sea of ​​flowers, and the river behind him was crystal clear.

When he looked up, he could see the stars reflected in the sky, and the whole world looked like heaven.

"There are two sides of life and death. After the dream river was reversed, the life side was born from the dead side. Interesting, interesting!" Wuming walked slowly by the river, glanced at the worried Marnie on the other side, and said to himself with a smile.

The next moment, he bent down and put his hand into the river. He instantly grabbed Marnie's hand and pulled her to this side. Marnie closed her eyes and immediately screamed. After a while, she realized that there was no danger before she opened her eyes.

"Wow, so beautiful." Marnie looked at the surrounding scenery and couldn't help but admired.

Wuming nodded and said, "It's indeed beautiful, and it's very interesting here."

He waved his hand, and the castle originally located on the other side rose up here. At the same time, the sea of ​​flowers spread into the distance, gradually forming a sea of ​​flowers larger than the total area of ​​the earth.

Menghe can no longer be called Menghe. Strictly speaking, after merging with the Mirror of Reversal, Menghe has undergone a qualitative change for the second time. Now Wuming doesn't know what name to give it.

But the name is just a code name. Wuming thought about it and simply gave up. Menghe will just be Menghe.

"But we still have to give each side a name. The dead side is called the Yin River, and the living side is called the Yang River." Wuming thought for a while and said to himself.

The side they are on now represents 'life'. This kind of life is not endless, but relies on the 'death' of the Yin River to exist.

As much death as there is in the Yin River, there is as much life as there is in the Yang River.

The two are always in balance, just like light and shadow. Even Wuming cannot break this balance, because even if he brings death in the Yin River to the Yang River and turns it into life, then because the life in the Yang River has increased. , the number of deaths in the Yin River will still increase.

When Wuming consumes the power of Yin He and Yang He, he can reverse the enemy's attacks and even reverse the life and death of living beings.

"So, I have the ability to resurrect others?" Wuming felt Menghe's feedback carefully, and then said in surprise.

Marnie curled her lips after hearing this, is it difficult to be resurrected?

"Marnie, thank you!" Wuming looked at Marnie and said after being happy.

In the past rescue, he has encountered too many moments when he needed to make choices. Some people died and others lived, and he could only save one.

And could not save the second one.

Now that he has this ability, he can directly solve many problems that require decision-making with resurrection.

Marnie was not polite at all. When she heard Wuming's words, she immediately showed pride on her face. She hummed: "If you want to thank me, then give me more gold. How about 64?"

"You are four and I am six?" Wuming smiled.

Marnie stomped her feet dissatisfied: "Of course it's me six and you four!"

"A deal is a deal, how can it be changed at any time if it's agreed?" Wuming retorted.

Marnie originally wanted to fight for it again, but when she saw that there was no intention of compromise in Wuming's eyes, she had no choice but to calm down and say nothing.

"Okay, let's continue. I'll collect more gold, and then we'll trade!" Wuming said with a smile.

Marnie suddenly turned from cloudy to sunny, and nodded repeatedly: "We must find more gold this time!"

"Okay, no problem!" Wuming agreed.

He was very satisfied with this transaction. He definitely made a lot of money by exchanging gold, which was not valuable to him, for the Reversal Mirror.

He didn't know where the mirror came from.


Infinite Pearl City.

The Dark King felt a palpitation. He slowly opened his eyes from meditation, thinking about something.

"Could it be him?"

The Dark King frowned and immediately thought of the fist that had hit him.

Although that fist was far inferior to his, for some reason it gave him an inexplicable sense of threat, but he couldn't remember what this sense of threat was.

"Is there something wrong with my memory, or..."

The Dark King inserted his finger into his brain, and the next moment the information stored in this finger quickly merged into his soul.

He immediately remembered that he had to find another self, the kind self.

"Could he be him?"

The Dark King narrowed his eyes. If he was really him, then there was no doubt that he was in trouble.

The other party's growth rate was somewhat beyond his expectations.

Now it is difficult to kill him even if he wants to, and he is not ready yet. Once he kills his kind self, he will not be able to break free from the power of fate, and a worse situation will occur.

But he absolutely cannot continue like this!

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