I Contracted Myself

【254】A big killing spree

In the memory of the King of Darkness, there are countless scenes of killing each other, but every time he kills the other party, it means the end of everything.

At that time, he would always be eager to find the other party, and then kill the other party with cruel means, but the result was failure again and again.

That's why this time he was so confused that he never seriously looked for his other self.

The result is that the other party is now a little out of his control.

"The rescue team is his weak point. Since he is so kind-hearted, it shouldn't be difficult to control it. Let's weaken it first." The Dark King thought for a while and said to himself.

The Calamity Team is just a toy, and the Infinite Organization is just a toy for him to pass the time out of boredom.

But now he has to work seriously, which is related to his path, his life, and his will.

He is who he is and will never be replaced or distorted by anyone.

A certain parallel world.

People from the rescue team's logistics team are directing and guiding people into the rescue team's headquarters.

Because of the previous attacks from the Calamity Team, experts are now dispatched to every rescue. Even those who cannot defeat the Calamity Team can still deal with them and wait for Chen Qunxing's support.

Once Chen Qunxing arrives, it will be the end of the Disaster Team.

"Lao Gao, stop smoking."

Jiang Yunyun, a member of the logistics team, walked up to Gao Renjie, took away the cigarette from Gao Renjie's mouth, threw it on the ground and stomped out the spark.

"This world is so unpleasant, I feel so uncomfortable." Gao Renjie said in pain, his face wrinkled.

The world has been shattered, but with good luck, there is only a small space left that is still functioning. When everyone looks up, they can see the void, and the sky is gone.

"Who doesn't feel uncomfortable? Cheer up and be careful of the sudden appearance of the Disaster Team." Jiang Yunyun said.

Gao Renjie looked at Bai Yating in the distance and asked curiously: "How strong do you think Captain Bai is now?"


Jiang Yunyun gave Gao Renjie a big roll of her eyes and turned around to deal with other matters.

On the other side, Bai Yating was always alert to her surroundings. She had a strong feeling in her heart that this mission was not easy.

"Strange, living towards death? What does it mean? Why is it that every prediction is about death, but death doesn't seem to be a bad thing?" Bai Yating looked at the code in her hand and thought to herself.

She is famous for her stability. Before taking on a mission, she

They always predict bad luck first. In this mission, every prediction is obviously bad luck, but every big bad luck is followed by bad luck.

Everyone is dead, Ji Conghe comes out?

It was out of curiosity that Bai Yating finally accepted the task. She still had some confidence in her own strength and wanted to see what the prediction was about.

Suddenly, she looked up sharply and saw a man appearing out of thin air in the sky.


Bai Yating was stunned for a moment, then realized in the next second that this man was not the captain.

Could it be the evil version of captain from another parallel world?

Bai Yating looked solemnly at the man in the sky, and gradually realized that this man actually didn't look like Wuming at all, but at first glance, she did think she was the wrong person.

"Is this the headquarters of the rescue team?"

In an instant, the King of Darkness appeared at the entrance of the rescue team headquarters, and the ordinary people who were standing at the entrance just now were trampled to death on the ground by him.


When the people at the back of the team saw this scene, they suddenly screamed in terror.

Suddenly the people dispersed in panic, some ran to their homes, and some ran outside the city.

"It's the enemy, everyone is ready to fight!" Bai Yating shouted.

The next second, she saw the King of Darkness punch out, and the black light flashed past. The people in the logistics team instantly turned into broken corpses, and blood fell like rain.

too strong!

Bai Yating immediately realized that this man was much stronger than they expected.

The Lord of Darkness!

Bai Yating then thought of the man's identity.

She took a deep breath, clenched the code in her hand, looked at the King of Darkness solemnly, and said: "Lord of Darkness, your opponent is me!"


The Dark King glanced at Bai Yating, and then threw out a black crystal.

In an instant, Bai Yating was sealed by the black crystal and turned into a statue in the crystal.

"It still has some collectible value!" The Dark King put away the black crystal and said to himself with a smile.

Then he looked at the rescue team headquarters, whistled and walked in. The rescue team headquarters was already in chaos. The people who had come in earlier fled in panic, and the people from the rescue team were swimming upstream, preparing to fight.

Suddenly, the space was distorted, and Chen Qunxing appeared in front of the King of Darkness.

When she saw the King of Darkness, she gritted her teeth and said, "It's you!"

"Hello, I'm here to play with you!" The Dark King greeted with a smile.

But then his smiling face suddenly disappeared, and a darkness spread out from behind him. In an instant, the rescue team headquarters was spread by darkness. Countless people were hit by the darkness before they could escape, and their bodies were torn apart.

In fact, with the strength of the King of Darkness, killing people can definitely turn people into atomic form, but he came here for a demonstration and also to see Wuming's strength, so he would make it as bloody as possible.

If he didn't do this, how could he let Wuming fight for his life?


There was a loud noise, and a violent force exploded from the darkness.

Chen Qunxing had just been enveloped in dark power and was completely unable to resist. After realizing that he was bound to die, Chen Qunxing decisively self-destructed.

Although she had just joined the rescue team, she didn't really love the team that much.

But when she knew she couldn't survive, she decided to try to make more people survive.

The Dark King just smiled faintly in the face of the energy impact of Chen Qunxing's self-explosion. He stretched out his hand and opened his palm, saying lightly: "Apocalypse!"

In an instant, all the energy was swallowed up by an inexplicable gray force.

Gradually, a gray figure appeared in front of the Dark King. He knelt down and thanked: "Gray Knight, meet my king!"

"Get up, kill everyone here, I want to see if the other me can come out to stop me!" The Dark King laughed.

The Gray Knight got up from the ground and immediately responded: "Yes!"

He turned around, and a gray energy swept over, and countless buildings at the rescue team headquarters exploded.

At this moment, all lives were destroyed, and both members of the rescue team and ordinary people suffered heavy casualties.

But at this moment, suddenly a stranger force swept from the other end of the rescue team headquarters.

This force passed through the surroundings, and the buildings remained the same, but the dead people all came back to life intact, looking at their hands or bodies in surprise.


Suddenly, Wuming appeared in front of the Grey Knight and pressed a hand towards the Grey Knight.

The Grey Knight sensed the danger and immediately stepped back, but the hand seemed to ignore the distance and finally pressed on his head.


The Grey Knight immediately felt his life shattered, and after a scream, he turned into a gray mist and dispersed.

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