The King of Darkness looked at Wuming in front of him with a smile, while Wuming looked pale and stared at the King of Darkness in front of him.

"Finally I see you, the other me!" the Dark King said with a smile.

Wuming said calmly: "This is not the place for fighting, let's go fight outside!"

"No, I like fighting here. After all, there is no feeling of flesh and blood flying around. How does it feel like fighting? I don't like playing house!" The Dark King said with an evil smile.

Suddenly, he appeared in front of an ordinary person, extending his hand to the ordinary person's head, and Wuming immediately followed him and punched him in the head.

"This is the right thing, otherwise I'm really afraid that you will run away!" The Dark King turned his head to avoid the unknown fist, but still put his hand on the people's heads.


With a crisp sound, the people were crushed into a ball on the spot, and all their bones were broken.

"you wanna die!"

Although Wuming can resurrect the dead, it is impossible to resurrect indefinitely.

Every resurrection requires his strength. If the King of Darkness keeps killing and saving, everyone will die.

Now we can only kill the King of Darkness first, and then resurrect the people here.

But in this case, the spirit bodies of these people may not be able to hold on at first. Once the spiritual light dissipates, they will not be able to resurrect even if they want to.

The problem is that he has no choice. After all, the Lord of Darkness has come to the headquarters of the rescue team.

"Too slow, too slow, too slow..."

The King of Darkness constantly used one hand to parry nameless attacks, and the other hand randomly fired energy bombs. If people failed to dodge, they would be instantly annihilated by the energy bombs.

Wuming's body kept flashing, sometimes appearing around the King of Darkness to launch attacks, and sometimes appearing at the attack point of the energy bullet to block the energy bullet.

"That's all you have? It seems I still overestimated you!" the Dark King said with a smile.

Of course, this was actually just rubbish talk at the beginning of the war. Wuming was helpless in fighting him now, and he did not show his due strength at all. And he was just testing Wuming first, and when it was almost done, the real battle began.

Chen Qunxing was also resurrected. At this time, she landed on a collapsed building and looked solemnly at Wuming and the King of Darkness. She knew very well that she could not intervene in the battle here, and she felt a little anxious and helpless.

Suddenly, her eyes fixed and she saw the darkness

The black crystal in the king's pocket.

Bai Yating!

Although she only met Bai Yating a few times, she was very fond of the beautiful, mature and intellectual Bai Yating, and even wanted to be friends with Bai Yating, but she had not found a suitable opportunity for the time being.

At this time, she realized that Bai Yating was captured by the King of Darkness, and she must find a way to rescue Bai Yating.

She thought for a while, and immediately quietly sent a message to Wuming, telling him the information she had observed.

Wuming controlled the river water to grow a large number of arms, and punched the King of Darkness crazily. The King of Darkness had one hand in his trouser pocket and blocked all the fist attacks with only one hand.

His speed is faster than Wuming.

"Bai Yating?"

Suddenly, Wuming narrowed his eyes and did not look at the pocket where Bai Yating was. Once his eyes fell on the pocket, the King of Darkness would probably be alert.

That should be the last hostage of the Lord of Darkness!

"Save Bai Yating, and then turn the world around!" Wuming thought to himself.

He can actually use Meng He's reversal power to turn the entire rescue team headquarters upside down in an instant, leaving only the Dark King in the real world, while he takes everyone in the headquarters into the illusory world.

The problem is that when he came over, he didn't know how many people were still alive, nor did he know the current situation outside the portal, so he needed Xiao Xi to investigate and settle matters.

And his fight with the King of Darkness was actually to buy time.

It only took a few minutes, but since Bai Yating was in the hands of the King of Darkness, he had to find a way to spend more time to rescue Bai Yating.

"With your little strength, you are not even qualified to warm up for me. You should kill the others first." The Dark King narrowed his eyes at this time and said with a smile.

He was letting off steam, and Wuming didn't go all out.

This is not good!

He let go because he was afraid of beating Wu Ming to death in one fell swoop and facing the same final reckoning. But in fact, every time he struck, he was a little harder than before.

And Wuming blocked the attack every time, which means Wuming can be stronger.

Wuming didn't go all out at the beginning, and he was very dissatisfied!

At this time, he instantly locked onto a woman in the distance and punched Wuming with a smile. However, during the bombardment, his arm split open and turned into two fists. One fist attacked Wuming.

, but the other one attacked the woman in the distance.

"No, Sister Weihua!"

Wuming blocked one of the punches and realized in a ten thousandth of a second that the real target of the Dark King's attack was not him.

The others immediately turned into nothingness and caught up with the punching wind that the fist struck at will at an extremely fast speed, because even if the king of darkness struck out at will, ordinary people would not be able to withstand this punching style.


He punched away the wind, but then he saw the King of Darkness holding Chen Qunxing's neck in his hand.

"How many have you been able to save?" The Dark King saw Wuming looking over and immediately said with a proud smile.

After saying that, he twisted it casually, and with a click, Chen Qunxing's neck was twisted. What was even weirder was that during the whole process, Chen Qunxing's abilities were completely unable to be used.

"Phew, I give up!"

When Wuming saw this scene, he suddenly relaxed and exhaled slowly.

"Give up?"

The Dark King was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Wuming meant by this.

Did Wuming give up resistance and was ready to sit and wait for death?

This was not the result he wanted.

But the next second, the whole world suddenly turned upside down, and the originally colorful rescue team headquarters immediately turned black and white.

Wuming stared at the Dark King and said coldly: "I give up the idea of ​​escaping, I will kill you here!"

"Oh? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Suddenly, a large amount of river water appeared out of thin air, all surrounding Wuming, and at the same time, raindrops appeared in the gray space, and water kept falling on the ground.

The clear water and the black water mixed together, but they were clearly separated.


The raindrops fell on the Dark King, and suddenly the Dark King's clothes made a harsh sound, and smoke slowly rose.

"Haha, interesting!"

The Dark King looked at the small pit on his shoulder and laughed.

Black smoke began to come out of his body, and the next second the gray space was filled with darkness. In an instant, the whole world seemed to be filled with bottomless darkness.

"This is the first time I have fully opened the black world. Don't die!"

The Dark King opened his hands and slowly rose to the sky. He looked down at Wuming from above and said arrogantly.

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